BSD 4_4_Lite2 development
[unix-history] / usr / src / contrib / calc-2.9.3t6 / token.h
* Copyright (c) 1994 David I. Bell
* Permission is granted to use, distribute, or modify this source,
* provided that this copyright notice remains intact.
#ifndef TOKEN_H
#define TOKEN_H
#include "zmath.h"
* Token types
#define T_NULL 0 /* null token */
#define T_LEFTPAREN 1 /* left parenthesis "(" */
#define T_RIGHTPAREN 2 /* right parenthesis ")" */
#define T_LEFTBRACE 3 /* left brace "{" */
#define T_RIGHTBRACE 4 /* right brace "}" */
#define T_SEMICOLON 5 /* end of statement ";" */
#define T_EOF 6 /* end of file */
#define T_COLON 7 /* label character ":" */
#define T_ASSIGN 8 /* assignment "=" */
#define T_PLUS 9 /* plus sign "+" */
#define T_MINUS 10 /* minus sign "-" */
#define T_MULT 11 /* multiply sign "*" */
#define T_DIV 12 /* divide sign "/" */
#define T_MOD 13 /* modulo sign "%" */
#define T_POWER 14 /* power sign "^" or "**" */
#define T_EQ 15 /* equality "==" */
#define T_NE 16 /* notequal "!=" */
#define T_LT 17 /* less than "<" */
#define T_GT 18 /* greater than ">" */
#define T_LE 19 /* less than or equals "<=" */
#define T_GE 20 /* greater than or equals ">=" */
#define T_LEFTBRACKET 21 /* left bracket "[" */
#define T_RIGHTBRACKET 22 /* right bracket "]" */
#define T_SYMBOL 23 /* symbol name */
#define T_STRING 24 /* string value (double quotes) */
#define T_NUMBER 25 /* numeric real constant */
#define T_PLUSEQUALS 26 /* plus equals "+=" */
#define T_MINUSEQUALS 27 /* minus equals "-=" */
#define T_MULTEQUALS 28 /* multiply equals "*=" */
#define T_DIVEQUALS 29 /* divide equals "/=" */
#define T_MODEQUALS 30 /* modulo equals "%=" */
#define T_PLUSPLUS 31 /* plusplus "++" */
#define T_MINUSMINUS 32 /* minusminus "--" */
#define T_COMMA 33 /* comma "," */
#define T_ANDAND 34 /* logical and "&&" */
#define T_OROR 35 /* logical or "||" */
#define T_OLDVALUE 36 /* old value from previous calculation */
#define T_SLASHSLASH 37 /* integer divide "//" */
#define T_NEWLINE 38 /* newline character */
#define T_SLASHSLASHEQUALS 39 /* integer divide equals "//=" */
#define T_AND 40 /* arithmetic and "&" */
#define T_OR 41 /* arithmetic or "|" */
#define T_NOT 42 /* logical not "!" */
#define T_LEFTSHIFT 43 /* left shift "<<" */
#define T_RIGHTSHIFT 44 /* right shift ">>" */
#define T_ANDEQUALS 45 /* and equals "&=" */
#define T_OREQUALS 46 /* or equals "|= */
#define T_LSHIFTEQUALS 47 /* left shift equals "<<=" */
#define T_RSHIFTEQUALS 48 /* right shift equals ">>= */
#define T_POWEREQUALS 49 /* power equals "^=" or "**=" */
#define T_PERIOD 50 /* period "." */
#define T_IMAGINARY 51 /* numeric imaginary constant */
#define T_AMPERSAND 52 /* ampersand "&" */
#define T_QUESTIONMARK 53 /* question mark "?" */
* Keyword tokens
#define T_IF 101 /* if keyword */
#define T_ELSE 102 /* else keyword */
#define T_WHILE 103 /* while keyword */
#define T_CONTINUE 104 /* continue keyword */
#define T_BREAK 105 /* break keyword */
#define T_GOTO 106 /* goto keyword */
#define T_RETURN 107 /* return keyword */
#define T_LOCAL 108 /* local keyword */
#define T_GLOBAL 109 /* global keyword */
#define T_STATIC 110 /* static keyword */
#define T_DO 111 /* do keyword */
#define T_FOR 112 /* for keyword */
#define T_SWITCH 113 /* switch keyword */
#define T_CASE 114 /* case keyword */
#define T_DEFAULT 115 /* default keyword */
#define T_QUIT 116 /* quit keyword */
#define T_DEFINE 117 /* define keyword */
#define T_READ 118 /* read keyword */
#define T_SHOW 119 /* show keyword */
#define T_HELP 120 /* help keyword */
#define T_WRITE 121 /* write keyword */
#define T_MAT 122 /* mat keyword */
#define T_OBJ 123 /* obj keyword */
#define T_PRINT 124 /* print keyword */
#define T_USE 125 /* use keyword */
#define iskeyword(n) ((n) > 100) /* TRUE if token is a keyword */
* Flags returned describing results of expression parsing.
#define EXPR_RVALUE 0x0001 /* result is an rvalue */
#define EXPR_CONST 0x0002 /* result is constant */
#define EXPR_ASSIGN 0x0004 /* result is an assignment */
#define isrvalue(n) ((n) & EXPR_RVALUE) /* TRUE if expression is rvalue */
#define islvalue(n) (((n) & EXPR_RVALUE) == 0) /* TRUE if expr is lvalue */
#define isconst(n) ((n) & EXPR_CONST) /* TRUE if expr is constant */
#define isassign(n) ((n) & EXPR_ASSIGN) /* TRUE if expr is an assignment */
* Flags for modes for tokenizing.
#define TM_DEFAULT 0x0 /* normal mode */
#define TM_NEWLINES 0x1 /* treat any newline as a token */
#define TM_ALLSYMS 0x2 /* treat almost everything as a symbol */
extern long errorcount; /* number of errors found */
extern char *tokenstring MATH_PROTO((void));
extern long tokennumber MATH_PROTO((void));
extern void inittokens MATH_PROTO((void));
extern int tokenmode MATH_PROTO((int flag));
extern int gettoken MATH_PROTO((void));
extern void rescantoken MATH_PROTO((void));
#ifdef VARARGS
extern void scanerror();
extern void scanerror MATH_PROTO((int, char *, ...));
/* END CODE */