date and time created 83/02/24 12:56:03 by mckusick
[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.bin / indent / lexi.c
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)lexi.c 4.1 (Berkeley) %G%";
Copyright (C) 1976
by the
Board of Trustees
of the
University of Illinois
All rights reserved
This is the token scanner for indent
1) Strip off intervening blanks and/or tabs.
2) If it is an alphanumeric token, move it to the token buffer "token".
Check if it is a special reserved word that indent will want to
know about.
3) Non-alphanumeric tokens are handled with a big switch statement. A
flag is kept to remember if the last token was a "unary delimiter",
which forces a following operator to be unary as opposed to binary.
An integer code indicating the type of token scanned.
buf_ptr =
last_u_d = Set to true iff this token is a "unary delimiter"
printf (lib)
Start of comment is passed back so that the comment can be scanned by
Strings and character literals are returned just like identifiers.
initial coding November 1976 D A Willcox of CAC
1/7/77 D A Willcox of CAC Fix to provide proper handling
of "int a -1;"
/* Here we have the token scanner for indent. It scans off one token and
puts it in the global variable "token". It returns a code, indicating the
type of token scanned. */
#include "indent_globs.h";
#include "indent_codes.h";
#define alphanum 1
#define opchar 3
struct templ {
char *rwd;
int rwcode;
struct templ specials[] =
"switch", 1,
"case", 2,
"struct", 3,
"default", 2,
"int", 4,
"char", 4,
"float", 4,
"double", 4,
"long", 4,
"short", 4,
"typdef", 4,
"unsigned", 4,
"register", 4,
"static", 4,
"global", 4,
"extern", 4,
"if", 5,
"while", 5,
"for", 5,
"else", 6,
"do", 6,
"sizeof", 0,
0, 0
char chartype[128] =
{ /* this is used to facilitate the decision of what type
(alphanumeric, operator) each character is */
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 0,
0, 0, 3, 3, 0, 3, 3, 3,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 0, 0, 3, 3, 3, 3,
0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1,
0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0
int last_nl = true;
/* this is true if the last thing scanned was a newline */
int lexi () {
register char *tok;
/* local pointer to next char in token */
register int i;
/* local loop counter */
register char *j;
/* used for searching thru list of reserved words */
int unary_delim;
/* this is set to 1 if the current token forces a following operator to be
unary */
static int last_code;
/* the last token type returned */
static int l_struct;
/* set to 1 if the last token was 'struct' */
int found_it;
int code; /* internal code to be returned */
char qchar; /* the delimiter character for a string */
tok = token; /* point to start of place to save token */
unary_delim = false;
col_1 = last_nl; /* tell world that this token started in column
1 iff the last thing scanned was nl */
last_nl = false;
while (*buf_ptr == ' ' || *buf_ptr == '\t') {
/* get rid of blanks */
col_1 = false; /* leading blanks imply token is not in column 1
if (++buf_ptr >= buf_end)
fill_buffer ();
| Scan an alphanumeric token
if (chartype[*buf_ptr & 0177] == alphanum) {
/* we have a character or number */
while (chartype[*buf_ptr & 0177] == alphanum) {
/* copy it over */
*tok++ = *buf_ptr++;
if (buf_ptr >= buf_end)
fill_buffer ();
*tok++ = '\0';
if (l_struct) { /* if last token was 'struct', then this token
should be treated as a declaration */
l_struct = false;
last_code = ident;
last_u_d = true;
return (decl);
last_u_d = false; /* operator after indentifier is binary */
for (i = 0; specials[i].rwd != 0; ++i) {
/* this loop will check if the token is a keyword. if so, a following
operator is unary */
last_code = ident; /* remember that this is the code we will return
j = specials[i].rwd;
/* point at ith reserved word */
tok = token; /* point at scanned toekn */
found_it = true; /* set to false if not found */
do {
if (*tok++ != *j) {
found_it = false;
} while (*j++);
if (found_it) { /* we have a keyword */
last_u_d = true;
switch (specials[i].rwcode) {
case 1: /* it is a switch */
return (swstmt);
case 2: /* a case or default */
return (casestmt);
case 3: /* a "struct" */
l_struct = true;
/* Next time around, we will want to know that we have had
a 'struct' */
case 4: /* one of the declaration keywords */
