print errno if init exec fails
[unix-history] / usr / src / sys / kern / Makefile
# Copyright (c) 1986 Regents of the University of California.
# All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
# specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
# @(#)Makefile 7.5 (Berkeley) %G%
# Put the ../h stuff near the end so that subroutine definitions win when
# there is a struct tag with the same name (eg., vmmeter). The real
# solution would probably be for ctags to generate "struct vmmeter" tags.
TVAX= ../vax/tags
SVAX= ../net/*.[ch] ../netimp/*.[ch] ../netinet/*.[ch] ../netns/*.[ch] \
../sys/*.[ch] ../vaxif/*.[ch] ../vaxmba/*.[ch] ../vaxuba/*.[ch] \
../vax/*.[ch] ../h/*.h
AVAX= ../vax/*.s
TTAHOE= ../tahoe/tags
STAHOE= ../net/*.[ch] ../netimp/*.[ch] ../netinet/*.[ch] ../netns/*.[ch] \
../sys/*.[ch] ../tahoeif/*.[ch] ../tahoevba/*.[ch] ../tahoe/*.[ch] \
ATAHOE= ../tahoe/*.s
DGEN= h sys net netimp netinet netns
DVAX= vaxif vaxmba vaxuba
DTAHOE= tahoeif tahoevba
@echo "make tags or links only"
tags: FRC
-mv ${TVAX} ${TVAX}.old
ctags -dtf ${TVAX} ${SVAX}
egrep "^SCBVEC(.*)" ${AVAX} | \
sed "s;\([^:]*\):\([^(]*\)(\([^, )]*\)\(.*\);X\3 \1 /^\2(\3\4$$/;" \
>> ${TVAX}
egrep "^ENTRY(.*)|^JSBENTRY(.*)" ${AVAX} | \
sed "s;\([^:]*\):\([^(]*\)(\([^, )]*\)\(.*\);\3 \1 /^\2(\3\4$$/;" \
>> ${TVAX}
sort -o ${TVAX} ${TVAX}
rm -f ${TVAX}.old
-mv ${TTAHOE} ${TTAHOE}.old
ctags -dtf ${TTAHOE} ${STAHOE}
egrep "^SCBVEC(.*)" ${ATAHOE} | \
sed "s;\([^:]*\):\([^(]*\)(\([^, )]*\)\(.*\);X\3 \1 /^\2(\3\4$$/;" \
>> ${TTAHOE}
egrep "^ENTRY(.*)|^JSBENTRY(.*)" ${ATAHOE} | \
sed "s;\([^:]*\):\([^(]*\)(\([^, )]*\)\(.*\);\3 \1 /^\2(\3\4$$/;" \
>> ${TTAHOE}
sort -o ${TTAHOE} ${TTAHOE}
rm -f ${TTAHOE}.old
-for i in ${DVAX}; do rm -f ../$$i/tags; \
ln -s ../vax/tags ../$$i/tags; done
-for i in ${DTAHOE}; do rm -f ../$$i/tags; \
ln -s ../tahoe/tags ../$$i/tags; done
-for i in ${DGEN}; do rm -f ../$$i/tags; \
ln -s ../machine/tags ../$$i/tags; done