file reorg, pathnames.h, paths.h
[unix-history] / usr / src / old / dbx / symbols.c
* Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
* specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
#ifndef lint
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)symbols.c 5.5 (Berkeley) %G%";
#endif not lint
static char rcsid[] = "$Header: symbols.c,v 1.4 88/04/02 01:29:03 donn Exp $";
* Symbol management.
#include "defs.h"
#include "symbols.h"
#include "languages.h"
#include "printsym.h"
#include "tree.h"
#include "operators.h"
#include "eval.h"
#include "mappings.h"
#include "events.h"
#include "process.h"
#include "runtime.h"
#include "machine.h"
#include "names.h"
#ifndef public
typedef struct Symbol *Symbol;
#include "machine.h"
#include "names.h"
#include "languages.h"
#include "tree.h"
* Symbol classes
typedef enum {
} Symclass;
typedef enum { R_CONST, R_TEMP, R_ARG, R_ADJUST } Rangetype;
#define INREG 0
#define STK 1
#define EXT 2
typedef unsigned integer Storage;
struct Symbol {
Name name;
Language language;
Symclass class : 8;
Storage storage : 2;
unsigned int level : 6; /* for variables stored on stack only */
Symbol type;
Symbol chain;
union {
Node constval; /* value of constant symbol */
int offset; /* variable address */
long iconval; /* integer constant value */
double fconval; /* floating constant value */
int ndims; /* no. of dimensions for dynamic/sub-arrays */
struct { /* field offset and size (both in bits) */
int offset;
int length;
} field;
struct { /* common offset and chain; used to relocate */
int offset; /* vars in global BSS */
Symbol chain;
} common;
struct { /* range bounds */
Rangetype lowertype : 16;
Rangetype uppertype : 16;
long lower;
long upper;
} rangev;
struct {
int offset : 16; /* offset for of function value */
Boolean src : 1; /* true if there is source line info */
Boolean inline : 1; /* true if no separate act. rec. */
Boolean intern : 1; /* internal calling sequence */
int unused : 13;
Address beginaddr; /* address of function code */
} funcv;
struct { /* variant record info */
int size;
Symbol vtorec;
Symbol vtag;
} varnt;
String typeref; /* type defined by "<module>:<type>" */
Symbol extref; /* indirect symbol for external reference */
} symvalue;
Symbol block; /* symbol containing this symbol */
Symbol next_sym; /* hash chain */
* Basic types.
Symbol t_boolean;
Symbol t_char;
Symbol t_int;
Symbol t_real;
Symbol t_nil;
Symbol t_addr;
Symbol program;
Symbol curfunc;
boolean showaggrs;
#define symname(s) ident(s->name)
#define codeloc(f) ((f)->symvalue.funcv.beginaddr)
#define isblock(s) (Boolean) ( \
s->class == FUNC or s->class == PROC or \
s->class == MODULE or s->class == PROG \
#define isroutine(s) (Boolean) ( \
s->class == FUNC or s->class == PROC \
#define nosource(f) (not (f)->symvalue.funcv.src)
#define isinline(f) ((f)->symvalue.funcv.inline)
#define isreg(s) (s->storage == INREG)
#include "tree.h"
* Some macros to make finding a symbol with certain attributes.
#define find(s, withname) \
{ \
s = lookup(withname); \
while (s != nil and not (s->name == (withname) and
#define where /* qualification */
#define endfind(s) )) { \
s = s->next_sym; \
} \
* Symbol table structure currently does not support deletions.
* Hash table size is a power of two to make hashing faster.
* Using a non-prime is ok since we aren't doing rehashing.
#define HASHTABLESIZE 8192
private Symbol hashtab[HASHTABLESIZE];
#define hash(name) ((((unsigned) name) >> 2) & (HASHTABLESIZE - 1))
* Allocate a new symbol.
