less-hairy maxino logic; compat for SunOS and other 4.2/4.3 systems;
[unix-history] / usr / src / sbin / restore / extern.h
* Copyright (c) 1992 The Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* %sccs.include.redist.c%
* @(#)extern.h 5.4 (Berkeley) %G%
struct entry *addentry __P((char *, ino_t, int));
long addfile __P((char *, ino_t, int));
void badentry __P((struct entry *, char *));
void canon __P((char *, char *));
void checkrestore __P((void));
void closemt __P((void));
void createfiles __P((void));
void createleaves __P((char *));
void createlinks __P((void));
long deletefile __P((char *, ino_t, int));
void deleteino __P((ino_t));
ino_t dirlookup __P((const char *));
__dead void done __P((int));
void dumpsymtable __P((char *, long));
void err __P((const char *, ...));
void extractdirs __P((int));
int extractfile __P((char *));
void findunreflinks __P((void));
char *flagvalues __P((struct entry *));
void freeentry __P((struct entry *));
void freename __P((char *));
int genliteraldir __P((char *, ino_t));
char *gentempname __P((struct entry *));
void getfile __P((void (*)(char *, long), void (*)(char *, long)));
void getvol __P((long));
void initsymtable __P((char *));
int inodetype __P((ino_t));
int linkit __P((char *, char *, int));
struct entry *lookupino __P((ino_t));
struct entry *lookupname __P((char *));
long listfile __P((char *, ino_t, int));
ino_t lowerbnd __P((ino_t));
void mktempname __P((struct entry *));
void moveentry __P((struct entry *, char *));
void msg __P((const char *, ...));
char *myname __P((struct entry *));
void newnode __P((struct entry *));
void newtapebuf __P((long));
long nodeupdates __P((char *, ino_t, int));
void onintr __P((int));
void panic __P((const char *, ...));
void pathcheck __P((char *));
struct direct *pathsearch __P((const char *));
void printdumpinfo __P((void));
void removeleaf __P((struct entry *));
void removenode __P((struct entry *));
void removeoldleaves __P((void));
void removeoldnodes __P((void));
void renameit __P((char *, char *));
int reply __P((char *));
RST_DIR *rst_opendir __P((const char *));
struct direct *rst_readdir __P((RST_DIR *));
void rst_closedir __P((RST_DIR *dirp));
void runcmdshell __P((void));
char *savename __P((char *));
void setdirmodes __P((int));
void setinput __P((char *));
void setup __P((void));
void skipdirs __P((void));
void skipfile __P((void));
void skipmaps __P((void));
void swabst __P((u_char *, u_char *));
void treescan __P((char *, ino_t, long (*)(char *, ino_t, int)));
ino_t upperbnd __P((ino_t));
long verifyfile __P((char *, ino_t, int));
void xtrnull __P((char *, long));
/* From ../dump/dumprmt.c */
void rmtclose __P((void));
int rmthost __P((char *));
int rmtioctl __P((int, int));
int rmtopen __P((char *, int));
int rmtread __P((char *, int));
int rmtseek __P((int, int));