BSD 4_4_Lite1 development
[unix-history] / usr / src / contrib / rc-1.4 / rc.h
/* headers */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
/* defines */
#ifndef ALIGN_T
typedef long ALIGN_T;
#ifndef SIG_ATOMIC_T
#define SIG_ATOMIC_T int
#define DEFAULTPATH "", "/bin", "/usr/bin"
/* datatypes */
typedef void builtin_t(char **);
typedef struct Block Block;
typedef struct Dup Dup;
typedef struct Estack Estack;
typedef struct Function Function;
typedef struct Hq Hq;
typedef struct Htab Htab;
typedef struct Jbwrap Jbwrap;
typedef struct List List;
typedef struct Node Node;
typedef struct Pipe Pipe;
typedef struct Redir Redir;
typedef struct Rq Rq;
typedef struct Variable Variable;
typedef struct Word Word;
typedef struct Format Format;
typedef union Edata Edata;
typedef enum nodetype {
nAndalso, nAssign, nBackq, nBang, nBody, nCbody, nNowait, nBrace, nConcat,
nCount, nElse, nFlat, nDup, nEpilog, nNewfn, nForin, nIf, nQword,
nOrelse, nPipe, nPre, nRedir, nRmfn, nArgs, nSubshell, nCase,
nSwitch, nMatch, nVar, nVarsub, nWhile, nWord, nLappend, nNmpipe
} nodetype;
typedef enum ecodes {
eError, eBreak, eReturn, eVarstack, eArena, eFifo, eFd
} ecodes;
typedef enum bool {
} bool;
typedef enum inputtype {
iFd, iString
} inputtype;
typedef enum redirtype {
rFrom, rCreate, rAppend, rHeredoc, rHerestring
} redirtype;
typedef bool (*Conv)(Format *, int);
union Edata {
Jbwrap *jb;
Block *b;
char *name;
int fd;
struct Estack {
ecodes e;
bool interactive;
Edata data;
Estack *prev;
struct List {
char *w, *m;
List *n;
struct Node {
nodetype type;
union {
char *s;
int i;
Node *p;
} u[4];
struct Pipe {
int left, right;
struct Dup {
redirtype type;
int left, right;
struct Redir {
redirtype type;
int fd;
struct Word {
char *w, *m;
struct Rq {
Node *r;
struct Rq *n;
struct Function {
Node *def;
char *extdef;
struct Variable {
List *def;
char *extdef;
Variable *n;
struct Htab {
char *name;
void *p;
struct Format {
/* for the formatting routines */
va_list args;
long flags, f1, f2;
/* for the buffer maintainence routines */
char *buf, *bufbegin, *bufend;
int flushed;
void (*grow)(Format *, size_t);
union { int n; void *p; } u;
/* Format->flags values */
enum {
FMT_long = 1, /* %l */
FMT_short = 2, /* %h */
FMT_unsigned = 4, /* %u */
FMT_zeropad = 8, /* %0 */
FMT_leftside = 16, /* %- */
FMT_altform = 32, /* %# */
FMT_f1set = 64, /* %<n> */
FMT_f2set = 128 /* %.<n> */
/* macros */
#define EOF (-1)
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0
#define a2u(x) n2u(x, 10)
#define o2u(x) n2u(x, 8)
#define arraysize(a) ((int)(sizeof(a)/sizeof(*a)))
#define enew(x) ((x *) ealloc(sizeof(x)))
#define ecpy(x) strcpy((char *) ealloc(strlen(x) + 1), x)
#define lookup_fn(s) ((Function *) lookup(s, fp))
#define lookup_var(s) ((Variable *) lookup(s, vp))
#define nnew(x) ((x *) nalloc(sizeof(x)))
#define ncpy(x) (strcpy((char *) nalloc(strlen(x) + 1), x))
#ifndef offsetof
#define offsetof(t, m) ((size_t) (((char *) &((t *) 0)->m) - (char *)0))
#define streq(x, y) (*(x) == *(y) && strcmp(x, y) == 0)
#define conststrlen(x) (sizeof (x) - 1)
/* rc prototypes */
/* main.c */
extern char *prompt, *prompt2;
extern Rq *redirq;
extern bool dashdee, dashee, dashvee, dashex, dashell,
dasheye, dashen, dashpee, interactive;
extern int rc_pid;
extern int lineno;
/* builtins.c */
extern builtin_t *isbuiltin(char *);
extern void b_exec(char **), funcall(char **), b_dot(char **), b_builtin(char **);
extern char *which(char *, bool);
/* except.c */
extern bool nl_on_intr;
extern bool outstanding_cmdarg(void);
extern void pop_cmdarg(bool);
extern void rc_raise(ecodes);
extern void except(ecodes, Edata, Estack *);
extern void unexcept(void);
extern void rc_error(char *);
extern void sigint(int);
/* exec.c */
extern void exec(List *, bool);
extern void doredirs(void);
/* footobar.c */
extern char *fun2str(char *, Node *);
extern char *list2str(char *, List *);
extern char **list2array(List *, bool);
extern char *get_name(char *);
extern List *parse_var(char *, char *);
extern Node *parse_fn(char *, char *);
extern void initprint(void);
extern void rc_exit(int); /* here for odd reasons; user-defined signal handlers are kept in fn.c */
/* getopt.c */
extern int rc_getopt(int, char **, char *);
extern int rc_optind, rc_opterr, rc_optopt;
extern char *rc_optarg;
/* glob.c */
extern bool lmatch(List *, List *);
extern List *glob(List *);
/* glom.c */
extern void assign(List *, List *, bool);
extern void qredir(Node *);
extern List *append(List *, List*);