#define SYMBLOCKSIZE 1000
typedef struct Sympool {
struct Symbol sym[SYMBLOCKSIZE];
struct Sympool *prevpool;
} *Sympool;
private Sympool sympool = nil;
private Integer nleft = 0;
public Symbol symbol_alloc()
register Sympool newpool;
if (nleft <= 0) {
newpool = new(Sympool);
bzero(newpool, sizeof(*newpool));
newpool->prevpool = sympool;
sympool = newpool;
return &(sympool->sym[nleft]);
public symbol_dump (func)
Symbol func;
register Symbol s;
register integer i;
printf(" symbols in %s \n",symname(func));
for (i = 0; i < HASHTABLESIZE; i++) {
for (s = hashtab[i]; s != nil; s = s->next_sym) {
if (s->block == func) {
* Free all the symbols currently allocated.
public symbol_free()
Sympool s, t;
register Integer i;
s = sympool;
while (s != nil) {
t = s->prevpool;
s = t;
for (i = 0; i < HASHTABLESIZE; i++) {
hashtab[i] = nil;
sympool = nil;
nleft = 0;
* Create a new symbol with the given attributes.
public Symbol newSymbol(name, blevel, class, type, chain)
Name name;
Integer blevel;
Symclass class;
Symbol type;
Symbol chain;
register Symbol s;
s = symbol_alloc();
s->name = name;
s->language = primlang;
s->storage = EXT;
s->level = blevel;
s->class = class;
s->type = type;
s->chain = chain;
return s;
* Insert a symbol into the hash table.
public Symbol insert(name)
Name name;
register Symbol s;
register unsigned int h;
h = hash(name);
s = symbol_alloc();
s->name = name;
s->next_sym = hashtab[h];
hashtab[h] = s;
return s;
* Symbol lookup.
public Symbol lookup(name)
Name name;
register Symbol s;
register unsigned int h;
h = hash(name);
s = hashtab[h];
while (s != nil and s->name != name) {
s = s->next_sym;
return s;
* Delete a symbol from the symbol table.
public delete (s)
Symbol s;
register Symbol t;
register unsigned int h;
h = hash(s->name);
t = hashtab[h];
if (t == nil) {
panic("delete of non-symbol '%s'", symname(s));
} else if (t == s) {
hashtab[h] = s->next_sym;
} else {
while (t->next_sym != s) {
t = t->next_sym;
if (t == nil) {
panic("delete of non-symbol '%s'", symname(s));
t->next_sym = s->next_sym;
* Dump out all the variables associated with the given
* procedure, function, or program associated with the given stack frame.
* This is quite inefficient. We traverse the entire symbol table
* each time we're called. The assumption is that this routine
* won't be called frequently enough to merit improved performance.
public dumpvars(f, frame)
Symbol f;
Frame frame;
register Integer i;
register Symbol s;
for (i = 0; i < HASHTABLESIZE; i++) {
for (s = hashtab[i]; s != nil; s = s->next_sym) {
if (container(s) == f) {
if (should_print(s)) {
printv(s, frame);
} else if (s->class == MODULE) {
dumpvars(s, frame);
* Create a builtin type.
* Builtin types are circular in that btype->type->type = btype.
private Symbol maketype(name, lower, upper)
String name;
long lower;
long upper;
register Symbol s;
Name n;
if (name == nil) {
n = nil;
} else {
n = identname(name, true);
s = insert(n);
s->language = primlang;
s->level = 0;
s->class = TYPE;
s->type = nil;
s->chain = nil;
s->type = newSymbol(nil, 0, RANGE, s, nil);
s->type->symvalue.rangev.lower = lower;
s->type->symvalue.rangev.upper = upper;
return s;
* Create the builtin symbols.
public symbols_init ()
Symbol s;
t_boolean = maketype("$boolean", 0L, 1L);
t_int = maketype("$integer", 0x80000000L, 0x7fffffffL);
t_char = maketype("$char", 0L, 255L);
t_real = maketype("$real", 8L, 0L);
t_nil = maketype("$nil", 0L, 0L);
t_addr = insert(identname("$address", true));
t_addr->language = primlang;
t_addr->level = 0;
t_addr->class = TYPE;
t_addr->type = newSymbol(nil, 1, PTR, t_int, nil);
s = insert(identname("true", true));
s->class = CONST;
s->type = t_boolean;
s->symvalue.constval = build(O_LCON, 1L);
s->symvalue.constval->nodetype = t_boolean;
s = insert(identname("false", true));
s->class = CONST;
s->type = t_boolean;
s->symvalue.constval = build(O_LCON, 0L);
s->symvalue.constval->nodetype = t_boolean;
* Reduce type to avoid worrying about type names.
