BSD 4_2 development
[unix-history] / usr / lisp / ch12.n
." $Header: ch12.n 1.2 83/07/23 12:41:32 layer Exp $
.Lc Liszt\ -\ the\ lisp\ compiler 12
.sh 2 "General strategy of the compiler" \n(ch 1
The purpose of the lisp compiler, Liszt, is to create an object module which
when brought into the lisp system using
.i fasl
will have the same effect as bringing in the corresponding lisp coded source
module with
.i load
with one important exception,
functions will be defined as sequences of machine language instructions, instead
of lisp S-expressions.
Liszt is not a function compiler, it is a
.i file
Such a file can contain more than function definitions; it can
contain other lisp S-expressions which are evaluated
at load time.
These other S-expressions will also be stored in the object
module produced by Liszt and will be evaluated at fasl time.
As is almost universally true of Lisp compilers, the main pass of Liszt
is written in Lisp.
A subsequent pass is the assembler, for which we use the
standard UNIX assembler.
.sh 2 "Running the compiler"
The compiler is normally run in this manner:
% \fBliszt foo\fP
will compile the file foo.l or foo (the preferred way to indicate a lisp
source file is to end the file name with `.l').
The result of the compilation will be placed in the file foo.o if no
fatal errors were detected.
All messages which Liszt generates go to the standard output.
Normally each function name is printed before it is compiled (the \-q
option suppresses this).
.sh 2 "Special forms"
Liszt makes one pass over the source file.
It processes each form in this way:
.sh 3 macro\ expansion
If the form is a macro invocation (i.e it is a list whose car is a symbol
whose function binding is a macro), then that macro invocation is expanded.
This is repeated until the top level form is not a macro invocation.
When Liszt begins, there are already some macros defined, in fact some
functions (such as defun) are actually macros.
The user may define his own macros as well.
For a macro to be used it must be defined in the Lisp system
in which Liszt runs.
.sh +0 classification
After all macro expansion is done, the form is classified according to its
.i car
(if the form is not a list, then it is classified as an
.i other ).
.sh +1 "eval-when"
The form of eval-when is
\fI(eval-when\ (time1\ time2\ ...)\ form1\ form2\ ...)\fP
where the time\fIi\fP are one of
.i eval ,
.i compile ,
.i load .
The compiler examines the form\fIi\fP in sequence and the action taken
depends on what is in the time list.
.i compile
is in the list then the compiler will invoke
.i eval
on each form\fIi\fP as it examines it.
.i load
is in the list then the compile will recursively call itself to compile
each form\fIi\fP as it examines it.
Note that if
.i compile
.i load
are in the time list, then the compiler will both evaluate and compile
each form.
This is useful if you need a function to be defined in the compiler
at both compile time (perhaps to aid macro expansion) and at run time
(after the file is
.i fasl ed
.sh +0 "declare"
Declare is used to provide information about functions and variables to
the compiler.
It is (almost) equivalent to \fI(eval-when\ (compile)\ ...)\fP.
You may declare functions to be one of three types: lambda (*expr),
nlambda (*fexpr), lexpr (*lexpr).
The names in parenthesis are the Maclisp names and are accepted by the
compiler as well (and not just when the compiler is in Maclisp mode).
Functions are assumed to be lambdas until they are declared otherwise
or are defined differently.
The compiler treats calls to lambdas and lexprs equivalently, so you needn't
worry about declaring lexprs either.
It is important to declare nlambdas or define them before calling them.
Another attribute you can declare for a function is localf which
makes the function `local'.
A local function's name is
known only to the functions defined
within the file itself. The
advantage of a local function is that is can be entered
and exited very quickly and it can have the same name as a function in
another file and there will be no name conflict.
Variables may be declared special or unspecial.
When a special variable is lambda bound (either in a lambda,
prog or do expression), its old value is stored away on a stack for the
duration of the lambda, prog or do expression.
This takes time and is often not necessary.
Therefore the default classification for variables is unspecial.
