added some smarts to avoid single-stepping through functions
[unix-history] / usr / src / old / dbx / runtime.c
/* Copyright (c) 1982 Regents of the University of California */
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)runtime.c 1.3 %G%";
* Runtime organization dependent routines, mostly dealing with
* activation records.
#include "defs.h"
#include "runtime.h"
#include "process.h"
#include "machine.h"
#include "events.h"
#include "mappings.h"
#include "symbols.h"
#include "tree.h"
#include "eval.h"
#include "operators.h"
#include "object.h"
#ifndef public
typedef struct Frame *Frame;
#include "machine.h"
#define NSAVEREG 12
struct Frame {
Integer condition_handler;
Integer mask;
Address save_ap; /* argument pointer */
Address save_fp; /* frame pointer */
Address save_pc; /* program counter */
Word save_reg[NSAVEREG]; /* not necessarily there */
private Boolean walkingstack = false;
* Set a frame to the current activation record.
private getcurframe(frp)
register Frame frp;
register int i;
frp->mask = reg(NREG);
frp->save_ap = reg(ARGP);
frp->save_fp = reg(FRP);
frp->save_pc = reg(PROGCTR);
for (i = 0; i < NSAVEREG; i++) {
frp->save_reg[i] = reg(i);
* Return a pointer to the next activation record up the stack.
* Return nil if there is none.
* Writes over space pointed to by given argument.
#define bis(b, n) ((b & (1 << (n))) != 0)
private Frame nextframe(frp)
Frame frp;
register Frame newfrp;
struct Frame frame;
register Integer i, j, mask;
newfrp = frp;
dread(&frame, newfrp->save_fp, sizeof(struct Frame));
if (frame.save_fp == nil) {
newfrp = nil;
} else {
mask = ((frame.mask >> 16) & 0x0fff);
j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < NSAVEREG; i++) {
if (bis(mask, i)) {
newfrp->save_reg[i] = frame.save_reg[j];
newfrp->condition_handler = frame.condition_handler;
newfrp->mask = mask;
newfrp->save_ap = frame.save_ap;
newfrp->save_fp = frame.save_fp;
newfrp->save_pc = frame.save_pc;
return newfrp;
* Return the frame associated with the given function.
* If the function is nil, return the most recently activated frame.
* Static allocation for the frame.
public Frame findframe(f)
Symbol f;
register Frame frp;
static struct Frame frame;
frp = &frame;
if (f != nil) {
while (frp != nil and whatblock(frp->save_pc) != f) {
frp = nextframe(frp);
return frp;
* Find the return address of the current procedure/function.
public Address return_addr()
Frame frp;
Address addr;
struct Frame frame;
frp = &frame;
frp = nextframe(frp);
if (frp == nil) {
addr = 0;
} else {
addr = frp->save_pc;
return addr;
* Push the value associated with the current function.
public pushretval(len, isindirect)
Integer len;
Boolean isindirect;
Word r0;
r0 = reg(0);
if (isindirect) {
rpush((Address) r0, len);
} else {
switch (len) {
case sizeof(char):
push(char, r0);
case sizeof(short):
push(short, r0);
if (len == sizeof(Word)) {
push(Word, r0);
} else if (len == 2*sizeof(Word)) {
push(Word, r0);
push(Word, reg(1));
} else {
panic("not indirect in pushretval?");
* Return the base address for locals in the given frame.
public Address locals_base(frp)
register Frame frp;
return (frp == nil) ? reg(FRP) : frp->save_fp;
* Return the base address for arguments in the given frame.
public Address args_base(frp)
register Frame frp;
return (frp == nil) ? reg(ARGP) : frp->save_ap;
* Return saved register n from the given frame.
public Word savereg(n, frp)
register Integer n;
register Frame frp;
register Word w;
if (frp == nil) {
w = reg(n);
} else {
switch (n) {
case ARGP:
w = frp->save_ap;
case FRP:
w = frp->save_fp;
case STKP:
w = reg(STKP);
w = frp->save_pc;
assert(n >= 0 and n < NSAVEREG);
w = frp->save_reg[n];
return w;
* Return the nth argument to the current procedure.
public Word argn(n, frp)
Integer n;
Frame frp;
Word w;
dread(&w, args_base(frp) + (n * sizeof(Word)), sizeof(w));
return w;
* Calculate the entry address for a procedure or function parameter,
* given the address of the descriptor.
public Address fparamaddr(a)
Address a;
Address r;
dread(&r, a, sizeof(r));
return r;
* Print a list of currently active blocks starting with most recent.
public wherecmd()
* Dump the world to the given file.
* Like "where", but variables are dumped also.
public dump()
* Walk the stack of active procedures printing information
* about each active procedure.