public Symbol rtype(type)
Symbol type;
register Symbol t;
t = type;
if (t != nil) {
if (t->class == VAR or t->class == CONST or
t->class == FIELD or t->class == REF
) {
t = t->type;
if (t->class == TYPEREF) {
while (t->class == TYPE or t->class == TAG) {
t = t->type;
if (t->class == TYPEREF) {
return t;
* Find the end of a module name. Return nil if there is none
* in the given string.
private String findModuleMark (s)
String s;
register char *p, *r;
register boolean done;
p = s;
done = false;
do {
if (*p == ':') {
done = true;
r = p;
} else if (*p == '\0') {
done = true;
r = nil;
} else {
} while (not done);
return r;
* Resolve a type reference by modifying to be the appropriate type.
* If the reference has a name, then it refers to an opaque type and
* the actual type is directly accessible. Otherwise, we must use
* the type reference string, which is of the form "module:{module:}name".
public resolveRef (t)
Symbol t;
register char *p;
char *start;
Symbol s, m, outer;
Name n;
if (t->name != nil) {
s = t;
} else {
start = t->symvalue.typeref;
outer = program;
p = findModuleMark(start);
while (p != nil) {
*p = '\0';
n = identname(start, true);
find(m, n) where m->block == outer endfind(m);
if (m == nil) {
p = nil;
outer = nil;
s = nil;
} else {
outer = m;
start = p + 1;
p = findModuleMark(start);
if (outer != nil) {
n = identname(start, true);
find(s, n) where s->block == outer endfind(s);
if (s != nil and s->type != nil) {
t->name = s->type->name;
t->class = s->type->class;
t->type = s->type->type;
t->chain = s->type->chain;
t->symvalue = s->type->symvalue;
t->block = s->type->block;
public integer regnum (s)
Symbol s;
integer r;
if (s->storage == INREG) {
r = s->symvalue.offset;
} else {
r = -1;
return r;
public Symbol container(s)
Symbol s;
return s->block;
public Node constval(s)
Symbol s;
if (s->class != CONST) {
error("[internal error: constval(non-CONST)]");
return s->symvalue.constval;
* Return the object address of the given symbol.
* There are the following possibilities:
* globals - just take offset
* locals - take offset from locals base
* arguments - take offset from argument base
* register - offset is register number
#define isglobal(s) (s->storage == EXT)
#define islocaloff(s) (s->storage == STK and s->symvalue.offset < 0)
#define isparamoff(s) (s->storage == STK and s->symvalue.offset >= 0)
public Address address (s, frame)
Symbol s;
Frame frame;
register Frame frp;
register Address addr;
register Symbol cur;
if (not isactive(s->block)) {
error("\"%s\" is not currently defined", symname(s));
} else if (isglobal(s)) {
addr = s->symvalue.offset;
} else {
frp = frame;
if (frp == nil) {
cur = s->block;
while (cur != nil and cur->class == MODULE) {
cur = cur->block;
if (cur == nil) {
frp = nil;
} else {
frp = findframe(cur);
if (frp == nil) {
error("[internal error: unexpected nil frame for \"%s\"]",
if (islocaloff(s)) {
addr = locals_base(frp) + s->symvalue.offset;
} else if (isparamoff(s)) {
addr = args_base(frp) + s->symvalue.offset;
} else if (isreg(s)) {
addr = savereg(s->symvalue.offset, frp);
} else {
panic("address: bad symbol \"%s\"", symname(s));
return addr;
* Define a symbol used to access register values.
public defregname (n, r)
Name n;
integer r;
Symbol s;
s = insert(n);
s->language = t_addr->language;
s->class = VAR;
s->storage = INREG;
s->level = 3;
s->type = t_addr;
s->symvalue.offset = r;
* Resolve an "abstract" type reference.