Space for unspecial variables is dynamically allocated on a stack.
An unspecial variable can only be accessed from within the function
where it is created by its presence in a lambda, prog or do
expression variable list.
It is possible to declare that all variables are special as will be
shown below.
You may declare any number of things in each declare statement.
A sample declaration is
.ft I
\ \ \ \ \ (lambda func1 func2)
\ \ \ \ \ (*fexpr func3)
\ \ \ \ \ (*lexpr func4)
\ \ \ \ \ (localf func5)
\ \ \ \ \ (special var1 var2 var3)
\ \ \ \ \ (unspecial var4))
.ft R
You may also declare all variables to be special with
\fI(declare\ (specials\ t))\fP.
You may declare that macro definitions should be compiled as well as
evaluated at compile time by \fI(declare\ (macros\ t))\fP.
In fact, as was mentioned above, declare is much like
\fI(eval-when\ (compile)\ ...)\fP.
Thus if the compiler sees \fI(declare\ (foo\ bar))\fP
and foo is defined, then it will evaluate \fI(foo\ bar)\fP.
If foo is not defined then an undefined declare attribute warning will
be issued.
.sh +0 "(progn 'compile \fRform1 form2 ... formn\fB)\fP"
When the compiler sees this it simply compiles form1 through formn as if
they too were seen at top level.
One use for this is to allow a macro at top-level to
expand into more than one function definition for the compiler to compile.
.sh +0 "include/includef"
.i Include
.i includef
cause another file to be read and compiled by
the compiler. The result is the same as if the included file were
textually inserted into the original file. The only difference
.i include
.i includef
is that include doesn't evaluate its
argument and includef does. Nested includes are allowed.
.sh +0 "def"
A def form is used to define a function. The macros
.i defun
.i defmacro
expand to a def form.
If the function being defined is a lambda, nlambda or lexpr then
the compiler converts the lisp definition to a sequence of machine
language instructions.
If the function being defined is a macro, then the compiler will evaluate
the definition, thus defining the macro withing the running Lisp compiler.
Furthermore, if the variable
.i macros
is set to a non nil value, then the macro definition will also be translated
to machine language and thus will be defined when the object file is
fasled in.
The variable
.i macros
is set to t by
\fI(declare\ (macros\ t))\fP.
When a function or macro definition is compiled, macro expansion is
done whenever possible.
If the compiler can determine that a form would be evaluated if this
function were interpreted then it will macro expand it.
It will not macro expand arguments to a nlambda unless the characteristics
of the nlambda is known (as is the case with
.i cond).
The map functions (
.i map ,
.i mapc ,
.i mapcar ,
and so on)
are expanded to a
.i do
This allows the first argument to the map function to be a lambda
expression which references local variables of the function being
.sh +0 "other forms"
All other forms are simply stored in the object file and are evaluated
when the file is
.i fasl ed
.sh 2 "Using the compiler"
The previous section describes exactly what the compiler does with its
Generally you won't have to worry about all that detail as files which
work interpreted will work compiled.
Following is a list of steps you should follow to insure that a file
will compile correctly.
.ip [1]
Make sure all macro definitions precede their use in functions or other
macro definitions.
If you want the macros to be around when you
.i fasl
in the object file you should include this statement at the beginning
of the file: \fI(declare\ (macros\ t))\fP
.ip [2]
Make sure all nlambdas are defined or declared before they are used.
If the compiler comes across a call to a
function which has not been defined in the current file,
which does not currently have a function binding,
and whose type has not been declared then it will assume that the function
needs its arguments evaluated
(i.e. it is a lambda or lexpr) and will generate code
This means that you do not have to declare nlambda functions like
.i status
since they have an nlambda function binding.
.ip [3]
Locate all variables which are used for communicating values between
These variables must be declared special at the beginning of a file.
In most cases there won't be many special declarations but if you
fail to declare a variable special that should be, the compiled code
could fail in mysterious ways.
