(no message)
[unix-history] / usr / src / local / ditroff / ditroff.old.okeeffe / gremlin.aed / gremlin / db1.c
/* @(#)db1.c 1.2 %G%
* Copyright -C- 1982 Barry S. Roitblat
* This file contains routines for database manipulation for the
* gremlin picture editor.
#include "gremlin.h"
#include "grem2.h"
/* imports from undodb */
extern UNRembAdd(), UNRembDelete();
/* imports from c */
extern char *malloc();
extern char *strcpy();
extern char *sprintf();
/* imports from point.c */
extern POINT *PTInit();
extern POINT *PTMakePoint();
/* imports from textio.c */
extern TxPutMsg(), TxMsgOK();
/* imports from main */
extern int SEARCH; /* Search the path for filename ?? */
ELT *DBInit()
* This routine returns a pointer to an initialized database element
* which would be the only element in an empty list.
} /* end DBInit */
ELT *DBCreateElt(type, pointlist, brush, size, text, db)
int type, brush, size;
POINT *pointlist;
char *text;
ELT *(*db) ;
* This routine creates a new element with the specified attributes and
* links it into database.
ELT *temp;
temp = (ELT *) malloc(sizeof(ELT));
temp->nextelt = *db;
temp->type = type;
temp->ptlist = pointlist;
temp->brushf = brush;
temp->size = size;
temp->textpt = text;
*db = temp;
UNRembAdd(temp, db);
} /* end CreateElt */
DBDelete(element, db)
ELT *element, *(*db);
* This routine deletes the specified element by searching the database
* for its predecessor and deleting the pointer to the element.
* Flag indicates whether or not the element was in the current set
* and is passed along for use by the undo routines.
ELT *(*temp);
temp = db;
while (*temp != element)
if (DBNullelt(*temp))
error("no such element");
temp = &(DBNextElt((*temp)));
UNRembDelete(*temp, db);
*temp = DBNextElt(element);
} /* end DBDelete */
#define highval 10000 /* arbitrary value greater than any
* expected distance */
DBGravitate(x1, y1, x2, y2, point, element, db)
float x1, y1, *x2, *y2;
POINT *(*point);
ELT *(*element), *db;
* This routine searches the database for the point closest to
* (Euclidean distance) point1. This point is returned as point2
* and the element which contained the point is also returned.
* The point must be closer than some predefined maximum distance
* in order to be gravitated.
POINT *holdpt;
ELT *temp;
long int t, t1, t2, distance = highval;
temp = db;
*element = DBInit();
*x2 = x1;
*y2 = y1;
while ( !DBNullelt(temp) )
holdpt = temp->ptlist;
while ( !Nullpoint(holdpt) )
/* Calculate the distance between the point in the data
* base and the specified point. Use Euclidean distance
* except that, since we only need relative distance and
* not an absolute number, it is not necessary to take the
* square root. The equation for the distance was broken up
* as below in order to allow integer arithmetic wherever
* possible to increase efficiency when it was discovered
* that this routine was too slow.
t1 = holdpt->x - x1;
t1 *= t1;
t2 = holdpt->y - y1;
t2 *= t2;
t = t1 + t2;
if ((t < distance) && (t < MAXGDIST))
distance = t;
*x2 = holdpt->x;
*y2 = holdpt->y;
*point = holdpt;
*element = temp;
} /* end if */;
holdpt = holdpt->nextpt;
} /* end while holdpt */;
temp = temp->nextelt;
} /* end while temp */;
} /* end Gravitate */
DBSetGravitate(x1, y1, x2, y2, point, element, db)
float x1, y1, *x2, *y2;
POINT *(*point);
ELT *(*element), *db;
* This routine searches the database for the point closest to
* (Euclidean distance) point1. This point is returned as point2
* and the element which contained the point is also returned.
* The point must be closer than some predefined maximum distance
* in order to be gravitated.