* It is possible in C to define a pointer to a type, but never define
* the type in a particular source file. Here we try to resolve
* the type definition. This is problematic, it is possible to
* have multiple, different definitions for the same name type.
public findtype(s)
Symbol s;
register Symbol t, u, prev;
u = s;
prev = nil;
while (u != nil and u->class != BADUSE) {
if (u->name != nil) {
prev = u;
u = u->type;
if (prev == nil) {
error("couldn't find link to type reference");
t = lookup(prev->name);
while (t != nil and
not (
t != prev and t->name == prev->name and
t->block->class == MODULE and t->class == prev->class and
t->type != nil and t->type->type != nil and
t->type->type->class != BADUSE
) {
t = t->next_sym;
if (t == nil) {
error("couldn't resolve reference");
} else {
prev->type = t->type;
* Find the size in bytes of the given type.
* This is probably the WRONG thing to do. The size should be kept
* as an attribute in the symbol information as is done for structures
* and fields. I haven't gotten around to cleaning this up yet.
#define MAXUCHAR 255
#define MAXUSHORT 65535L
#define MINCHAR -128
#define MAXCHAR 127
#define MINSHORT -32768
#define MAXSHORT 32767
public findbounds (u, lower, upper)
Symbol u;
long *lower, *upper;
Rangetype lbt, ubt;
long lb, ub;
if (u->class == RANGE) {
lbt = u->symvalue.rangev.lowertype;
ubt = u->symvalue.rangev.uppertype;
lb = u->symvalue.rangev.lower;
ub = u->symvalue.rangev.upper;
if (lbt == R_ARG or lbt == R_TEMP) {
if (not getbound(u, lb, lbt, lower)) {
error("dynamic bounds not currently available");
} else {
*lower = lb;
if (ubt == R_ARG or ubt == R_TEMP) {
if (not getbound(u, ub, ubt, upper)) {
error("dynamic bounds not currently available");
} else {
*upper = ub;
} else if (u->class == SCAL) {
*lower = 0;
*upper = u->symvalue.iconval - 1;
} else {
error("[internal error: unexpected array bound type]");
public integer size(sym)
Symbol sym;
register Symbol s, t, u;
register integer nel, elsize;
long lower, upper;
integer r, off, len;
t = sym;
if (t->class == TYPEREF) {
switch (t->class) {
case RANGE:
lower = t->symvalue.rangev.lower;
upper = t->symvalue.rangev.upper;
if (upper == 0 and lower > 0) {
/* real */
r = lower;
} else if (lower > upper) {
/* unsigned long */
r = sizeof(long);
} else if (
(lower >= MINCHAR and upper <= MAXCHAR) or
(lower >= 0 and upper <= MAXUCHAR)
) {
r = sizeof(char);
} else if (
(lower >= MINSHORT and upper <= MAXSHORT) or
(lower >= 0 and upper <= MAXUSHORT)
) {
r = sizeof(short);
} else {
r = sizeof(long);
case ARRAY:
elsize = size(t->type);
nel = 1;
for (t = t->chain; t != nil; t = t->chain) {
u = rtype(t);
findbounds(u, &lower, &upper);
nel *= (upper-lower+1);
r = nel*elsize;
r = (t->symvalue.ndims + 1) * sizeof(Word);
r = (2 * t->symvalue.ndims + 1) * sizeof(Word);
case REF:
case VAR:
r = size(t->type);
if (r < sizeof(Word) and isparam(t)) {
r = sizeof(Word);
case FVAR:
case CONST:
case TAG:
r = size(t->type);
case TYPE:
* This causes problems on the IRIS because of the compiler bug
* with stab offsets for parameters. Not sure it's really
* necessary anyway.
# ifndef IRIS
if (t->type->class == PTR and t->type->type->class == BADUSE) {
# endif
r = size(t->type);
case FIELD:
off = t->symvalue.field.offset;
len = t->symvalue.field.length;
r = (off + len + 7) div 8 - (off div 8);
case RECORD:
case VARNT:
r = t->symvalue.offset;
if (r == 0 and t->chain != nil) {
panic("missing size information for record");
case PTR:
case FILET:
r = sizeof(Word);
case SCAL:
r = sizeof(Word);
if (t->symvalue.iconval > 255) {
r = sizeof(short);
} else {
r = sizeof(char);
case FPROC:
case FFUNC:
r = sizeof(Word);
case PROC:
case FUNC:
case MODULE:
case PROG:
r = sizeof(Symbol);
case SET:
u = rtype(t->type);
switch (u->class) {
case RANGE:
r = u->symvalue.rangev.upper - u->symvalue.rangev.lower + 1;
case SCAL:
r = u->symvalue.iconval;
error("expected range for set base type");
* These can happen in C (unfortunately) for unresolved type references
* Assume they are pointers.