Let's look at a common problem, assume that a file contains just
these three lines:
.sp 2v
.ft I
(def aaa (lambda (glob loc) (bbb loc)))
(def bbb (lambda (myloc) (add glob myloc)))
(def ccc (lambda (glob loc) (bbb loc)))
.sp 2v
.ft R
We can see that if we load in these two definitions then (aaa 3 4) is
the same as (add 3 4) and will give us 7.
Suppose we compile the file containing these definitions.
When Liszt compiles aaa, it will assume that both glob and loc are local
variables and will allocate space on the temporary stack for their values
when aaa is called.
Thus the values of the local variables glob and loc
will not affect the values of the symbols glob and loc in the Lisp system.
Now Liszt moves on to function bbb.
Myloc is assumed to be local.
When it sees the add statement, it find a reference to a variable called
This variable is not a local variable to this function and therefore
glob must refer to the value of the symbol glob.
Liszt will automatically declare glob to be special and it will print
a warning to that effect.
Thus subsequent uses of glob will always refer to the symbol glob.
Next Liszt compiles ccc and treats glob as a special and loc
as a local.
When the object file is
.i fasl 'ed
in, and (ccc 3 4) is evaluated,
the symbol glob will be lambda bound to 3
bbb will be called and will return 7.
However (aaa 3 4) will fail since when bbb is called, glob will be unbound.
What should be done here is to put
\fI(declare\ (special\ glob)\fP
at the beginning of the file.
.ip [4]
Make sure that all calls to
.i arg
are within the lexpr whose arguments they reference.
If \fIfoo\fP is a compiled lexpr and it calls \fIbar\fP then \fIbar\fP cannot
use \fIarg\fP to get at \fIfoo\fP's arguments.
If both
.i foo
.i bar
are interpreted this will work however.
The macro
.i listify
can be used to put all of some of a lexprs arguments in a list which
then can be passed to other functions.
.sh 2 "Compiler options"
The compiler recognizes a number of options which are described below.
The options are typed anywhere on the command line preceded by a minus sign.
The entire command line is scanned and all options recorded before any action
is taken. Thus
% liszt -mx foo
% liszt -m -x foo
% liszt foo -mx
are all equivalent.
Before scanning the command line for options, liszt looks for in the
environment for the variable LISZT, and if found scans its value
as if it was a string of options.
The meaning of the options are:
.ip \fBC\fP
The assembler language output of the compiler is commented.
This is useful when debugging the compiler and is not normally done since
it slows down compilation.
.ip \fBI\fP
The next command line argument is taken as a filename, and loaded prior
to compilation.
.ip \fBe\fP
Evaluate the next argument on the command line before starting compilation.
For example
% liszt -e '(setq foobar "foo string")' foo
will evaluate the above s-expression. Note that the shell requires
that the arguments be surrounded by single quotes.
.ip \fBi\fP
Compile this program in interlisp compatibility mode.
This is not implemented yet.
.ip \fBm\fP
Compile this program in Maclisp mode.
The reader syntax will be changed to the Maclisp syntax and a file of
macro definitions will be loaded in (usually named /usr/lib/lisp/machacks).
This switch brings us sufficiently close to Maclisp to allow us to compile
Macsyma, a large Maclisp program.
However Maclisp is a moving target and we can't guarantee that this switch
will allow you to compile any given program.
.ip \fBo\fP
Select a different object or assembler language file name.
For example
% liszt foo -o xxx.o
will compile foo and into xxx.o instead of the default foo.o, and
% liszt bar -S -o xxx.s
will compile to assembler language into xxx.s instead of bar.s.
.ip \fBp\fP
place profiling code at the beginning of each non-local function.
If the lisp system is also created with profiling in it, this allows
function calling frequency to be determined (see \fIprof(1)\fP)
.ip \fBq\fP
Run in quiet mode.
The names of functions being compiled and various
"Note"'s are not printed.
.ip \fBQ\fP
print compilation statistics and warn of strange constructs.
This is the inverse of the \fBq\fP switch and is the default.
