Resort to the original type enumeration order, putting the three
[unix-history] / usr / src / sys / vax / if / if_il.c
/* if_il.c 4.3 82/05/25 */
#include "il.h"
#include "imp.h"
#include "loop.h"
* Interlan Ethernet Communications Controller interface
#include "../h/param.h"
#include "../h/systm.h"
#include "../h/mbuf.h"
#include "../h/pte.h"
#include "../h/buf.h"
#include "../h/protosw.h"
#include "../h/socket.h"
#include "../h/ubareg.h"
#include "../h/ubavar.h"
#include "../h/ilreg.h"
#include "../h/cpu.h"
#include "../h/mtpr.h"
#include "../h/vmmac.h"
#include "../net/in.h"
#include "../net/in_systm.h"
#include "../net/if.h"
#include "../net/if_il.h"
#include "../net/if_uba.h"
#include "../net/ip.h"
#include "../net/ip_var.h"
#include "../net/pup.h"
#include "../net/route.h"
#include <errno.h>
#define ILMTU 1500
int ilprobe(), ilattach(), ilrint(), ilcint();
struct uba_device *ilinfo[NIL];
u_short ilstd[] = { 0 };
struct uba_driver ildriver =
{ ilprobe, 0, ilattach, 0, ilstd, "il", ilinfo };
u_char il_ectop[3] = { 0x02, 0x60, 0x8c };
#define ILUNIT(x) minor(x)
int ilinit(),iloutput(),ilreset();
* Ethernet software status per interface.
* Each interface is referenced by a network interface structure,
* is_if, which the routing code uses to locate the interface.
* This structure contains the output queue for the interface, its address, ...
* We also have, for each interface, a UBA interface structure, which
* contains information about the UNIBUS resources held by the interface:
* map registers, buffered data paths, etc. Information is cached in this
* structure for use by the if_uba.c routines in running the interface
* efficiently.
struct il_softc {
struct ifnet is_if; /* network-visible interface */
struct ifuba is_ifuba; /* UNIBUS resources */
short is_oactive; /* is output active? */
short is_startrcv; /* hang receive next chance */
u_char is_enaddr[6]; /* board's ethernet address */
} il_softc[NIL];
* Do an OFFLINE command. This will cause an interrupt for the
* autoconfigure stuff.
caddr_t reg;
register int br, cvec; /* r11, r10 value-result */
register struct ildevice *addr = (struct ildevice *)reg;
register i;
#ifdef lint
br = 0; cvec = br; br = cvec;
ilrint(0); ilcint(0);
addr->il_csr = ILC_OFFLINE|IL_CIE;
i = addr->il_csr; /* Clear CDONE */
if (cvec > 0 && cvec != 0x200)
cvec -= 4;
return (1);
struct il_stat ilbuf;
* Interface exists: make available by filling in network interface
* record. System will initialize the interface when it is ready
* to accept packets. A STATUS command is done to get the ethernet
* address and other interesting data.
struct uba_device *ui;
register struct il_softc *is = &il_softc[ui->ui_unit];
register struct sockaddr_in *sin;
register struct ildevice *addr = (struct ildevice *)ui->ui_addr;
register int i;
int s;
int ubaddr;
is->is_if.if_unit = ui->ui_unit;
is->is_if.if_name = "il";
is->is_if.if_mtu = ILMTU;
is->is_if.if_net = ui->ui_flags & 0xff;
* Reset the board
s = splimp();
addr->il_csr = ((ubaddr>>2)&0xc000)|ILC_RESET;
while (!(addr->il_csr & IL_CDONE))
/* Busy wait */;
if (addr->il_csr & IL_STATUS)
printf("il%d: %s\n", ui->ui_unit,
ildiag[addr->il_csr & IL_STATUS]);
* Map the status buffer to the Unibus, do the status command,
* and unmap the buffer.
