add ":a[rgs]" command from vi
[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.bin / nohup / nohup.1
.\" Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
.\" All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
.\" specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
.\" @(#)nohup.1 6.2 (Berkeley) %G%
.TH NICE 1 ""
.UC 4
nice, nohup \- run a command at low priority (\fIsh\fR only)
.B nice
.BI \- number
command [ arguments ]
.B nohup
command [ arguments ]
.I Nice
.I command
with low scheduling priority.
If the
.I number
argument is present, the priority is incremented (higher
numbers mean lower priorities) by that amount up to a limit of 20.
The default
.I number
is 10.
The super-user may run commands with
priority higher than normal
by using a negative priority,
e.g. `\-\-10'.
.I Nohup
.I command
immune to hangup and terminate signals from the controlling terminal.
The priority is incremented by 5.
.I Nohup
should be invoked from the shell with `&' in order to
prevent it from responding to interrupts by or
stealing the input from
the next person who logs in on the same terminal.
nohup.out standard output and standard error file under
.I nohup
csh(1), setpriority(2), renice(8)
.I Nice
returns the exit status of the subject command.
.I Nice
.I nohup
are particular to
.IR sh (1).
If you use
.IR csh (1),
then commands executed with ``&'' are automatically immune to hangup
signals while in the background.
There is a builtin command
.I nohup
which provides immunity from terminate, but it does not
redirect output to
.I nohup.out.
.I Nice
is built into
.IR csh (1)
with a slightly different syntax than described here. The form
``nice +10'' nices to positive nice, and ``nice \-10'' can be used
by the super-user to give a process more of the processor.