#define lastfunc(f) (f == program)
private walkstack(dumpvariables)
Boolean dumpvariables;
register Frame frp;
register Symbol f;
register Boolean save;
register Lineno line;
struct Frame frame;
if (notstarted(process)) {
error("program is not active");
} else {
save = walkingstack;
walkingstack = true;
frp = &frame;
f = whatblock(frp->save_pc);
do {
printf("%s", symname(f));
printparams(f, frp);
line = srcline(frp->save_pc - 1);
if (line != 0) {
printf(", line %d", line);
printf(" in \"%s\"\n", srcfilename(frp->save_pc - 1));
} else {
printf(" at 0x%x\n", frp->save_pc);
if (dumpvariables) {
dumpvars(f, frp);
frp = nextframe(frp);
if (frp != nil) {
f = whatblock(frp->save_pc);
} while (frp != nil and not lastfunc(f));
if (dumpvariables) {
printf("in \"%s\":\n", symname(program));
dumpvars(program, nil);
walkingstack = save;
* Find the entry point of a procedure or function.
public findbeginning(f)
Symbol f;
f->symvalue.funcv.beginaddr += 2;
* Return the address corresponding to the first line in a function.
public Address firstline(f)
Symbol f;
Address addr;
addr = codeloc(f);
while (linelookup(addr) == 0 and addr < objsize) {
if (addr == objsize) {
addr = -1;
return addr;
* Catcher drops strike three ...
public runtofirst()
Address addr;
addr = pc;
while (linelookup(addr) == 0 and addr < objsize) {
if (addr < objsize) {
* Return the address corresponding to the end of the program.
* We look for the entry to "exit".
public Address lastaddr()
register Symbol s;
s = lookup(identname("exit", true));
if (s == nil) {
panic("can't find exit");
return codeloc(s);
* Decide if the given function is currently active.
* We avoid calls to "findframe" during a stack trace for efficiency.
* Presumably information evaluated while walking the stack is active.
public Boolean isactive(f)
Symbol f;
register Boolean b;
if (isfinished(process)) {
b = false;
} else {
if (walkingstack or f == program or
(ismodule(f) and isactive(container(f)))) {
b = true;
} else {
b = (Boolean) (findframe(f) != nil);
return b;
* Evaluate a call to a procedure.
public callproc(procnode, arglist)
Node procnode;
Node arglist;
Symbol proc;
Integer argc;
if (procnode->op != O_SYM) {
fprintf(stderr, "can't call \"");
prtree(stderr, procnode);
fprintf(stderr, "\"");
assert(procnode->op == O_SYM);
proc = procnode->value.sym;
if (not isblock(proc)) {
error("\"%s\" is not a procedure or function", symname(proc));
pc = codeloc(proc);
argc = pushargs(proc, arglist);
beginproc(proc, argc);
isstopped = true;
event_once(build(O_EQ, build(O_SYM, pcsym), build(O_SYM, retaddrsym)),
buildcmdlist(build(O_PROCRTN, proc)));
* Push the arguments on the process' stack. We do this by first
* evaluating them on the "eval" stack, then copying into the process'
* space.
private Integer pushargs(proc, arglist)
Symbol proc;
Node arglist;
Stack *savesp;
int argc, args_size;
savesp = sp;
argc = evalargs(proc, arglist);
args_size = sp - savesp;
setreg(STKP, reg(STKP) - args_size);
dwrite(savesp, reg(STKP), args_size);
sp = savesp;
return argc;
* Evaluate arguments left-to-right.
private Integer evalargs(proc, arglist)
Symbol proc;
Node arglist;
Node p, exp;
Symbol arg;
Stack *savesp;
Address addr;
Integer count;
savesp = sp;
count = 0;
arg = proc->chain;
for (p = arglist; p != nil; p = p->value.arg[1]) {
if (p->op != O_COMMA) {
panic("evalargs: arglist missing comma");
if (arg == nil) {
sp = savesp;
error("too many parameters to %s", symname(proc));
exp = p->value.arg[0];
if (not compatible(arg->type, exp->nodetype)) {
sp = savesp;
error("expression for parameter %s is of wrong type", symname(arg));
if (arg->class == REF) {
if (exp->op != O_RVAL) {
sp = savesp;
error("variable expected for parameter \"%s\"", symname(arg));
addr = lval(exp->value.arg[0]);
push(Address, addr);
} else {
arg = arg->chain;
if (arg != nil) {
sp = savesp;
error("not enough parameters to %s", symname(proc));
return count;
public procreturn(f)
Symbol f;
printname(stdout, f);
printf(" returns successfully\n", symname(f));
* Push the current environment.
private pushenv()
push(Address, pc);
push(Lineno, curline);
push(String, cursource);
push(Boolean, isstopped);
push(Symbol, curfunc);
push(Word, reg(PROGCTR));
push(Word, reg(STKP));
* Pop back to the real world.
public popenv()
register String filename;
setreg(STKP, pop(Word));
setreg(PROGCTR, pop(Word));
curfunc = pop(Symbol);
isstopped = pop(Boolean);
filename = pop(String);
curline = pop(Lineno);
pc = pop(Address);
* Flush the debuggee's standard output.
* This is VERY dependent on the use of stdio.
public flushoutput()
register Symbol p, iob;
register Stack *savesp;
p = lookup(identname("fflush", true));
while (p != nil and not isblock(p)) {
p = p->next_sym;
if (p != nil) {
iob = lookup(identname("_iob", true));
if (iob != nil) {
pc = codeloc(p);
savesp = sp;
push(long, address(iob, nil) + sizeof(struct _iobuf));
setreg(STKP, reg(STKP) - sizeof(long));
dwrite(savesp, reg(STKP), sizeof(long));
sp = savesp;
beginproc(p, 1);