ubaddr = uballoc(ui->ui_ubanum, &ilbuf, sizeof(ilbuf), 0);
s = splimp();
addr->il_bar = ubaddr & 0xffff;
addr->il_bcr = sizeof(ilbuf);
addr->il_csr = ((ubaddr>>2)&0xc000)|ILC_STAT;
while (!(addr->il_csr & IL_CDONE))
/* Busy wait */;
if (addr->il_csr & IL_STATUS)
printf("il%d: %s\n", ui->ui_unit,
ilerrs[addr->il_csr & IL_STATUS]);
ubarelse(ui->ui_ubanum, &ubaddr);
* Fill in the Ethernet address from the status buffer
for (i=0; i<6; i++)
is->is_enaddr[i] = ilbuf.ils_addr[i];
printf("il%d: addr=%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x module=%s firmware=%s\n",
is->is_enaddr[0]&0xff, is->is_enaddr[1]&0xff,
is->is_enaddr[2]&0xff, is->is_enaddr[3]&0xff,
is->is_enaddr[4]&0xff, is->is_enaddr[5]&0xff,
ilbuf.ils_module, ilbuf.ils_firmware);
is->is_if.if_host[0] = ((is->is_enaddr[3]&0xff)<<16) | 0x800000 |
((is->is_enaddr[4]&0xff)<<8) | (is->is_enaddr[5]&0xff);
sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)&is->is_if.if_addr;
sin->sin_family = AF_INET;
sin->sin_addr = if_makeaddr(is->is_if.if_net, is->is_if.if_host[0]);
sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)&is->is_if.if_broadaddr;
sin->sin_family = AF_INET;
sin->sin_addr = if_makeaddr(is->is_if.if_net, 0);
is->is_if.if_flags = IFF_BROADCAST;
is->is_if.if_init = ilinit;
is->is_if.if_output = iloutput;
is->is_if.if_ubareset = ilreset;
is->is_ifuba.ifu_flags = UBA_CANTWAIT;
#if NIMP == 0
if (ui->ui_flags &~ 0xff)
illhinit(&is->is_if, (ui->ui_flags &~ 0xff) | 0x0a);
* Reset of interface after UNIBUS reset.
* If interface is on specified uba, reset its state.
ilreset(unit, uban)
int unit, uban;
register struct uba_device *ui;
if (unit >= NIL || (ui = ilinfo[unit]) == 0 || ui->ui_alive == 0 ||
ui->ui_ubanum != uban)
printf(" il%d", unit);
* Initialization of interface; clear recorded pending
* operations, and reinitialize UNIBUS usage.
int unit;
register struct il_softc *is = &il_softc[unit];
register struct uba_device *ui = ilinfo[unit];
register struct ildevice *addr;
register i;
int s;
if (if_ubainit(&is->is_ifuba, ui->ui_ubanum,
sizeof (struct il_rheader), (int)btoc(ILMTU)) == 0) {
printf("il%d: can't initialize\n", unit);
is->is_if.if_flags &= ~IFF_UP;
addr = (struct ildevice *)ui->ui_addr;
* Set board online.
* Hang receive buffer and start any pending
* writes by faking a transmit complete.
* Receive bcr is not a muliple of 4 so buffer
* chaining can't happen.
s = splimp();
addr->il_csr = ILC_ONLINE;
while (!(addr->il_csr & IL_CDONE))
/* Busy wait */;
addr->il_bar = is->is_ifuba.ifu_r.ifrw_info & 0xffff;
addr->il_bcr = sizeof(struct il_rheader) + ILMTU + 6;
addr->il_csr = ((is->is_ifuba.ifu_r.ifrw_info>>2)&0xc000)|
while (!(addr->il_csr & IL_CDONE))
/* Busy wait */;
is->is_startrcv = 0;
is->is_oactive = 1;
is->is_if.if_flags |= IFF_UP;
if_rtinit(&is->is_if, RTF_DIRECT|RTF_UP);
* Start output on interface.
* Get another datagram to send off of the interface queue,
* and map it to the interface before starting the output.
dev_t dev;
int unit = ILUNIT(dev);
struct uba_device *ui = ilinfo[unit];
register struct il_softc *is = &il_softc[unit];
register struct ildevice *addr;
register len;
struct mbuf *m;
int dest;
* Dequeue another request and copy it into the buffer.
* If no more requests, just return.
IF_DEQUEUE(&is->is_if.if_snd, m);
if (m == 0)
len = if_wubaput(&is->is_ifuba, m);
* Flush BDP, then start the output.
if (is->is_ifuba.ifu_flags & UBA_NEEDBDP)
UBAPURGE(is->is_ifuba.ifu_uba, is->is_ifuba.ifu_w.ifrw_bdp);
addr = (struct ildevice *)ui->ui_addr;
addr->il_bar = is->is_ifuba.ifu_w.ifrw_info & 0xffff;
addr->il_bcr = len;
addr->il_csr = ((is->is_ifuba.ifu_w.ifrw_info>>2)&0xc000)|
is->is_oactive = 1;
* Command done interrupt.
