recognizing numerical filenames by putting filenames before numbers
[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.bin / pascal / pdx / command / token.l
/* Copyright (c) 1982 Regents of the University of California */
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)token.l 1.2 %G%";
* Token definitions for pdx scanner.
#include "defs.h"
#include "command.h"
#include ""
#include "symtab.h"
#include "sym.h"
#include "process.h"
#include "process/pxinfo.h"
char *initfile = ".pdxinit";
* This is a silly "lex" thing.
#define yywrap() (1)
* Override Lex default input macros.
#undef input
#undef unput
#define unput(c) ungetc(c, yyin)
blank [ \t]
white {blank}+
alpha [a-zA-Z]
digit [0-9]
n {digit}+
h [0-9a-fA-F]+
e (("e"|"E")("+"|"-")?{n})
alphanum [a-zA-Z0-9]
ident {alpha}{alphanum}*
filenm [^ \t\n"<>!*"]+
qfilenm {filenm}/":"
string '[^']+'('[^']*')*
newline "\n"
char .
%Start file sh
{white} ;
^sh{white}.*$ { BEGIN 0; yylval.y_string = &yytext[3]; return(SH); }
^sh { BEGIN 0; yylval.y_string = NIL; return(SH); }
^{ident} { return(findcmd(yytext)); }
<file>{filenm} { yylval.y_string = strdup(yytext); return(FILENAME); }
{qfilenm} { yylval.y_string = strdup(yytext); return(FILENAME); }
{n}?\.{n}{e}? { yylval.y_real = atof(yytext); return(REAL); }
0{n} { yylval.y_long = octal(yytext); return(INT); }
0x{h} { yylval.y_long = hex(yytext); return(INT); }
{n} { yylval.y_long = atol(yytext); return(INT); }
at { return(AT); }
{ident} { return(ident(yytext)); }
{string} { yylval.y_string = yytext; return(STRING); }
"%dp" { yylval.y_long = (long) DP; return(INT); }
{newline} { BEGIN 0; nlflag = TRUE; return('\n'); }
{char} { return(yylval.y_int = yytext[0]); }
LOCAL SYMTAB *dbtab, *specialtab;
* Look for the given string in the debugger keyword table.
* If it's there, return the associated token, otherwise report an error.
LOCAL int findcmd(s)
char *s;
register SYM *p;
if ((p = st_lookup(dbtab, s)) == NIL) {
error("\"%s\" is not a command", s);
yylval.y_int = tokval(p);
switch (toknum(p)) {
case ALIAS:
case DUMP:
case EDIT:
case CHFILE:
case RUN:
case SOURCE:
case STATUS:
BEGIN file;
/* do nothing */;
* Look for a symbol, first in the special table (if, in, etc.)
* then in the symbol table. If it's there, return the SYM pointer,
* otherwise it's an error.
LOCAL int ident(s)
char *s;
register SYM *p;
if ((p = st_lookup(specialtab, s)) != NIL) {
yylval.y_sym = p;
p = st_lookup(symtab, s);
if (p == NIL) {
if (strcmp(s, "nil") == 0) {
yylval.y_long = 0L;
} else {
error("\"%s\" is not defined", s);
yylval.y_sym = p;
* Convert a string to octal. No check that digits are less than 8.
LOCAL int octal(s)
char *s;
register char *p;
register int n;
n = 0;
for (p = s; *p != '\0'; p++) {
n = 8*n + (*p - '0');
* Convert a string to hex.
LOCAL int hex(s)
char *s;
register char *p;
register int n;
n = 0;
for (p = s+2; *p != '\0'; p++) {
n *= 16;
if (*p >= 'a' && *p <= 'f') {
n += (*p - 'a' + 10);
} else if (*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'F') {
n += (*p - 'A' + 10);
} else {
n += (*p - '0');
* Initialize the debugger keyword table (dbtab) and special symbol
* table (specialtab).
#define db_keyword(nm, n) make_keyword(dbtab, nm, n)
#define sp_keyword(nm, n) make_keyword(specialtab, nm, n)
dbtab = st_creat(150);
db_keyword("alias", ALIAS);
db_keyword("assign", ASSIGN);
db_keyword("call", CALL);
db_keyword("cont", CONT);
db_keyword("delete", DELETE);
db_keyword("dump", DUMP);
db_keyword("edit", EDIT);
db_keyword("file", CHFILE);
db_keyword("gripe", GRIPE);
db_keyword("help", HELP);
db_keyword("list", LIST);
db_keyword("next", NEXT);
db_keyword("pi", REMAKE);
db_keyword("print", PRINT);
db_keyword("quit", QUIT);
db_keyword("run", RUN);
db_keyword("sh", SH);
db_keyword("source", SOURCE);
db_keyword("status", STATUS);
db_keyword("step", STEP);
db_keyword("stop", STOP);
db_keyword("stopi", STOPI);
db_keyword("trace", TRACE);
db_keyword("tracei", TRACEI);
db_keyword("whatis", WHATIS);
db_keyword("where", WHERE);
db_keyword("which", WHICH);
db_keyword("xd", XD);
db_keyword("xi", XI);
specialtab = st_creat(10);
sp_keyword("div", DIV);
sp_keyword("mod", MOD);
sp_keyword("in", IN);
sp_keyword("if", IF);
sp_keyword("and", AND);
sp_keyword("or", OR);
* Send an alias directive over to the symbol table manager.
alias(new, old)
char *new, *old;
if (old == NIL) {
print_alias(dbtab, new);
} else {
enter_alias(dbtab, new, old);
* Input file management routines, "yyin" is Lex's idea of
* where the input comes from.
#define MAXINPUT 10
LOCAL FILE **curfp = &infp[0];
LOCAL BOOLEAN isnewfile;
* Initially, we set the input to the initfile if it exists.
* If it does exist, we play a game or two to avoid generating
* multiple prompts.
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen(initfile, "r");
if (fp != NIL) {
nlflag = TRUE;
* Set the input to the named file. It is expected that the file exists
* and is readable.
char *filename;
register FILE *fp;
if ((fp = fopen(filename, "r")) == NIL) {
error("can't open %s", filename);
if (curfp >= &infp[MAXINPUT]) {
error("unreasonable input nesting on %s", filename);
*curfp++ = yyin;
yyin = fp;
isnewfile = TRUE;
BOOLEAN isstdin()
return((BOOLEAN) (yyin == stdin));
LOCAL int input()
register int c;
if (isnewfile) {
isnewfile = FALSE;
while ((c = getc(yyin)) == EOF) {
if (curfp == &infp[0]) {
} else {
yyin = *--curfp;
if (yyin == stdin) {
* Handle an input string by stripping the quotes and converting
* two interior quotes to one. Copy to newly allocated space and
* return a pointer to it.
* The handling of strings here is not particularly efficient,
* nor need it be.
LOCAL char *pstring(p)
char *p;
int i, len;
char *r, *newp;
len = strlen(p);
r = newp = alloc(len - 2 + 1, char);
for (i = 1; i < len - 1; i++) {
if (p[i] == '\'' && p[i+1] == '\'') {
*newp++ = p[i];
*newp = '\0';
* prompt for a command
nlflag = FALSE;
if (yyin == stdin) {
printf("> ");