POINT *holdpt;
ELT *temp;
long int t, t1, t2, distance = highval;
temp = db;
*element = DBInit();
*x2 = x1;
*y2 = y1;
while ( !DBNullelt(temp) )
holdpt = temp->ptlist;
while ( !Nullpoint(holdpt) )
/* Calculate the distance between the point in the data
* base and the specified point. Use Euclidean distance
* except that, since we only need relative distance and
* not an absolute number, it is not necessary to take the
* square root. The equation for the distance was broken up
* as below in order to allow integer arithmetic wherever
* possible to increase efficiency when it was discovered
* that this routine was too slow.
t1 = holdpt->x - x1;
t1 *= t1;
t2 = holdpt->y - y1;
t2 *= t2;
t = t1 + t2;
if ((t < distance) && (t < MAXGDIST))
distance = t;
*x2 = holdpt->x;
*y2 = holdpt->y;
*point = holdpt;
*element = temp;
} /* end if */;
holdpt = holdpt->nextpt;
} /* end while holdpt */;
temp = temp->setnext;
} /* end while temp */;
} /* end Gravitate */
ELT *elt;
* This routine returns all storage associated with the element to
* free storage
POINT *pt, *pt2;
pt = elt->ptlist;
while ( !Nullpoint(pt) )
pt2 = PTNextPoint(pt);
free ((char *) pt);
pt = pt2;
} /* end while */;
free((char *) elt);
} /* end DBClearElt */
ELT *DBRead(filename, orient, pos)
char *filename;
int *orient;
POINT *pos;
* This routine reads the specified file into a database and
* returns a pointer to that database. Orient and pos are also set
* from the file.
* The format of a file written by gremlin is:
* the string: "gremlinfile" followed by a carriage return.
* the orientation (integer) and the x and y coordinates of a positioning
* point (float) followed by another carriage return.
* The output of 0 or more elements (see below).
* a -1 (integer) indicating end of data.
* The format of each element is:
* The element type (integer) followed by a carriage return.
* a list of 0 or more pairs of point coordinates (float) each on separate
* lines and terminated by the coordinates -1.0 -1.0.
* the brush (font) and size (integer) the element was defined with then <cr>
* the length (integer) of the string followed by the string terminated with
* a carriage return.
* All numbers are printed using standard c output conversion (ascii).
FILE *fp, *POpen();
ELT *elist;
POINT *plist;
char string[100], *txt;
float x, y;
int len, type, i, brush, size, done;
elist = DBInit();
fp = POpen(filename,(char **) NULL,SEARCH);
if (fp == NULL)
(void) sprintf(string, "can't open %s",filename);
TxPutMsg("reading file...");
(void) fscanf(fp,"%s",string);
if ( strcmp(string, "gremlinfile") )
error("not gremlin file");
(void) fscanf(fp, "%d%f%f", orient, &x, &y);
pos->x = x;
pos->y = y;
done = FALSE;
while (!done)
if ( fscanf(fp,"%d", &type) == EOF )
error("error in file format");
if (type < 0) /* no more data */
done = TRUE;
(void) fclose(fp);
(void) fscanf(fp, "%f%f", &x, &y);
plist = PTInit();
while ((x != -1) && (y != -1)) /* pointlist terminated by -1, -1 */
(void) PTMakePoint(x, y, &plist);
(void) fscanf(fp, "%f%f", &x, &y);
(void) fscanf(fp, "%d%d", &brush, &size);
(void) fscanf(fp, "%d", &len);
txt = malloc((unsigned) len + 1);
(void) getc(fp); /* throw away space character */
for (i=0; i<len; ++i)
txt[i] = getc(fp);
txt[len] = '\0';
(void) DBCreateElt(type, plist, brush, size, txt, &elist);
} /* end else */
} /* end while not done */;
} /* end DBRead */
DBBounded(elt, x1, y1, x2, y2)
ELT *elt;
float x1, y1, x2, y2;
* This routine returns true if all points in elt are bounded by
* the rectangle who diagonal is formed by (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).
POINT *p1;
float lox, loy, hix, hiy;
lox = (x1 < x2) ? x1 : x2;
loy = (y1 < y2) ? y1 : y2;
hix = (x1 > x2) ? x1 : x2;
hiy = (y1 > y2) ? y1 : y2;
p1 = elt->ptlist;
while ( !Nullpoint(p1) )
if (p1->x < lox) return(FALSE);
if (p1->x > hix) return(FALSE);
if (p1->y < loy) return(FALSE);
if (p1->y > hiy) return(FALSE);
p1 = PTNextPoint(p1);
} /* end while */;
} /* end DBBounded */