* This should only happen after a transmit command,
* so it is equivalent to a transmit interrupt.
* Start another output if more data to send.
int unit;
register struct uba_device *ui = ilinfo[unit];
register struct il_softc *is = &il_softc[unit];
register struct ildevice *addr = (struct ildevice *)ui->ui_addr;
register int err;
if (is->is_oactive == 0) {
printf("il%d: strange xmit interrupt!\n", unit);
is->is_oactive = 0;
if (err = (addr->il_csr & IL_STATUS)){
printf("il%d: output error %d\n", unit, err);
* Hang receive buffer if it couldn't be done earlier (in ilrint).
if (is->is_startrcv) {
addr->il_bar = is->is_ifuba.ifu_r.ifrw_info & 0xffff;
addr->il_bcr = sizeof(struct il_rheader) + ILMTU + 6;
addr->il_csr = ((is->is_ifuba.ifu_r.ifrw_info>>2)&0xc000)|
while (!(addr->il_csr & IL_CDONE))
/* Busy wait */;
is->is_startrcv = 0;
if (is->is_ifuba.ifu_xtofree) {
is->is_ifuba.ifu_xtofree = 0;
if (is->is_if.if_snd.ifq_head == 0) {
* Ethernet interface receiver interrupt.
* If input error just drop packet.
* Otherwise purge input buffered data path and examine
* packet to determine type. If can't determine length
* from type, then have to drop packet. Othewise decapsulate
* packet based on type and pass to type specific higher-level
* input routine.
int unit;
register struct il_softc *is = &il_softc[unit];
struct ildevice *addr = (struct ildevice *)ilinfo[unit]->ui_addr;
register struct il_rheader *il;
struct mbuf *m;
int len, off, resid;
register struct ifqueue *inq;
if (is->is_ifuba.ifu_flags & UBA_NEEDBDP)
UBAPURGE(is->is_ifuba.ifu_uba, is->is_ifuba.ifu_r.ifrw_bdp);
il = (struct il_rheader *)(is->is_ifuba.ifu_r.ifrw_addr);
len = il->ilr_length - sizeof(struct il_rheader);
if (il->ilr_status&0x3 || len < 46 || len > ILMTU) {
#ifdef notdef
if (is->is_if.if_ierrors % 100 == 0)
printf("il%d: += 100 input errors\n", unit);
printf("il%d: input error (status=%x, len=%d)\n", unit,
il->ilr_status, len);
goto setup;
* Deal with trailer protocol: if type is PUP trailer
* get true type from first 16-bit word past data.
* Remember that type was trailer by setting off.
#define ildataaddr(il, off, type) ((type)(((caddr_t)((il)+1)+(off))))
if (il->ilr_type >= ILPUP_TRAIL &&
off = (il->ilr_type - ILPUP_TRAIL) * 512;
if (off >= ILMTU)
goto setup; /* sanity */
il->ilr_type = *ildataaddr(il, off, u_short *);
resid = *(ildataaddr(il, off+2, u_short *));
if (off + resid > len)
goto setup; /* sanity */
len = off + resid;
} else
off = 0;
if (len == 0)
goto setup;
* Pull packet off interface. Off is nonzero if packet
* has trailing header; ilget will then force this header
* information to be at the front, but we still have to drop
* the type and length which are at the front of any trailer data.
m = if_rubaget(&is->is_ifuba, len, off);
if (m == 0)
goto setup;
if (off) {
m->m_off += 2 * sizeof (u_short);
m->m_len -= 2 * sizeof (u_short);
switch (il->ilr_type) {
#ifdef INET
inq = &ipintrq;
goto setup;
if (IF_QFULL(inq)) {
} else
IF_ENQUEUE(inq, m);
* Reset for next packet if possible.
* If waiting for transmit command completion, set flag
* and wait until command completes.
if (!is->is_oactive) {
addr->il_bar = is->is_ifuba.ifu_r.ifrw_info & 0xffff;
addr->il_bcr = sizeof(struct il_rheader) + ILMTU + 6;
addr->il_csr = ((is->is_ifuba.ifu_r.ifrw_info>>2)&0xc000)|
while (!(addr->il_csr & IL_CDONE))
/* Busy wait */;
} else
is->is_startrcv = 1;
* Ethernet output routine.