case BADUSE:
r = sizeof(Address);
if (ord(t->class) > ord(TYPEREF)) {
panic("size: bad class (%d)", ord(t->class));
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "can't compute size of a %s\n", classname(t));
r = 0;
return r;
* Return the size associated with a symbol that takes into account
* reference parameters. This might be better as the normal size function, but
* too many places already depend on it working the way it does.
public integer psize (s)
Symbol s;
integer r;
Symbol t;
if (s->class == REF) {
t = rtype(s->type);
if (t->class == OPENARRAY) {
r = (t->symvalue.ndims + 1) * sizeof(Word);
} else if (t->class == SUBARRAY) {
r = (2 * t->symvalue.ndims + 1) * sizeof(Word);
} else {
r = sizeof(Word);
} else {
r = size(s);
return r;
* Test if a symbol is a parameter. This is true if there
* is a cycle from s->block to s via chain pointers.
public Boolean isparam(s)
Symbol s;
register Symbol t;
t = s->block;
while (t != nil and t != s) {
t = t->chain;
return (Boolean) (t != nil);
* Test if a type is an open array parameter type.
public boolean isopenarray (type)
Symbol type;
Symbol t;
t = rtype(type);
return (boolean) (t->class == OPENARRAY);
* Test if a symbol is a var parameter, i.e. has class REF.
public Boolean isvarparam(s)
Symbol s;
return (Boolean) (s->class == REF);
* Test if a symbol is a variable (actually any addressible quantity
* with do).
public Boolean isvariable(s)
Symbol s;
return (Boolean) (s->class == VAR or s->class == FVAR or s->class == REF);
* Test if a symbol is a constant.
public Boolean isconst(s)
Symbol s;
return (Boolean) (s->class == CONST);
* Test if a symbol is a module.
public Boolean ismodule(s)
register Symbol s;
return (Boolean) (s->class == MODULE);
* Mark a procedure or function as internal, meaning that it is called
* with a different calling sequence.
public markInternal (s)
Symbol s;
s->symvalue.funcv.intern = true;
public boolean isinternal (s)
Symbol s;
return s->symvalue.funcv.intern;
* Decide if a field begins or ends on a bit rather than byte boundary.
public Boolean isbitfield(s)
register Symbol s;
boolean b;
register integer off, len;
register Symbol t;
off = s->symvalue.field.offset;
len = s->symvalue.field.length;
if ((off mod BITSPERBYTE) != 0 or (len mod BITSPERBYTE) != 0) {
b = true;
} else {
t = rtype(s->type);
b = (Boolean) (
(t->class == SCAL and len != (sizeof(int)*BITSPERBYTE)) or
len != (size(t)*BITSPERBYTE)
return b;
private boolean primlang_typematch (t1, t2)
Symbol t1, t2;
return (boolean) (
(t1 == t2) or
t1->class == RANGE and t2->class == RANGE and
t1->symvalue.rangev.lower == t2->symvalue.rangev.lower and
t1->symvalue.rangev.upper == t2->symvalue.rangev.upper
) or (
t1->class == PTR and t2->class == RANGE and
t2->symvalue.rangev.upper >= t2->symvalue.rangev.lower
) or (
t2->class == PTR and t1->class == RANGE and
t1->symvalue.rangev.upper >= t1->symvalue.rangev.lower
* Test if two types match.
* Equivalent names implies a match in any language.
