symbolic links take on user ownership of their containing directory
[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.bin / f77 / tests / testf77
#!/bin/sh -
# Copyright (c) 1980 The Regents of the University of California.
# All rights reserved.
# @(#)testf77 5.2 (Berkeley) %G%
# This script will compile and test all of the f77 certification
# tests in then given fcvs directories
: ${FC=f77}
: ${FFLAGS=-Ns500}
export FC
export FFLAGS
cd tests
# Cleanup unnecessary files
rm -f *.o *.out
ls f* | sort +0.2 | awk '
# This awk program will create a script that will compile and run
# each fm program. Input will be in the order of number (???) then by:
# data if any fd???
# main program fm???.f
# subroutines fs???.f ...
last = -1
input = -1
working = "false"
print "# Trap any signals causing termination of execution"
print "trap \""
print " echo @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"
print " echo @@ @@"
print " echo @@ Execution failed @@"
print " echo @@ @@"
print " echo @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"
print " \" 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 13 14 15 16"
print " "
print "# Trap user interrupt"
print "trap \""
print " echo @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"
print " echo @@ @@"
print " echo @@ INTERRUPT @@"
print " echo @@ @@"
print " echo @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"
print " \" 1 2"
/f[dm]/ && working == "true" {
printf "-o %s \n", runfile
printf "%s ", runfile
if (substr (input, 3, 3) == substr (runfile, 3, 3))
printf "< %s ", input
print " "
print "case $? in"
print " 0) echo " runfile " completed successfully.;;"
print " *) echo " runfile " had a return code of $?.;;"
print "esac"
print "rm -f *.o *.out"
working = "false"
/fd/ {
input = $1
/fm/ {
print " "
print "echo -page-"
printf "echo ===== Testing %s =====\n", $1
printf "${FC} ${FFLAGS} %s ", $1
working = "true"
runfile = sprintf ("%s.out", substr ($1, 1, 5))
/fs/ {
printf "%s ", $1
printf "-o %s \n", runfile
printf "%s ", runfile
if (substr (input, 3, 3) == substr (runfile, 3, 3))
printf "< %s ", input
print " "
print "case $? in"
print " 0) echo " runfile " completed successfully.;;"
print " *) echo " runfile " had a return code of $?.;;"
print "esac"
print "rm -f *.o *.out"
print "\n# Script is complete."
' > tst$$
# Now execute the script we created.
sh tst$$ 2>&1
rm tst$$
echo ===== test is complete =====