BSD 4_1c_2 release
[unix-history] / usr / src / ucb / eyacc / ey4.c
static char *sccsid = "@(#)ey4.c 4.2 (Berkeley) 8/30/82";
/* (c) 1979 Regents of the University of California */
# include "ey.h"
output(){ /* print the output for the states */
int i, j, k, c;
for( i=0; i<nstate; ++i ){ /* output the stuff for state i */
nolook = (tystate[i]==0);
/* output actions */
aryfil( temp1, nterms+1, 0 );
for( j=0; j<cwset; ++j ){ /* look at the items */
c = *( wsets[j].pitem );
if( c>0 && c<NTBASE && temp1[c]==0 ) temp1[c] = go2(i,c);
if( i == 1 ) temp1[1] = ACCEPTCODE;
/* now, we have the shifts; look at the reductions */
lastred = 0;
for( j=0; j<cwset; ++j ){
c = *( wsets[j].pitem );
if( c<=0 ){ /* reduction */
lastred = -c;
for( k=1; k<=nterms; ++k ){
if( ((wsets[j].ws[k>>4])&(1<<(k&017))) != 0 ) {
if( temp1[k] == 0 ) temp1[k] = c;
else if( temp1[k]<0 ){ /* reduce/reduce conflict */
fprintf( cout , "\n%d: reduce/reduce conflict (red'ns %d and %d ) on %s",
i, -temp1[k], lastred, symnam(k) );
if( -temp1[k] > lastred ) temp1[k] = -lastred;
else { /* potential shift/reduce conflict */
switch( precftn( lastred, k ) ) {
case 0: /* precedence does not apply */
fprintf( cout , "\n%d: shift/reduce conflict (shift %d, red'n %d) on %s", i,
temp1[k], lastred, symnam(k) );
/* resolve in favor of shifting, so remove from reduce set */
wsets[j].ws[k>>4] &=~ (1<<(k&017));
case 1: /* reduce */
temp1[k] = -lastred;
case 2: /* error, binary operator */
temp1[k] = ERRCODE;
case 3: /* shift ... leave the entry alone */
/* now, output the pointers to the action array */
/* also output the info about reductions */
prred(){ /* print the information about the actions and the reductions */
int index, i;
index = 1; /* position in the output table */
for( i=0; i<nstate; ++i ){
if( tystate[i]>0 ){ /* the state is real */
temp1[i] = index;
arrval( index );
index += tystate[i];
else {
arrval( temp1[-tystate[i]] );
for( i=1; i<nprod; ++i ) arrval( *prdptr[i] - NTBASE );
for( i=1; i<nprod; ++i ) arrval( ( prdptr[i+1]-prdptr[i]-2 ) );
go2(i,c){ /* do a goto on the closure state, not worrying about lookaheads */
if( c<NTBASE ) return( amem[ apstate[i]+c ] );
else return( amem[ apstate[i] + c - NTBASE + nterms ] );
int pkdebug = 0;
apack(p, n ) int *p;{ /* pack state i from temp1 into amem */
_REGISTER k, l, off;
int j;
/* find the spot */
j = n;
for( off = 0; off <= j && p[off] == 0; ++off ) ;
if( off > j ){ /* no actions */
j -= off;
for( k=0; k<actsiz; ++k ){
for( l=0; l<=j; ++l ){
if( p[off+l] != 0 ){
if( p[off+l] != amem[k+l] && amem[k+l] != 0 ) goto nextk;
if( pkdebug ){ settty(); fprintf( cout , "off = %d, k = %d\n", off, k ); }
/* we have found an acceptable k */
for( l=0; l<=j; ++l ){
if( p[off+l] ){
if( k+l >= actsiz ) error("action table overflow");
if( k+l >= memact ) memact = k+l;
amem[k+l] = p[off+l];
if( pkdebug ){
for( k=0; k<memact; k+=10){
fprintf( cout , "\t");
for( l=0; l<=9; ++l ) fprintf( cout , "%d ", amem[k+l] );
fprintf( cout , "\n");
nextk: ;
error("no space in action table");
go2out(){ /* output the gotos for the nontermninals */
int i, j, k, best, offset, count, cbest, times;
offset = 1;
for( i=1; i<=nnonter; ++i ) {
/* find the best one to make default */
temp2[i] = offset;
best = -1;
times = 0;
for( j=0; j<=nstate; ++j ){ /* is j the most frequent */
if( tystate[j] == 0 ) continue;
if( tystate[j] == best ) continue;
/* is tystate[j] the most frequent */
count = 0;
cbest = tystate[j];
for( k=j; k<=nstate; ++k ) if( tystate[k]==cbest ) ++count;
