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[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.bin / pascal / pdx / sym / tree.c
* Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
* specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
#ifndef lint
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)tree.c 5.1 (Berkeley) %G%";
#endif not lint
* This module contains the interface between the SYM routines and
* the parse tree routines. It would be nice if such a crude
* interface were not necessary, but some parts of tree building are
* language and hence SYM-representation dependent. It's probably
* better to have tree-representation dependent code here than vice versa.
#include "defs.h"
#include "tree.h"
#include "sym.h"
#include "btypes.h"
#include "classes.h"
#include "sym.rep"
#include "tree/tree.rep"
typedef char *ARGLIST;
#define nextarg(arglist, type) ((type *) (arglist += sizeof(type)))[-1]
LOCAL SYM *mkstring();
LOCAL SYM *namenode();
* Determine the type of a parse tree. While we're at, check
* the parse tree out.
SYM *treetype(p, ap)
register NODE *p;
register ARGLIST ap;
switch(p->op) {
case O_NAME: {
SYM *s;
s = nextarg(ap, SYM *);
s = which(s);
return namenode(p, s);
case O_WHICH:
p->nameval = nextarg(ap, SYM *);
p->nameval = which(p->nameval);
return NIL;
case O_LCON:
return t_int;
case O_FCON:
return t_real;
case O_SCON: {
char *cpy;
SYM *s;
cpy = strdup(p->sconval);
p->sconval = cpy;
s = mkstring(p->sconval);
if (s == t_char) {
p->op = O_LCON;
p->lconval = p->sconval[0];
return s;
case O_INDIR:
p->left = nextarg(ap, NODE *);
chkclass(p->left, PTR);
return rtype(p->left->nodetype)->type;
case O_RVAL: {
NODE *p1, *q;
p1 = p->left;
p->nodetype = p1->nodetype;
if (p1->op == O_NAME) {
if (p1->nodetype->class == FUNC) {
p->op = O_CALL;
p->right = NIL;
} else if (p1->nameval->class == CONST) {
if (p1->nameval->type == t_real->type) {
p->op = O_FCON;
p->fconval = p1->nameval->symvalue.fconval;
p->nodetype = t_real;
} else {
p->op = O_LCON;
p->lconval = p1->nameval->symvalue.iconval;
p->nodetype = p1->nameval->type;
return p->nodetype;
case O_CALL: {
SYM *s;
p->left = nextarg(ap, NODE *);
p->right = nextarg(ap, NODE *);
s = p->left->nodetype;
if (isblock(s) && isbuiltin(s)) {
p->op = (OP) s->symvalue.token.tokval;
p->left = p->right;
p->right = NIL;
return s->type;
case O_ITOF:
return t_real;
case O_NEG: {
SYM *s;
p->left = nextarg(ap, NODE *);
s = p->left->nodetype;
if (!compatible(s, t_int)) {
if (!compatible(s, t_real)) {
trerror("%t is improper type", p->left);
} else {
p->op = O_NEGF;
return s;
case O_ADD:
case O_SUB:
case O_MUL:
case O_LT:
case O_LE:
case O_GT:
case O_GE:
case O_EQ:
case O_NE:
BOOLEAN t1real, t2real;
SYM *t1, *t2;
p->left = nextarg(ap, NODE *);
p->right = nextarg(ap, NODE *);
t1 = rtype(p->left->nodetype);
t2 = rtype(p->right->nodetype);
t1real = (t1 == t_real);
t2real = (t2 == t_real);
if (t1real || t2real) {
if (!t1real) {
p->left = build(O_ITOF, p->left);
} else if (!t2real) {
p->right = build(O_ITOF, p->right);
} else {
if (t1real) {
convert(&p->left, t_int, O_NOP);
if (t2real) {
convert(&p->right, t_int, O_NOP);
if (p->op >= O_LT) {
return t_boolean;
} else {
if (t1real || t2real) {
return t_real;
} else {
return t_int;
case O_DIVF:
p->left = nextarg(ap, NODE *);
p->right = nextarg(ap, NODE *);
convert(&p->left, t_real, O_ITOF);
convert(&p->right, t_real, O_ITOF);
return t_real;
case O_DIV:
case O_MOD:
p->left = nextarg(ap, NODE *);
p->right = nextarg(ap, NODE *);
convert(&p->left, t_int, O_NOP);
convert(&p->right, t_int, O_NOP);
return t_int;
case O_AND:
case O_OR:
p->left = nextarg(ap, NODE *);
p->right = nextarg(ap, NODE *);
return t_boolean;
return NIL;
* Create a node for a name. The symbol for the name has already
* been chosen, either implicitly with "which" or explicitly from
* the dot routine.
LOCAL SYM *namenode(p, s)
NODE *p;
SYM *s;
NODE *np;
p->nameval = s;
if (s->class == REF) {
np = alloc(1, NODE);
*np = *p;
p->op = O_INDIR;
p->left = np;
np->nodetype = s;
if (s->class == CONST || s->class == VAR || s->class == FVAR) {
return s->type;
} else {
return s;
* Convert a tree to a type via a conversion operator;
* if this isn't possible generate an error.