* Special symbols must be handled with care.
public Boolean compatible(t1, t2)
register Symbol t1, t2;
Boolean b;
Symbol rt1, rt2;
if (t1 == t2) {
b = true;
} else if (t1 == nil or t2 == nil) {
b = false;
} else if (t1 == procsym) {
b = isblock(t2);
} else if (t2 == procsym) {
b = isblock(t1);
} else if (t1->language == nil) {
if (t2->language == nil) {
b = false;
} else if (t2->language == primlang) {
b = (boolean) primlang_typematch(rtype(t1), rtype(t2));
} else {
b = (boolean) (*language_op(t2->language, L_TYPEMATCH))(t1, t2);
} else if (t1->language == primlang) {
if (t2->language == primlang or t2->language == nil) {
b = primlang_typematch(rtype(t1), rtype(t2));
} else {
b = (boolean) (*language_op(t2->language, L_TYPEMATCH))(t1, t2);
} else {
b = (boolean) (*language_op(t1->language, L_TYPEMATCH))(t1, t2);
return b;
* Check for a type of the given name.
public Boolean istypename(type, name)
Symbol type;
String name;
register Symbol t;
Boolean b;
t = type;
if (t == nil) {
b = false;
} else {
b = (Boolean) (
t->class == TYPE and streq(ident(t->name), name)
return b;
* Determine if a (value) parameter should actually be passed by address.
public boolean passaddr (p, exprtype)
Symbol p, exprtype;
boolean b;
Language def;
if (p == nil) {
def = findlanguage(".c");
b = (boolean) (*language_op(def, L_PASSADDR))(p, exprtype);
} else if (p->language == nil or p->language == primlang) {
b = false;
} else if (isopenarray(p->type)) {
b = true;
} else {
b = (boolean) (*language_op(p->language, L_PASSADDR))(p, exprtype);
return b;
* Test if the name of a symbol is uniquely defined or not.
public Boolean isambiguous(s)
register Symbol s;
register Symbol t;
find(t, s->name) where t != s endfind(t);
return (Boolean) (t != nil);
typedef char *Arglist;
#define nextarg(type) ((type *) (ap += sizeof(type)))[-1]
private Symbol mkstring();
* Determine the type of a parse tree.
* Also make some symbol-dependent changes to the tree such as
* removing indirection for constant or register symbols.
public assigntypes (p)
register Node p;
register Node p1;
register Symbol s;
switch (p->op) {
case O_SYM:
p->nodetype = p->value.sym;
case O_LCON:
p->nodetype = t_int;
case O_CCON:
p->nodetype = t_char;
case O_FCON:
p->nodetype = t_real;
case O_SCON:
p->nodetype = mkstring(p->value.scon);
case O_INDIR:
p1 = p->value.arg[0];
s = rtype(p1->nodetype);
if (s->class != PTR) {
fprintf(stderr, "\"");
prtree(stderr, p1);
fprintf(stderr, "\" is not a pointer");
p->nodetype = rtype(p1->nodetype)->type;
case O_DOT:
p->nodetype = p->value.arg[1]->value.sym;
case O_RVAL:
p1 = p->value.arg[0];
p->nodetype = p1->nodetype;
if (p1->op == O_SYM) {
if (p1->nodetype->class == PROC or p->nodetype->class == FUNC) {
p->op = p1->op;
p->value.sym = p1->value.sym;
p->nodetype = p1->nodetype;
} else if (p1->value.sym->class == CONST) {
p->op = p1->op;
p->value = p1->value;
p->nodetype = p1->nodetype;
} else if (isreg(p1->value.sym)) {
p->op = O_SYM;
p->value.sym = p1->value.sym;
} else if (p1->op == O_INDIR and p1->value.arg[0]->op == O_SYM) {
s = p1->value.arg[0]->value.sym;
if (isreg(s)) {
p1->op = O_SYM;
p1->value.sym = s;
p1->nodetype = s;
case O_COMMA:
p->nodetype = p->value.arg[0]->nodetype;
case O_CALL:
p1 = p->value.arg[0];
p->nodetype = rtype(p1->nodetype)->type;
p->nodetype = p->value.arg[1]->nodetype;
case O_ITOF:
p->nodetype = t_real;
case O_NEG:
s = p->value.arg[0]->nodetype;
if (not compatible(s, t_int)) {
if (not compatible(s, t_real)) {
fprintf(stderr, "\"");
prtree(stderr, p->value.arg[0]);
fprintf(stderr, "\" is improper type");
} else {
p->op = O_NEGF;
p->nodetype = s;
case O_ADD:
case O_SUB:
case O_MUL:
binaryop(p, nil);
case O_LT:
case O_LE:
case O_GT:
case O_GE:
case O_EQ:
case O_NE:
binaryop(p, t_boolean);
case O_DIVF:
convert(&(p->value.arg[0]), t_real, O_ITOF);
convert(&(p->value.arg[1]), t_real, O_ITOF);
p->nodetype = t_real;
case O_DIV:
case O_MOD:
convert(&(p->value.arg[0]), t_int, O_NOP);
convert(&(p->value.arg[1]), t_int, O_NOP);
p->nodetype = t_int;
case O_AND:
case O_OR:
p->nodetype = t_boolean;
case O_QLINE:
p->nodetype = t_int;
p->nodetype = nil;
* Process a binary arithmetic or relational operator.
