update, correct, rephrase and re-propose
[unix-history] / usr / src / share / doc / psd / 05.sysman / 1.7.t
.\" Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
.\" All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
.\" specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
.\" @(#)1.7.t 6.2 (Berkeley) %G%
.sh "System operation support
Unless noted otherwise,
the calls in this section are permitted only to a privileged user.
.NH 3
Bootstrap operations
The call
mount(blkdev, dir, ronly);
char *blkdev, *dir; int ronly;
extends the UNIX name space. The \fImount\fP call specifies
a block device \fIblkdev\fP containing a UNIX file system
to be made available starting at \fIdir\fP. If \fIronly\fP is
set then the file system is read-only; writes to the file system
will not be permitted and access times will not be updated
when files are referenced.
\fIDir\fP is normally a name in the root directory.
The call
swapon(blkdev, size);
char *blkdev; int size;
specifies a device to be made available for paging and swapping.
.NH 3
Shutdown operations
The call
char *dir;
unmounts the file system mounted on \fIdir\fP.
This call will succeed only if the file system is
not currently being used.
The call
schedules input/output to clean all system buffer caches.
(This call does not require priveleged status.)
The call
int how;
causes a machine halt or reboot. The call may request a reboot
by specifying \fIhow\fP as RB_AUTOBOOT, or that the machine be halted
with RB_HALT. These constants are defined in \fI<sys/reboot.h>\fP.
.NH 3
The system optionally keeps an accounting record in a file
for each process that exits on the system.
The format of this record is beyond the scope of this document.
The accounting may be enabled to a file \fIname\fP by doing
char *path;
If \fIpath\fP is null, then accounting is disabled. Otherwise,
the named file becomes the accounting file.