* Note the tree is call by address, hence the #define below.
LOCAL convert(tp, typeto, op)
NODE **tp;
SYM *typeto;
OP op;
#define tree (*tp)
SYM *s;
s = rtype(tree->nodetype);
typeto = rtype(typeto);
if (typeto == t_real && compatible(s, t_int)) {
tree = build(op, tree);
} else if (!compatible(s, typeto)) {
trerror("%t is improper type");
} else if (op != O_NOP && s != typeto) {
tree = build(op, tree);
#undef tree
* Construct a node for the Pascal dot operator.
* If the left operand is not a record, but rather a procedure
* or function, then we interpret the "." as referencing an
* "invisible" variable; i.e. a variable within a dynamically
* active block but not within the static scope of the current procedure.
NODE *dot(record, field)
NODE *record;
SYM *field;
register NODE *p;
register SYM *s;
if (isblock(record->nodetype)) {
s = findsym(field, record->nodetype);
if (s == NIL) {
error("\"%s\" is not defined in \"%s\"",
field->symbol, record->nodetype->symbol);
p = alloc(1, NODE);
p->op = O_NAME;
p->nodetype = namenode(p, s);
} else {
s = findclass(field, FIELD);
if (s == NIL) {
error("\"%s\" is not a field", field->symbol);
field = s;
chkfield(record, field);
p = alloc(1, NODE);
p->op = O_ADD;
p->nodetype = field->type;
p->left = record;
p->right = build(O_LCON, (long) field->symvalue.offset);
return p;
* Return a tree corresponding to an array reference and do the
* error checking.
NODE *subscript(a, slist)
NODE *a, *slist;
register SYM *t;
register NODE *p;
SYM *etype, *atype, *eltype;
NODE *esub;
t = rtype(a->nodetype);
if (t->class != ARRAY) {
trerror("%t is not an array", a);
eltype = t->type;
p = slist;
t = t->chain;
for (; p != NIL && t != NIL; p = p->right, t = t->chain) {
esub = p->left;
etype = rtype(esub->nodetype);
atype = rtype(t);
if (!compatible(atype, etype)) {
trerror("subscript %t is the wrong type", esub);
esub->nodetype = atype;
if (p != NIL) {
trerror("too many subscripts for %t", a);
} else if (t != NIL) {
trerror("not enough subscripts for %t", a);
p = alloc(1, NODE);
p->op = O_INDEX;
p->left = a;
p->right = slist;
p->nodetype = eltype;
return p;
* Evaluate a subscript (possibly more than one index).
long evalindex(arraytype, subs)
SYM *arraytype;
NODE *subs;
long lb, ub, index, i;
SYM *t, *indextype;
NODE *p;
t = rtype(arraytype);
if (t->class != ARRAY) {
panic("unexpected class %d in evalindex", t->class);
i = 0;
t = t->chain;
p = subs;
while (t != NIL) {
if (p == NIL) {
panic("unexpected end of subscript list in evalindex");
indextype = rtype(t);
lb = indextype->symvalue.rangev.lower;
ub = indextype->symvalue.rangev.upper;
index = popsmall(p->left->nodetype);
if (index < lb || index > ub) {
error("subscript value %d out of range %d..%d", index, lb, ub);
i = (ub-lb+1)*i + (index-lb);
t = t->chain;
p = p->right;
return i;
* Check that a record.field usage is proper.
LOCAL chkfield(r, f)
NODE *r;
SYM *f;
register SYM *s;
chkclass(r, RECORD);
* Don't do this for compiled code.
# if (!isvax)
for (s = r->nodetype->chain; s != NIL; s = s->chain) {
if (s == f) {
if (s == NIL) {
error("\"%s\" is not a field in specified record", f->symbol);
# endif
* Check to see if a tree is boolean-valued, if not it's an error.
register NODE *p;
if (p->nodetype != t_boolean) {
trerror("found %t, expected boolean expression");
* Check to make sure the given tree has a type of the given class.
LOCAL chkclass(p, class)
NODE *p;
int class;
SYM tmpsym;
tmpsym.class = class;
if (p->nodetype->class != class) {
trerror("%t is not a %s", p, classname(&tmpsym));
* Construct a node for the type of a string. While we're at it,
* scan the string for '' that collapse to ', and chop off the ends.
LOCAL SYM *mkstring(str)
char *str;
register char *p, *q;
SYM *s, *t;
static SYM zerosym;
p = str;
q = str + 1;
while (*q != '\0') {
if (q[0] != '\'' || q[1] != '\'') {
*p = *q;
*--p = '\0';
if (p == str + 1) {
return t_char;
s = alloc(1, SYM);
*s = zerosym;
s->class = ARRAY;
s->type = t_char;
s->chain = alloc(1, SYM);
t = s->chain;
*t = zerosym;
t->class = RANGE;
t->type = t_int;
t->symvalue.rangev.lower = 1;
t->symvalue.rangev.upper = p - str + 1;
return s;
* Free up the space allocated for a string type.
SYM *s;