if(p_l_follow) break; /* inside parens: cast */
last_code = decl;
return (decl);
case 5: /* if, while, for */
return (sp_paren);
case 6: /* do, else */
return (sp_nparen);
default: /* all others are treated like any other
identifier */
return (ident);
} /* end of switch */
} /* end of if (found_it) */
if (last_code == decl) /* if this is a declared variable, then
following sign is unary */
last_u_d = true; /* will make "int a -1" work */
last_code = ident;
return (ident); /* the ident is not in the list */
} /* end of procesing for alpanum character */
| Scan a non-alphanumeric token
*tok++ = *buf_ptr; /* if it is only a one-character token, it is
moved here */
*tok = '\0';
if (++buf_ptr >= buf_end)
fill_buffer ();
switch (*token) {
case '\n':
unary_delim = last_u_d;
last_nl = true; /* remember that we just had a newline */
code = (had_eof ? 0 : newline);
/* if data has been exausted, the newline is a dummy, and we should
return code to stop */
case '\'': /* start of quoted character */
qchar = '\''; /* remember final delimiter */
goto copy_lit; /* and go to common literal code */
case '"': /* start of string */
qchar = '"';
do { /* copy the string */
while (1) { /* move one character or [/<char>]<char> */
if (*buf_ptr == '\n') {
/* check for unterminated literal */
printf ("%d: Unterminated literal\n", line_no);
goto stop_lit;
/* Don't copy any more */
*tok = *buf_ptr++;
if (buf_ptr >= buf_end)
fill_buffer ();
if (had_eof || ((tok - token) > (bufsize - 2))) {
printf ("Unterminated literal\n");
goto stop_lit;
/* get outof literal copying loop */
if (*tok == '\\') {
/* if escape, copy extra char */
if (*buf_ptr == '\n')
/* check for escaped newline */
*(++tok) = *buf_ptr++;
++tok; /* we must increment this again because we
copied two chars */
if (buf_ptr >= buf_end)
fill_buffer ();
break; /* we copied one character */
} /* end of while (1) */
} while (*tok++ != qchar);
code = ident;
case ('('):
case ('['):
unary_delim = true;
code = lparen;
case (')'):
case (']'):
code = rparen;
case '#':
unary_delim = last_u_d;
code = preesc;
case '?':
unary_delim = true;
code = question;
case (':'):
code = colon;
unary_delim = true;
case (';'):
unary_delim = true;
code = semicolon;
case ('{'):
unary_delim = true;
code = lbrace;
case ('}'):
unary_delim = true;
code = rbrace;
case 014: /* a form feed */
unary_delim = last_u_d;
last_nl = true; /* remember this so we can set 'col_1' right */
code = form_feed;
case (','):
unary_delim = true;
code = comma;
case '.':
unary_delim = false;
code = period;
case '-':
case '+': /* check for -, +, --, ++ */
code = (last_u_d ? unary_op : binary_op);
unary_delim = true;
if (*buf_ptr == token[0]) {
/* check for doubled character */
*tok++ = *buf_ptr++;
/* buffer overflow will be checked at end of loop */
if (last_code == ident || last_code == rparen) {
code = (last_u_d ? unary_op : postop);
/* check for following ++ or -- */
unary_delim = false;
if (*buf_ptr == '>' || *buf_ptr == '=')
/* check for operator -> or += */
*tok++ = *buf_ptr++;
/* buffer overflow will be checked at end of switch */
case '=':
if (chartype[*buf_ptr] == opchar) {
/* we have two char assignment */
*tok++ = *buf_ptr;
/* move second character */
if (++buf_ptr >= buf_end)
fill_buffer ();
code = binary_op;
unary_delim = true;
if (token[1] != '<' && token[1] != '>')
/* check for possible 3 char operator */
/* can drop thru!!! */
case '>':
case '<':
case '!': /* ops like <, <<, <=, !=, etc */
if (*buf_ptr == '>' || *buf_ptr == '<' || *buf_ptr == '=') {
*tok++ = *buf_ptr;
if (++buf_ptr >= buf_end)
fill_buffer ();
if (*buf_ptr == '=')
*tok++ = *buf_ptr++;
code = (last_u_d ? unary_op : binary_op);
unary_delim = true;
if (token[0] == '/' && *buf_ptr == '*') {
/* it is start of comment */
*tok++ = '*';
if (++buf_ptr >= buf_end)
fill_buffer ();
code = comment;
unary_delim = last_u_d;
while (*(tok - 1) == *buf_ptr || *buf_ptr=='=') {
/* handle ||, &&, etc, and also things as in int *****i */
*tok++ = *buf_ptr;
if (++buf_ptr >= buf_end)
fill_buffer ();
code = (last_u_d ? unary_op : binary_op);
unary_delim = true;
} /* end of switch */
if (code != newline) {
l_struct = false;
last_code = code;
if (buf_ptr >= buf_end) /* check for input buffer empty */
fill_buffer ();
last_u_d = unary_delim;
*tok = '\0'; /* null terminate the token */
return (code);