* Encapsulate a packet of type family for the local net.
* Use trailer local net encapsulation if enough data in first
* packet leaves a multiple of 512 bytes of data in remainder.
iloutput(ifp, m0, dst)
struct ifnet *ifp;
struct mbuf *m0;
struct sockaddr *dst;
int type, dest, s, error;
register struct il_softc *is = &il_softc[ifp->if_unit];
register struct mbuf *m = m0;
register struct il_xheader *il;
register int off;
register int i;
switch (dst->sa_family) {
#ifdef INET
case AF_INET:
dest = ((struct sockaddr_in *)dst)->sin_addr.s_addr;
off = ntohs((u_short)mtod(m, struct ip *)->ip_len) - m->m_len;
if (off > 0 && (off & 0x1ff) == 0 &&
m->m_off >= MMINOFF + 2 * sizeof (u_short)) {
type = ILPUP_TRAIL + (off>>9);
m->m_off -= 2 * sizeof (u_short);
m->m_len += 2 * sizeof (u_short);
*mtod(m, u_short *) = ILPUP_IPTYPE;
*(mtod(m, u_short *) + 1) = m->m_len;
goto gottrailertype;
off = 0;
goto gottype;
printf("il%d: can't handle af%d\n", ifp->if_unit,
goto bad;
* Packet to be sent as trailer: move first packet
* (control information) to end of chain.
while (m->m_next)
m = m->m_next;
m->m_next = m0;
m = m0->m_next;
m0->m_next = 0;
m0 = m;
* Add local net header. If no space in first mbuf,
* allocate another.
if (m->m_off > MMAXOFF ||
MMINOFF + sizeof (struct il_xheader) > m->m_off) {
m = m_get(M_DONTWAIT);
if (m == 0) {
error = ENOBUFS;
goto bad;
m->m_next = m0;
m->m_off = MMINOFF;
m->m_len = sizeof (struct il_xheader);
} else {
m->m_off -= sizeof (struct il_xheader);
m->m_len += sizeof (struct il_xheader);
il = mtod(m, struct il_xheader *);
if ((dest &~ 0xff) == 0)
for (i=0; i<6; i++)
il->ilx_dhost[i] = 0xff;
else {
if (dest & 0x8000) {
il->ilx_dhost[0] = is->is_enaddr[0];
il->ilx_dhost[1] = is->is_enaddr[1];
il->ilx_dhost[2] = is->is_enaddr[2];
} else {
il->ilx_dhost[0] = il_ectop[0];
il->ilx_dhost[1] = il_ectop[1];
il->ilx_dhost[2] = il_ectop[2];
il->ilx_dhost[3] = (dest>>8) & 0x7f;
il->ilx_dhost[4] = (dest>>16) & 0xff;
il->ilx_dhost[5] = (dest>>24) & 0xff;
il->ilx_type = type;
* Queue message on interface, and start output if interface
* not yet active.
s = splimp();
if (IF_QFULL(&ifp->if_snd)) {
error = ENOBUFS;
goto qfull;
IF_ENQUEUE(&ifp->if_snd, m);
if (is->is_oactive == 0)
return (0);
m0 = m;
#if NIMP == 0 && NIL > 0
* Logical host interface driver.
* Allows host to appear as an ARPAnet
* logical host. Must also have routing
* table entry set up to forward packets
* to appropriate gateway on localnet.
struct ifnet illhif;
int looutput();
* Called by localnet interface to allow logical
* host interface to "attach". Nothing should ever
* be sent locally to this interface, it's purpose
* is simply to establish the host's arpanet address.
illhinit(ilifp, addr)
struct ifnet *ilifp;
int addr;
register struct ifnet *ifp = &illhif;
register struct sockaddr_in *sin;
ifp->if_name = "lh";
ifp->if_mtu = ILMTU;
sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)&ifp->if_addr;
sin->sin_family = AF_INET;
sin->sin_addr.s_addr = addr;
ifp->if_net = sin->sin_addr.s_net;
ifp->if_dstaddr = ilifp->if_addr;
ifp->if_flags = IFF_UP|IFF_POINTOPOINT;
ifp->if_output = looutput;
rtinit(&ifp->if_addr, &ifp->if_addr, RTF_UP|RTF_DIRECT|RTF_HOST);