BSD 4_3 development
[unix-history] / usr / src / games / hunt / hunt.h
* Hunt
* Copyright (c) 1985 Conrad C. Huang, Gregory S. Couch, Kenneth C.R.C. Arnold
* San Francisco, California
* Copyright (c) 1985 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
* specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
# include <stdio.h>
# ifndef OLDIPC
# include <sgtty.h>
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/uio.h>
# else OLDIPC
# include <sys/localopts.h>
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/netltoshort.h>
# endif OLDIPC
# include <sys/socket.h>
# ifdef INTERNET
# include <netinet/in.h>
# include <netdb.h>
# ifndef OLDIPC
# include <arpa/inet.h>
# endif !OLDIPC
# include <net/if.h>
# include <sys/un.h>
# endif INTERNET
# ifdef INTERNET
# define AF_UNIX_HACK /* 4.2 hack; leaves files around */
# endif INTERNET
# define ADDCH ('a' | 0200)
# define MOVE ('m' | 0200)
# define REFRESH ('r' | 0200)
# define CLRTOEOL ('c' | 0200)
# define ENDWIN ('e' | 0200)
# define CLEAR ('C' | 0200)
# define REDRAW ('R' | 0200)
# define LAST_PLAYER ('l' | 0200)
# define BELL ('b' | 0200)
# define READY ('g' | 0200)
* Choose MAXPL and MAXMON carefully. The screen is assumed to be
* 23 lines high and will only tolerate (MAXPL == 12 && MAXMON == 0)
* or (MAXPL + MAXMON <= 10).
# define MAXPL 9
# ifdef MONITOR
# define MAXMON 1
# endif MONITOR
# define NAMELEN 20
# define MSGLEN 80
# define DECAY 50.0
# define NASCII 128
# ifndef REFLECT
# ifndef RANDOM
# define RANDOM
# endif RANDOM
# endif REFLECT
# define WIDTH 59
# define WIDTH2 64 /* Next power of 2 >= WIDTH (for fast access) */
# define HEIGHT 23
# define UBOUND 1
# define DBOUND 22
# define LBOUND 1
# define RBOUND (WIDTH - 1)
# define STAT_LABEL_COL 60
# define STAT_VALUE_COL 74
# define STAT_NAME_COL 61
# define STAT_NAME_ROW 0
# define STAT_AMMO_ROW 2
# define STAT_SCAN_ROW 3
# define STAT_CLOAK_ROW 4
# define STAT_GUN_ROW 5
# define STAT_DAM_ROW 7
# define STAT_KILL_ROW 8
# define STAT_PLAY_ROW 10
# ifdef MONITOR
# endif MONITOR
# define STAT_NAME_LEN 16
# define DOOR '#'
# define WALL1 '-'
# define WALL2 '|'
# define WALL3 '+'
# ifdef REFLECT
# define WALL4 '/'
# define WALL5 '\\'
# endif REFLECT
# define KNIFE 'K'
# define SHOT ':'
# define GRENADE 'o'
# define SATCHEL 'O'
# define BOMB '@'
# define MINE ';'
# define GMINE 'g'
# ifdef OOZE
# define SLIME '$'
# endif OOZE
# ifdef VOLCANO
# define LAVA '~'
# endif VOLCANO
# ifdef FLY
# define FALL 'F'
# endif FLY
# define SPACE ' '
# define ABOVE 'i'
# define BELOW '!'
# define RIGHT '}'
# define LEFTS '{'
# ifdef FLY
# define FLYER '&'
# endif FLY
# define NORTH 01
# define SOUTH 02
# define EAST 010
# define WEST 020
# ifndef TRUE
# define TRUE 1
# define FALSE 0
# endif TRUE
# ifndef CTRL
# define CTRL(x) ('x' & 037)
# endif CTRL
# define BULSPD 5 /* bullets movement speed */
# define ISHOTS 15
# define NSHOTS 5
# define MAXNCSHOT 2
# define MAXDAM 10
# define MINDAM 5
# define STABDAM 2
# define BULREQ 1
# define GRENREQ 9
# define SATREQ 25
# define BOMBREQ 49
# ifdef OOZE
# define SLIMEREQ 15
# define SSLIMEREQ 30
# define SLIMESPEED 5
# endif OOZE
# ifdef VOLCANO
# define LAVASPEED 2
# endif VOLCANO
# define CLOAKLEN 20
# define SCANLEN (Nplayer * 20)
# define EXPLEN 4
# ifdef FLY
# define _cloak_char(pp) (((pp)->p_cloak < 0) ? ' ' : '+')
# define _scan_char(pp) (((pp)->p_scan < 0) ? _cloak_char(pp) : '*')
# define stat_char(pp) (((pp)->p_flying < 0) ? _scan_char(pp) : FLYER)
# else FLY
# define _cloak_char(pp) (((pp)->p_cloak < 0) ? ' ' : '+')
# define stat_char(pp) (((pp)->p_scan < 0) ? _cloak_char(pp) : '*')
# endif FLY
typedef int FLAG;
typedef struct bullet_def BULLET;
typedef struct expl_def EXPL;
typedef struct player_def PLAYER;
typedef struct ident_def IDENT;
typedef struct regen_def REGEN;
# ifdef INTERNET
typedef struct sockaddr_in SOCKET;
typedef struct sockaddr_un SOCKET;
# endif INTERNET
typedef struct sgttyb TTYB;
struct ident_def {
char i_name[NAMELEN];
long i_machine;
long i_uid;
int i_kills;
int i_entries;
float i_score;
IDENT *i_next;
struct player_def {
IDENT *p_ident;
int p_face;
char p_over;
int p_undershot;
# ifdef FLY
int p_flying;
int p_flyx, p_flyy;
# endif FLY
FILE *p_output;
int p_fd;
int p_mask;
int p_damage;
int p_damcap;
int p_ammo;
int p_ncshot;
int p_scan;
int p_cloak;
int p_x, p_y;
int p_ncount;
int p_nexec;
long p_nchar;
char p_death[MSGLEN];
char p_maze[HEIGHT][WIDTH2];
int p_curx, p_cury;
int p_lastx, p_lasty;
int p_changed;
char p_cbuf[BUFSIZ];
struct bullet_def {
int b_x, b_y;
int b_face;
int b_charge;
char b_type;
char b_over;
PLAYER *b_owner;
IDENT *b_score;
FLAG b_expl;
BULLET *b_next;
struct expl_def {
int e_x, e_y;
char e_char;
EXPL *e_next;
struct regen_def {
int r_x, r_y;
REGEN *r_next;
* external variables
extern FLAG Last_player;
extern char Buf[BUFSIZ], Maze[HEIGHT][WIDTH2], Orig_maze[HEIGHT][WIDTH2];
extern char *Sock_name, *Driver;
extern int errno, Have_inp, Nplayer, Num_fds, Socket;
extern long Fds_mask, Sock_mask;
# ifdef INTERNET
extern int Test_port;
extern int Sock_port;
extern char *Sock_name;
# endif INTERNET
# ifdef VOLCANO
extern int volcano;
# endif VOLCANO
extern int See_over[NASCII];
extern BULLET *Bullets;
extern EXPL *Expl[EXPLEN];
extern IDENT *Scores;
extern PLAYER Player[MAXPL], *End_player;
# ifdef MONITOR
extern FLAG Am_monitor;
extern PLAYER Monitor[MAXMON], *End_monitor;
# endif MONITOR
* function types
char *getenv(), *malloc(), *sprintf(), *strcpy(), *strncpy();
IDENT *get_ident();
int moveshots();
BULLET *is_bullet(), *create_shot();
PLAYER *play_at();