.ip \fBr\fP
place bootstrap code at the beginning of the object file, which when
the object file is executed will cause a lisp system to be invoked
and the object file \fIfasl\fPed in.
This is known as `autorun' and is described below.
.ip \fBS\fP
Create an assembler language file only.
% liszt -S foo
will create the file assembler language file foo.s and will not attempt
to assemble it.
If this option is not specified, the assembler language file will be put
in the temporary disk area under a automatically generated name based on
the lisp compiler's process id.
Then if there are no compilation errors, the assembler will be invoked to
assemble the file.
.ip \fBT\fP
Print the assembler language output on the standard output file.
This is useful when debugging the compiler.
.ip \fBu\fP
Run in UCI-Lisp mode.
The character syntax is changed to that of UCI-Lisp and a UCI-Lisp compatibility
package of macros is read in.
.ip \fBw\fP
Suppress warning messages.
.ip \fBx\fP
Create an cross reference file.
% liszt -x foo
not only compiles foo into foo.o but also generates the file foo.x\ .
The file foo.x is lisp readable and lists for each function all functions
which that function could call.
The program lxref reads one or more of these ".x" files and produces a
human readable cross reference listing.
.sh 2 autorun
The object file
which liszt writes does not contain all the functions necessary
to run the lisp program which was compiled.
In order to use the object file, a lisp system must be started and
the object file
.i fasl ed
When the -r switch is given to liszt, the object file created will
contain a small piece of bootstrap code at the beginning, and the
object file will be made executable.
Now, when the name of the object file is given to the UNIX command
interpreter (shell) to run, the bootstrap code at the beginning
of the object file will cause a lisp system to be started and
the first action the lisp system will take is to
.i fasl
in the object file which started it.
In effect the object file has created an environment in which it can run.
Autorun is an alternative to
.i dumplisp .
The advantage of autorun is that the object file which starts the whole
process is typically small, whereas the minimum
.i dumplisp ed
file is very large (one half megabyte).
The disadvantage of autorun is that the file must be
.i fasl ed
into a lisp each time it is used whereas the file which
.i dumplisp
creates can be run as is.
liszt itself is a
.i dumplisp ed
file since it is used so often and is large enough that
too much time would be wasted
.i fasl ing
it in each time it was used.
The lisp cross reference program, lxref, uses
.i autorun
since it is a small and rarely used program.
In order to have the program
.i fasl ed
in begin execution
(rather than starting a lisp top level),
the value of the symbol user-top-level should be set to the name of the
function to get control. An example of this is shown next.
\fIwe want to replace the unix date program with one written in lisp.\fP
% \fBcat lispdate.l\fP
(de\kBfun mydate nil
\h'|\nBu'\kA(patom "The date is ")
\h'|\nAu'\kB(patom (status ctime))
\h'|\nAu'(exit 0))
(se\kAtq user-top-level 'mydate)
% \fBliszt -r lispdate\fP
Compilation begins with Lisp Compiler 5.2
source: lispdate.l, result: lispdate.o
%Note: lispdate.l: Compilation complete
%Note: lispdate.l: Time: Real: 0:3, CPU: 0:0.28, GC: 0:0.00 for 0 gcs
%Note: lispdate.l: Assembly begins
%Note: lispdate.l: Assembly completed successfully
3.0u 2.0s 0:17 29%
\fI We change the name to remove the ".o", (this isn't necessary) \fP
% \fBmv lispdate.o lispdate\fP
\fI Now we test it out \fP
% \fBlispdate\fP
The date is Sat Aug 1 16:58:33 1981
.sh 2 "pure literals"
Normally the quoted lisp objects (literals) which appear in functions are
treated as constants.
Consider this function:
.ft I
(de\kCf foo
\h'|\nCu'(lambda nil (cond \kA(\kB(not (eq 'a (car (setq x '(a b)))))
\h'|\nBu'(print 'impossible!!))
