BSD 4_1_snap development
[unix-history] / usr / lib / learn / editor / L14.2a
You can also use the "=" command to find out what
the 'current' line is. Since the current line
is named '.', the appropriate command is
and so if you say
the second command will print '3'. Since you should not
believe what I tell you without checking it, edit file
"doubt" and type the two commands above, which first
print line 3 (and incidentally set "." to that line) and
then ask what number "." is. Then type w, q, ready.
#create doubt
you didn't have to print this line
you didn't have to print this line
to err is human, to really foul things up takes a computer
you didn't have to print this line
you didn't have to print this line
grep 3 .ocopy >dev/null
14.2b 5