* Convert from integer to real if necessary.
private binaryop (p, t)
Node p;
Symbol t;
Node p1, p2;
Boolean t1real, t2real;
Symbol t1, t2;
p1 = p->value.arg[0];
p2 = p->value.arg[1];
t1 = rtype(p1->nodetype);
t2 = rtype(p2->nodetype);
t1real = compatible(t1, t_real);
t2real = compatible(t2, t_real);
if (t1real or t2real) {
p->op = (Operator) (ord(p->op) + 1);
if (not t1real) {
p->value.arg[0] = build(O_ITOF, p1);
} else if (not t2real) {
p->value.arg[1] = build(O_ITOF, p2);
p->nodetype = t_real;
} else {
if (size(p1->nodetype) > sizeof(integer)) {
fprintf(stderr, "operation not defined on \"");
prtree(stderr, p1);
fprintf(stderr, "\"");
} else if (size(p2->nodetype) > sizeof(integer)) {
fprintf(stderr, "operation not defined on \"");
prtree(stderr, p2);
fprintf(stderr, "\"");
p->nodetype = t_int;
if (t != nil) {
p->nodetype = t;
* Convert a tree to a type via a conversion operator;
* if this isn't possible generate an error.
private convert(tp, typeto, op)
Node *tp;
Symbol typeto;
Operator op;
Node tree;
Symbol s, t;
tree = *tp;
s = rtype(tree->nodetype);
t = rtype(typeto);
if (compatible(t, t_real) and compatible(s, t_int)) {
/* we can convert int => floating but not the reverse */
tree = build(op, tree);
} else if (not compatible(s, t)) {
prtree(stderr, tree);
fprintf(stderr, ": illegal type in operation");
*tp = tree;
* Construct a node for the dot operator.
* If the left operand is not a record, but rather a procedure
* or function, then we interpret the "." as referencing an
* "invisible" variable; i.e. a variable within a dynamically
* active block but not within the static scope of the current procedure.
public Node dot(record, fieldname)
Node record;
Name fieldname;
register Node rec, p;
register Symbol s, t;
rec = record;
if (isblock(rec->nodetype)) {
find(s, fieldname) where
s->block == rec->nodetype and
s->class != FIELD
if (s == nil) {
fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\" is not defined in ", ident(fieldname));
printname(stderr, rec->nodetype);
p = new(Node);
p->op = O_SYM;
p->value.sym = s;
p->nodetype = s;
} else {
p = rec;
t = rtype(p->nodetype);
if (t->class == PTR) {
s = findfield(fieldname, t->type);
} else {
s = findfield(fieldname, t);
if (s == nil) {
fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\" is not a field in ", ident(fieldname));
prtree(stderr, rec);
if (t->class != PTR or isreg(rec->nodetype)) {
p = unrval(p);
p->nodetype = t_addr;
p = build(O_DOT, p, build(O_SYM, s));
return build(O_RVAL, p);
* Return a tree corresponding to an array reference and do the
* error checking.
public Node subscript(a, slist)
Node a, slist;
Symbol t;
Node p;
t = rtype(a->nodetype);
if (t->language == nil or t->language == primlang) {
p = (Node) (*language_op(findlanguage(".s"), L_BUILDAREF))(a, slist);
} else {
p = (Node) (*language_op(t->language, L_BUILDAREF))(a, slist);
return build(O_RVAL, p);
* Evaluate a subscript index.