\h'|\nAu'(t (rplaca x 'd)))))
.ft P
At first glance it seems that the first cond clause will never be
true, since the \fIcar\fP of \fI(a\ b)\fP should always be
.i a .
However if you run this function twice, it will print 'impossible!!' the
second time.
This is because the following clause modifies the 'constant' list \fI(a\ b)\fP
with the \fIrplaca\fP function.
Such modification of literal lisp objects can cause programs to behave
strangely as the above example shows, but more importantly it can cause
garbage collection problems if done to compiled code.
When a file is \fIfasl\fPed in, if the
symbol $purcopylits is non nil, the literal lisp data is put
in 'pure' space, that is it put in space which needn't be looked at
by the garabage collector. This reduces the work the garbage collector
must do but it is dangerous since if the literals are modified to point
to non pure objects, the marker may not mark the non pure objects.
If the symbol $purcopylits is nil then the literal lisp data is put in
impure space and the compiled code will act like the interpreted
code when literal data is modified.
The default value for $purcopylits is t.
.sh 2 "transfer tables"
A transfer table is setup by
.i fasl
when the object file is loaded in.
There is one entry in the transfer table for each function which is
called in that object file.
The entry for a call to the function
.i foo
has two parts whose contents are:
.ip [1]
function address \-
This will initially point to the internal function
.i qlinker .
It may some time in the future point to the function
.i foo
if certain conditions are satisfied (more on this below).
.ip [2]
function name \-
This is a pointer to the symbol
.i foo .
This will be used by
.i qlinker.
.sp 2v
When a call is made to the function
.i foo
the call will actually be made to the address in the
transfer table entry and will end up in the
.i qlinker
.i Qlinker
will determine that
.i foo
was the function being called by locating the function name
entry in the transfer table\*[\(dg\*].
\*[\(dg\*]\fIQlinker\fP does this by tracing back the call stack until it
finds the \fIcalls\fP machine instruction which called it. The address
field of the \fIcalls\fP contains the address of the transfer table entry.
If the function being called is not compiled then
.i qlinker
just calls
.i funcall
to perform the function call.
.i foo
is compiled and if \fI(status\ translink)\fP is non nil, then
.i qlinker
will modify the function address part of the transfer table to point directly
to the function
.i foo .
.i qlinker
will call
.i foo
directly .
The next time a call is made to
.i foo
the call will go directly to
.i foo
and not through
.i qlinker .
This will result in a substantial speedup in compiled code to compiled code
A disadvantage is that no debugging information is left on the stack,
.i showstack
.i baktrace
are useless.
Another disadvantage is that if you redefine a compiled function either
through loading in a new version or interactively defining it, then
the old version may still be called from compiled code if the fast linking
described above has already been done.
The solution to these problems is to use \fI(sstatus\ translink\ value)\fP.
If value is
.ip \fInil\fP
All transfer tables will be cleared, i.e. all function
addresses will be set to point to
.i qlinker .
This means that the next time a function is called
.i qlinker
will be called and will look at the current definition.
Also, no fast links will be set up since \fI(status\ translink)\fP
will be nil.
The end result is that
.i showstack
.i baktrace
will work and the function definition at the time of call will always be used.
.ip \fIon\fP
This causes the lisp system to go through all transfer tables and set up
fast links wherever possible.
This is normally used after you have
.i fasl ed
in all of your files.
Furthermore since \fI(status\ translink)\fP is not nil,
.i qlinker
will make new fast links if the situation arises (which isn't likely unless
.i fasl
in another file).
.ip \fIt\fP
This or any other value not previously mentioned will just make
\fI(status\ translink)\fP be non nil, and as a result fast links will
be made by
.i qlinker
if the called function is compiled.
.sh +0 "Fixnum functions"
The compiler will generate inline arithmetic code for fixnum only functions.
Such functions include \(pl, \(mi, *, /, \\, 1\(pl and 1\-.
The code generated will be much faster than using \fIadd\fP, \fIdifference\fP,
However it will only work if the arguments to and results of the functions
are fixnums.
No type checking is done.