if( count > times ){
best = cbest;
times = count;
/* best is now the default entry */
zzgobest += (times-1)*2;
for( j=0; j<=nstate; ++j ){
if( tystate[j] != 0 && tystate[j]!=best ){
arrval( j );
arrval( tystate[j] );
offset += 2;
zzgoent += 2;
/* now, the default */
zzgoent += 2;
arrval( -1 );
arrval( best );
offset += 2;
for( i=1; i<=nnonter; ++i ) arrval( temp2[i] );
int g2debug = 0;
go2gen(c){ /* output the gotos for nonterminal c */
int i, work, cc;
struct item *p, *q;
/* first, find nonterminals with gotos on c */
aryfil( temp1, nnonter+1, 0 );
temp1[c] = 1;
work = 1;
while( work ){
work = 0;
for( i=0; i<nprod; ++i ){
if( (cc=prdptr[i][1]-NTBASE) >= 0 ){ /* cc is a nonterminal */
if( temp1[cc] != 0 ){ /* cc has a goto on c */
cc = *prdptr[i]-NTBASE; /* thus, the left side of production i does too */
if( temp1[cc] == 0 ){
work = 1;
temp1[cc] = 1;
/* now, we have temp1[c] = 1 if a goto on c in closure of cc */
if( g2debug ){
fprintf( cout , "%s: gotos on ", nontrst[c].name );
for( i=0; i<=nnonter; ++i ) if( temp1[i]) fprintf( cout , "%s ", nontrst[i].name);
fprintf( cout , "\n");
/* now, go through and put gotos into tystate */
aryfil( tystate, nstate, 0 );
fprintf( cout , "\nnonterminal %s\n", nontrst[c].name );
for( i=0; i<nstate; ++i ){
q = pstate[i+1];
for( p=pstate[i]; p<q; ++p ){
if( (cc= *p->pitem) >= NTBASE ){
if( temp1[cc -= NTBASE] ){ /* goto on c is possible */
tystate[i] = amem[indgo[i]+c];
if( tystate[i] ) fprintf( cout , "\t%d\t%d\n", i, tystate[i]);
precftn(r,t){ /* decide a shift/reduce conflict by precedence.
Returns 0 if action is 'do nothing',1 if action is reduce,
2 if the action is 'error,binary operator'
and 3 if the action is 'reduce'. */
int lp,lt;
lp = levprd[r];
lt = trmlev[t];
if ((lt==0)||((lp&03)==0))return(0);
if((lt>>3) == (lp>>3)){
if((lt>>3) > (lp>>3)) return(3);
int cdebug = 0; /* debug for common states */
wract(i){ /* output state i */
/* temp1 has the actions, lastred the default */
int p, p0, p1, size;
int ntimes, tred, count, j, k;
struct item *q0, *q1;
/* find the best choice for lastred */
lastred = 0;
ntimes = 0;
stateflags[i] = 0;
/***** UCB MOD - full state spec if shift on error *****/
if (temp1[2] > 0)
stateflags[i] |= NEEDSREDUCE;
else for( j=1; j<=nterms; ++j ){
/* find the entry on which the greatest number of reductions are done */
if( temp1[j] >= 0 ) continue;
if( temp1[j]+lastred == 0 ) continue;
/* count the number of appearances of temp1[j] */
count = 0;
tred = -temp1[j];
for( p=1; p<=nterms; ++p ){
if( temp1[p]+tred == 0 ) ++count;
if( count >ntimes ){
lastred = tred;
ntimes = count;
/* clear out entries in temp1 which equal lastred */
/* ie, make the most frequent reduction into the default reduction */
for( p=1; p<= nterms; ++p ) if( temp1[p]+lastred == 0 )temp1[p]=0;
/* write out the state */
/* first, check for equality with another state */
/* see if there is a nonterminal with all dots before it, */
/* and no reductions in the state */
/* this is done by checking if all items are the same non-terminal */
p0 = 0;
q1 = pstate[i+1];
for( q0=pstate[i]; q0<q1; ++q0 ){
if( (p1= *(q0->pitem) ) < NTBASE ) goto standard;
if( p0 == 0 ) p0 = p1;
else if( p0 != p1 ) goto standard;
stateflags[i] |= SINGLE_NT | pempty[p0 - NTBASE];
/* now, all items have dots before p0 */
if( cdebug ){
fprintf( cout , "state %d, pre-nonterminal %s\n",i,nontrst[p0-NTBASE].name);
for( j=0; j<i; ++j ){
* check that the states have the same shift lookaheads.
