BSD 4_3_Tahoe development
[unix-history] / usr / src / ucb / lisp / franz / tahoe / dmlad.s
.globl _dmlad
routine for destructive multiplication and addition to a bignum by
two fixnums.
from C, the invocation is dmlad(sdot,mul,add);
where sdot is the address of the first special cell of the bignum
mul is the multiplier, add is the fixnum to be added (The latter
being passed by value, as is the usual case.
Register assignments:
r11 = current sdot
r10 = carry
r9 = previous sdot, for relinking.
r8 = temporary kluge variable
_dmlad: .word 0x0f00
movl 4(fp),r11 #initialize cell pointer
movl 12(fp),r10 #initialize carry
loop: emul 8(fp),(r11),r10,r0 #r0 gets cell->car times mul + carry
ediv $0x40000000,r0,r10,r8 #cell->car gets prod % 2**30
movl r8,(r11)
#carry gets quotient
/* extzv $0,$30,r0,(r11)
extv $30,$32,r0,r10
movl r11,r9 #save last cell for fixup at end.
movl 4(r11),r11 #move to next cell
bneq loop #done indicated by 0 for next sdot
tstl r10 #if carry zero no need to allocate
beql done #new bigit
mcoml r10,r3 #test to see if neg 1.
bneq alloc #if not must allocate new cell.
tstl (r9) #make sure product isn't -2**30
beql alloc
movl r0,(r9) #save old lower half of product.
brb done
alloc: callf $4,_newdot #otherwise allocate new bigit
movl r10,(r0) #store carry
movl r0,4(r9) #save new link cell
done: movl 4(fp),r0