new file organization
[unix-history] / usr / src / games / adventure / hdr.h
/* ADVENTURE -- Jim Gillogly, Jul 1977
* This program is a re-write of ADVENT, written in FORTRAN mostly by
* Don Woods of SAIL. In most places it is as nearly identical to the
* original as possible given the language and word-size differences.
* A few places, such as the message arrays and travel arrays were changed
* to reflect the smaller core size and word size. The labels of the
* original are reflected in this version, so that the comments of the
* fortran are still applicable here.
* The data file distributed with the fortran source is assumed to be called
* "glorkz" in the directory where the program is first run.
static char hdr_sccsid[] = " hdr.h 4.1 82/05/11 ";
/* \f hdr.h */
/* hdr.h: included by c advent files */
extern int setup; /* changed by savec & init */
int datfd; /* message file descriptor */
int delhit;
int yea;
#define TAB 011
#define LF 012
#define FLUSHLINE while (getchar()!='\n')
#define FLUSHLF while (next()!=LF)
int loc,newloc,oldloc,oldlc2,wzdark,SHORT,gaveup,kq,k,k2;
char *wd1,*wd2; /* the complete words */
int verb,obj,spk;
extern int blklin;
int saved,savet,mxscor,latncy;
#define MAXSTR 20 /* max length of user's words */
#define HTSIZE 512 /* max number of vocab words */
struct hashtab /* hash table for vocabulary */
{ int val; /* word type &index (ktab) */
char *atab; /* pointer to actual string */
} voc[HTSIZE];
#define DATFILE "glorkz" /* all the original msgs */
#define TMPFILE "" /* just the text msgs */
struct text
{ int seekadr; /* DATFILE must be < 2**16 */
int txtlen; /* length of msg starting here */
#define RTXSIZ 205
struct text rtext[RTXSIZ]; /* random text messages */
#define MAGSIZ 35
struct text mtext[MAGSIZ]; /* magic messages */
int clsses;
#define CLSMAX 12
struct text ctext[CLSMAX]; /* classes of adventurer */
int cval[CLSMAX];
struct text ptext[101]; /* object descriptions */
#define LOCSIZ 141 /* number of locations */
struct text ltext[LOCSIZ]; /* long loc description */
struct text stext[LOCSIZ]; /* short loc descriptions */
struct travlist /* direcs & conditions of travel*/
{ struct travlist *next; /* ptr to next list entry */
int conditions; /* m in writeup (newloc / 1000) */
int tloc; /* n in writeup (newloc % 1000) */
int tverb; /* the verb that takes you there*/
} *travel[LOCSIZ],*tkk; /* travel is closer to keys(...)*/
int atloc[LOCSIZ];
int plac[101]; /* initial object placement */
int fixd[101],fixed[101]; /* location fixed? */
int actspk[35]; /* rtext msg for verb <n> */
int cond[LOCSIZ]; /* various condition bits */
extern int setbit[16]; /* bit defn masks 1,2,4,... */
int hntmax;
int hints[20][5]; /* info on hints */
int hinted[20],hintlc[20];
int place[101], prop[101],link[201];
int abb[LOCSIZ];
int maxtrs,tally,tally2; /* treasure values */
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
int keys,lamp,grate,cage,rod,rod2,steps,/* mnemonics */
int chloc,chloc2,dseen[7],dloc[7], /* dwarf stuff */
int tk[21],stick,dtotal,attack;
int turns,lmwarn,iwest,knfloc,detail, /* various flags & counters */
int demo,newloc,limit;
char *malloc();