extern List *flatten(List *);
extern List *glom(Node *);
extern List *concat(List *, List *);
extern List *varsub(List *, List *);
extern List *word(char *, char *);
/* hash.c */
extern Htab *fp, *vp;
extern void *lookup(char *, Htab *);
extern Function *get_fn_place(char *);
extern List *varlookup(char *);
extern Node *fnlookup(char *);
extern Variable *get_var_place(char *, bool);
extern bool varassign_string(char *);
extern char **makeenv(void);
extern char *fnlookup_string(char *);
extern char *varlookup_string(char *);
extern void alias(char *, List *, bool);
extern void starassign(char *, char **, bool);
extern void delete_fn(char *);
extern void delete_var(char *, bool);
extern void fnassign(char *, Node *);
extern void fnassign_string(char *);
extern void fnrm(char *);
extern void initenv(char **);
extern void inithash(void);
extern void setsigdefaults(bool);
extern void inithandler(void);
extern void varassign(char *, List *, bool);
extern void varrm(char *, bool);
extern void whatare_all_vars(void);
extern void whatare_all_signals(void);
extern void prettyprint_var(int, char *, List *);
extern void prettyprint_fn(int, char *, Node *);
/* heredoc.c */
extern int heredoc(int);
extern int qdoc(Node *, Node *);
extern Hq *hq;
/* input.c */
extern void initinput(void);
extern Node *parseline(char *);
extern int gchar(void);
extern void ugchar(int);
extern Node *doit(bool);
extern void flushu(void);
extern void pushfd(int);
extern void pushstring(char **, bool);
extern void popinput(void);
extern void closefds(void);
extern int last;
extern bool rcrc;
/* lex.c */
extern int yylex(void);
extern void inityy(void);
extern void yyerror(const char *);
extern void scanerror(char *);
extern void print_prompt2(void);
extern const char nw[], dnw[];
/* list.c */
extern void listfree(List *);
extern List *listcpy(List *, void *(*)(size_t));
extern size_t listlen(List *);
extern int listnel(List *);
/* match.c */
extern bool match(char *, char *, char *);
/* alloc.c */
extern void *ealloc(size_t);
extern void *erealloc(void *, size_t);
extern void efree(void *);
extern Block *newblock(void);
extern void *nalloc(size_t);
extern void nfree(void);
extern void restoreblock(Block *);
/* open.c */
extern int rc_open(const char *, redirtype);
/* print.c */
The following prototype should be:
extern Conv fmtinstall(int, Conv);
but this freaks out SGI's compiler under IRIX3.3.2
extern bool (*fmtinstall(int, bool (*)(Format *, int)))(Format *, int);
extern int printfmt(Format *, const char *);
extern int fmtprint(Format *, const char *,...);
extern void fmtappend(Format *, const char *, size_t);
extern void fmtcat(Format *, const char *);
extern int fprint(int fd, const char *fmt,...);
extern char *mprint(const char *fmt,...);
extern char *nprint(const char *fmt,...);
the following macro should by rights be coded as an expression, not
a statement, but certain compilers (notably DEC) have trouble with
void expressions inside the ?: operator. (sheesh, give me a break!)
#define fmtputc(f, c) {\
if ((f)->buf >= (f)->bufend)\
(*(f)->grow)((f), (size_t)1);\
*(f)->buf++ = (c);\
/* (parse.y) */
extern Node *parsetree;
extern int yyparse(void);
extern void initparse(void);
/* redir.c */
extern void doredirs(void);
/* signal.c */
extern void initsignal(void);
extern void catcher(int);
extern void sigchk(void);
extern void (*rc_signal(int, void (*)(int)))(int);
extern void (*sighandlers[])(int);
extern volatile SIG_ATOMIC_T slow, interrupt_happened;
#define SIGCHK sigchk()
/* status.c */
extern int istrue(void);
extern int getstatus(void);
extern void set(bool);
extern void setstatus(int, int);
extern List *sgetstatus(void);
extern void setpipestatus(int [], int);
extern void statprint(int, int);
extern void ssetstatus(char **);
/* tree.c */
extern Node *mk(int /*nodetype*/,...);
extern Node *treecpy(Node *, void *(*)(size_t));
extern void treefree(Node *);
/* utils.c */
extern bool isabsolute(char *);
extern int n2u(char *, unsigned int);
extern int rc_read(int, char *, size_t);
extern int mvfd(int, int);
extern int starstrcmp(const void *, const void *);
extern void pr_error(char *);
extern char *clear(char *, size_t);
extern void panic(char *);
extern void uerror(char *);
extern void writeall(int, char *, size_t);
/* wait.c */
extern int rc_fork(void);
extern int rc_wait4(int, int *, bool);
extern List *sgetapids(void);
extern void waitforall(void);
extern bool forked;
/* walk.c */
extern bool walk(Node *, bool);
extern bool cond;