386BSD 0.1 development
[unix-history] / usr / othersrc / public / mtools-2.0.5 / README
To install everything, you might use:
cd /usr/local/bin; ln -s /usr/src/public/mtools-2.0.5/bin/* .
cd /usr/local/man/cat1; ln -s /usr/src/public/mtools-2.0.5/man/cat1/* .
To recompile, cd to mtools-2.0.5 and type 'make'. Gcc should not
report any errors or warnings. 'make install' installs the
executables. 'make install_man' installs the man pages. To
regenerate the preformatted manual pages, cd to man and type 'sh
There are no path names compiled into the executables here, so you can
install them wherever you like without recompiling. The various
mtools commands should automaticly sense diskette capacities of 1.44M,
1.2M, 720k, 360k and 320k on either of the two floppy drives.
The unmodified sources are available via anonymous ftp from
aisun1.ai.uga.edu in ~ftp/ai.unix.utilities/mtools.2.0.tar.
Rich Murphey 409-772-3399
Physiology & Biophysics F-41 Fax 409-772-3381
Univ. of Texas Medical Branch rich@rice.edu
Galveston, Texas 77555-0641 rich@rice.UUCP