public int evalindex(s, base, i)
Symbol s;
Address base;
long i;
Symbol t;
int r;
t = rtype(s);
if (t->language == nil or t->language == primlang) {
r = ((*language_op(findlanguage(".s"), L_EVALAREF)) (s, base, i));
} else {
r = ((*language_op(t->language, L_EVALAREF)) (s, base, i));
return r;
* Check to see if a tree is boolean-valued, if not it's an error.
public chkboolean(p)
register Node p;
if (p->nodetype != t_boolean) {
fprintf(stderr, "found ");
prtree(stderr, p);
fprintf(stderr, ", expected boolean expression");
* Construct a node for the type of a string.
private Symbol mkstring(str)
String str;
register Symbol s;
s = newSymbol(nil, 0, ARRAY, t_char, nil);
s->chain = newSymbol(nil, 0, RANGE, t_int, nil);
s->chain->language = s->language;
s->chain->symvalue.rangev.lower = 1;
s->chain->symvalue.rangev.upper = strlen(str) + 1;
return s;
* Free up the space allocated for a string type.
public unmkstring(s)
Symbol s;
* Figure out the "current" variable or function being referred to
* by the name n.
private boolean stwhich(), dynwhich();
public Symbol which (n)
Name n;
Symbol s;
s = lookup(n);
if (s == nil) {
error("\"%s\" is not defined", ident(n));
} else if (not stwhich(&s) and isambiguous(s) and not dynwhich(&s)) {
printf("[using ");
printname(stdout, s);
return s;
* Static search.
private boolean stwhich (var_s)
Symbol *var_s;
Name n; /* name of desired symbol */
Symbol s; /* iteration variable for symbols with name n */
Symbol f; /* iteration variable for blocks containing s */
integer count; /* number of levels from s->block to curfunc */
Symbol t; /* current best answer for stwhich(n) */
integer mincount; /* relative level for current best answer (t) */
boolean b; /* return value, true if symbol found */
s = *var_s;
n = s->name;
t = s;
mincount = 10000; /* force first match to set mincount */
do {
if (s->name == n and s->class != FIELD and s->class != TAG) {
f = curfunc;
count = 0;
while (f != nil and f != s->block) {
f = f->block;
if (f != nil and count < mincount) {
t = s;
mincount = count;
b = true;
s = s->next_sym;
} while (s != nil);
if (mincount != 10000) {
*var_s = t;
b = true;
} else {
b = false;
return b;
* Dynamic search.
private boolean dynwhich (var_s)
Symbol *var_s;
Name n; /* name of desired symbol */
Symbol s; /* iteration variable for possible symbols */
Symbol f; /* iteration variable for active functions */
Frame frp; /* frame associated with stack walk */
boolean b; /* return value */
f = curfunc;
frp = curfuncframe();
n = (*var_s)->name;
b = false;
if (frp != nil) {
frp = nextfunc(frp, &f);
while (frp != nil) {
s = *var_s;
while (s != nil and
s->name != n or s->block != f or
s->class == FIELD or s->class == TAG
) {
s = s->next_sym;
if (s != nil) {
*var_s = s;
b = true;
if (f == program) {
frp = nextfunc(frp, &f);
return b;
* Find the symbol that has the same name and scope as the
* given symbol but is of the given field. Return nil if there is none.
public Symbol findfield (fieldname, record)
Name fieldname;
Symbol record;
register Symbol t;
t = rtype(record)->chain;
while (t != nil and t->name != fieldname) {
t = t->chain;
return t;
public Boolean getbound(s,off,type,valp)
Symbol s;
int off;
Rangetype type;
int *valp;
Frame frp;
Address addr;
Symbol cur;
if (not isactive(s->block)) {
cur = s->block;
while (cur != nil and cur->class == MODULE) { /* WHY*/
cur = cur->block;
if(cur == nil) {
cur = whatblock(pc);
frp = findframe(cur);
if (frp == nil) {
if(type == R_TEMP) addr = locals_base(frp) + off;
else if (type == R_ARG) addr = args_base(frp) + off;
else return(false);