BSD 4_4_Lite1 development
[unix-history] / usr / src / contrib / rc-1.4 / signal.c
/* signal.c: a Hugh-approved signal handler. */
#include <signal.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include "rc.h"
#include "sigmsgs.h"
#include "jbwrap.h"
Jbwrap slowbuf;
volatile SIG_ATOMIC_T slow, interrupt_happened;
void (*sighandlers[NUMOFSIGNALS])(int);
static volatile SIG_ATOMIC_T sigcount, caught[NUMOFSIGNALS];
extern void catcher(int s) {
if (forked)
exit(1); /* exit unconditionally on a signal in a child process */
if (caught[s] == 0) {
caught[s] = 1;
signal(s, catcher);
interrupt_happened = TRUE;
if (slow)
longjmp(slowbuf.j, 1);
extern void sigchk() {
void (*h)(int);
int s, i;
if (sigcount == 0)
return; /* ho hum; life as usual */
if (forked)
exit(1); /* exit unconditionally on a signal in a child process */
for (i = 0, s = -1; i < NUMOFSIGNALS; i++)
if (caught[i] != 0) {
s = i;
caught[s] = 0;
if (s == -1)
panic("all-zero sig vector with nonzero sigcount");
if ((h = sighandlers[s]) == SIG_DFL)
panic("caught signal set to SIG_DFL");
if (h == SIG_IGN)
panic("caught signal set to SIG_IGN");
extern void (*rc_signal(int s, void (*h)(int)))(int) {
void (*old)(int);
old = sighandlers[s];
if (h == SIG_DFL || h == SIG_IGN) {
signal(s, h);
sighandlers[s] = h;
} else {
sighandlers[s] = h;
signal(s, catcher);
return old;
extern void initsignal() {
void (*h)(int);
int i;
for (i = 1; i < NUMOFSIGNALS; i++) {
if ((h = signal(i, SIG_DFL)) != SIG_DFL)
signal(i, h);
sighandlers[i] = h;