BSD 4_3 development
[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.lib / learn / files / L6.1a
Since the "?" character only matches single characters,
it isn't useful for such questions as "how many files
have names beginning with g?" There is another character,
which can be used in patterns for file names, and which matches
any number of characters of any sort. Thus
matches anything beginning with g.
matches anything ending in x.
There is one file in this directory whose name ends
in "memo". Find out that file name
and print the contents of the file. Then type "ready".
#create mymemo
This is the 7-line file "mymemo"; you should
have typed "ls *memo", which would print
"mymemo", and then typed the
command "cat mymemo".
Or just plain "cat *memo" would have worked.
But whatever you did, you got it right
and now you can type "ready".
tail -7 .ocopy >X2
#cmp mymemo X2
6.1b 0
6.1c 5
6.1e 10