if( apstate[i] != apstate[j] )
if (cdebug)
fprintf(cout, "states %d and %d have same shift lookaheads\n",i,j);
* Check that state has one item, and that the item matches.
if ((stateflags[j] & SINGLE_NT) == 0 || *(pstate[j]->pitem) != p0)
* Check that enumeration and reduce lookaheads are the same.
* p0 derives lambda.
* state[i] needs full reduce lookahead
* state[j] has full reduce lookahead
if ((stateflags[j] & NEEDSREDUCE) == 0)
error("state %d does not need full reduce", j);
if (lambdarule < 0)
error("missing lambda rule definition in state %d", i);
if (lookstate[j] == 0)
error("state %d lookahead was not saved", j);
/* must check lookaheads */
for (k = 0; k < tbitset; ++k)
if (lastate[lookstate[j]].lset[k] != wsets[lambdarule].ws[k])
/* cannot merge states */ goto nextj;
/* we have a match with state j ! */
if( cdebug ){
fprintf( cout , "state %d matches state %d\n", i, j);
tystate[i] = -j;
zzacsave += tystate[j];
/* merged, so no need for future consideration */
stateflags[i] = 0;
nextj: ;
tystate[i] = 2;
if ((stateflags[i] & (SINGLE_NT|NEEDSREDUCE|GENLAMBDA)) ==
if (savedlook + 1 >= maxlastate) {
"Warning: _maxlastate too small (%d), state packing impared\n",
/* cannot consider future merger with this state */
stateflags[i] = 0;
} else {
if( cdebug ){
fprintf( cout , "save lookahead for state %d\n", i);
lookstate[i] = savedlook;
for (k = 0; k < tbitset; ++k)
lastate[savedlook].lset[k] = wsets[lambdarule].ws[k];
size = 0;
for( p0=1; p0<=nterms; ++p0 )
if( (p1=temp1[p0])!=0 ) {
/***** UCB MOD - test actions are negative of symbol to be tested
this speeds up the parser as it is easy to check for
arrval( -trmset[p0].value );
if( p1 < 0 ) arrval( REDUCACT - p1 );
else if( p1 == ACCEPTCODE ) arrval( ACCEPTACT );
else if( p1 == ERRCODE ) arrval( ERRACT );
else arrval( SHIFTACT + p1 );
size += 2;
if( lastred ) arrval( REDUCACT + lastred );
else arrval( ERRACT );
tystate[i] = size+1; /* store entry size in tystate */
zzacent += (size+1);
wrstate(i){ /* writes state i */
int j0,j1,s;
struct item *pp, *qq;
fprintf( cout , "\nstate %d\n",i);
qq = pstate[i+1];
for( pp=pstate[i]; pp<qq; ++pp) fprintf( cout , "\t%s\n", writem(pp));
/* check for state equal to another */
if( tystate[i] <= 0 ){
fprintf( cout , "\n\tsame as %d\n\n", -tystate[i] );
for( j0=1; j0<=nterms; ++j0 ) if( (j1=temp1[j0]) != 0 ){
fprintf( cout , "\n\t%s ", symnam(j0) );
if( j1>0 ){ /* shift, error, or accept */
if( j1 == ACCEPTCODE ) fprintf( cout , "accept" );
else if( j1 == ERRCODE ) fprintf( cout , "error" );
else fprintf( cout , "shift %d", j1 );
else fprintf( cout , "reduce %d",-j1 );
/* output the final production */
if( lastred ) fprintf( cout , "\n\t. reduce %d\n\n", lastred );
else fprintf( cout , "\n\t. error\n\n" );