cleaned up comments
[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.sbin / sendmail / src / parseaddr.c
# include <stdio.h>
# include <ctype.h>
# include "dlvrmail.h"
static char SccsId[] = "@(#)parseaddr.c 1.3 %G%";
** PARSE -- Parse an address
** Parses an address and breaks it up into three parts: a
** net to transmit the message on, the host to transmit it
** to, and a user on that host. These are loaded into an
** addrq header with the values squirreled away if necessary.
** The "user" part may not be a real user; the process may
** just reoccur on that machine. For example, on a machine
** with an arpanet connection, the address
** csvax.bill@berkeley
** will break up to a "user" of 'csvax.bill' and a host
** of 'berkeley' -- to be transmitted over the arpanet.
** Parameters:
** addr -- the address to parse.
** a -- a pointer to the address descriptor buffer.
** If NULL, a header will be created.
** copyf -- determines what shall be copied:
** -1 -- don't copy anything. The printname
** (q_paddr) is just addr, and the
** user & host are allocated internally
** to parse.
** 0 -- copy out the parsed user & host, but
** don't copy the printname.
** +1 -- copy everything.
** Returns:
** A pointer to the address descriptor header (`a' if
** `a' is non-NULL).
** NULL on error.
** Side Effects:
** none
** Called By:
** main
** sendto
** alias
** savemail
addrq *
parse(addr, a, copyf)
char *addr;
register addrq *a;
int copyf;
register char *p;
register struct parsetab *t;
extern struct parsetab ParseTab[];
static char buf[MAXNAME];
register char c;
register char *q;
bool got_one;
extern char *prescan();
extern char *xalloc();
** Initialize and prescan address.
To = addr;
if (prescan(addr, buf, &buf[sizeof buf], '\0') == NULL)
return (NULL);
** Scan parse table.
** Look for the first entry designating a character
** that is contained in the address.
** Arrange for q to point to that character.
** Check to see that there is only one of the char
** if it must be unique.
** Find the last one if the host is on the RHS.
** Insist that the host name is atomic.
** If just doing a map, do the map and then start all
** over.
got_one = FALSE;
for (t = ParseTab; t->p_char != '\0'; t++)
q = NULL;
for (p = buf; (c = *p) != '\0'; p++)
/* find the end of this token */
while (isalnum(c) || c == '-' || c == '_')
c = *++p;
if (c == '\0')
if (c == t->p_char)
got_one = TRUE;
/* do mapping as appropriate */
if (flagset(P_MAP, t->p_flags))
*p = t->p_arg[0];
if (flagset(P_ONE, t->p_flags))
goto rescan;
/* arrange for q to point to it */
if (q != NULL && flagset(P_ONE, t->p_flags))
usrerr("multichar error");
ExitStat = EX_USAGE;
return (NULL);
if (q == NULL || flagset(P_HLAST, t->p_flags))
q = p;
/* insist that host name is atomic */
if (flagset(P_HLAST, t->p_flags))
q = NULL;
if (q != NULL)
** If we matched nothing cleanly, but we did match something
** somewhere in the process of scanning, then we have a
** syntax error. This can happen on things like a@b:c where
** @ has a right host and : has a left host.
** We also set `q' to the null string, in case someone forgets
** to put the P_MOVE bit in the local mailer entry of the
** configuration table.
if (q == NULL)
q = "";
if (got_one)
usrerr("syntax error");
ExitStat = EX_USAGE;
return (NULL);
** Interpret entry.
** t points to the entry for the mailer we will use.
** q points to the significant character.
if (a == NULL)
a = (addrq *) xalloc(sizeof *a);
if (copyf > 0)
p = xalloc((unsigned) strlen(addr) + 1);
strcpy(p, addr);
a->q_paddr = p;
a->q_paddr = addr;
a->q_mailer = &Mailer[t->p_mailer];
if (flagset(P_MOVE, t->p_flags))
/* send the message to another host & retry */
a->q_host = t->p_arg;
if (copyf >= 0)
p = xalloc((unsigned) strlen(buf) + 1);
strcpy(p, buf);
a->q_user = p;
a->q_user = buf;
** Make local copies of the host & user and then
** transport them out.
*q++ = '\0';
if (flagset(P_HLAST, t->p_flags))
a->q_host = q;
a->q_user = buf;
a->q_host = buf;
a->q_user = q;
if (copyf >= 0)
p = xalloc((unsigned) strlen(a->q_host) + 1);
strcpy(p, a->q_host);
a->q_host = p;
p = xalloc((unsigned) strlen(a->q_user) + 1);
strcpy(p, a->q_user);
a->q_user = p;
** Do UPPER->lower case mapping unless inhibited.
if (!flagset(P_HST_UPPER, t->p_flags))
if (!flagset(P_USR_UPPER, t->p_flags))
** Compute return value.
# ifdef DEBUG
if (Debug && copyf >= 0)
printf("parse(\"%s\"): host \"%s\" user \"%s\" mailer %d\n",
addr, a->q_host, a->q_user, t->p_mailer);
# endif DEBUG
return (a);
** MAKELOWER -- Translate a line into lower case
** Parameters:
** p -- the string to translate. If NULL, return is
** immediate.
** Returns:
** none.
** Side Effects:
** String pointed to by p is translated to lower case.
** Called By:
** parse
register char *p;
register char c;
if (p == NULL)
for (; (c = *p) != '\0'; p++)
if ((c & 0200) == 0 && isupper(c))
*p = c - 'A' + 'a';
** PRESCAN -- Prescan name and make it canonical
** Scans a name and turns it into canonical form. This involves
** deleting blanks, comments (in parentheses), and turning the
** word "at" into an at-sign ("@"). The name is copied as this
** is done; it is legal to copy a name onto itself, since this
** process can only make things smaller.
** This routine knows about quoted strings and angle brackets.
** There are certain subtleties to this routine. The one that
** comes to mind now is that backslashes on the ends of names
** are silently stripped off; this is intentional. The problem
** is that some versions of sndmsg (like at LBL) set the kill
** character to something other than @ when reading addresses;
** so people type "csvax.eric\@berkeley" -- which screws up the
** berknet mailer.
** Parameters:
** addr -- the name to chomp.
** buf -- the buffer to copy it into.
** buflim -- the last usable address in the buffer
** (which will old a null byte). Normally
** &buf[sizeof buf - 1].
** delim -- the delimiter for the address, normally
** '\0' or ','; \0 is accepted in any case.
** are moving in place; set buflim to high core.
** Returns:
** A pointer to the terminator of buf.
** NULL on error.
** Side Effects:
** buf gets clobbered.
** Called By:
** parse
** maketemp
char *
prescan(addr, buf, buflim, delim)
char *addr;
char *buf;
char *buflim;
char delim;
register char *p;
bool space;
bool quotemode;
bool bslashmode;
int cmntcnt;
int brccnt;
register char c;
register char *q;
extern bool any();
space = TRUE;
q = buf;
bslashmode = quotemode = FALSE;
cmntcnt = brccnt = 0;
for (p = addr; (c = *p++ & 0177) != '\0'; )
/* chew up special characters */
*q = '\0';
if (bslashmode)
c |= 0200;
bslashmode == FALSE;
else if (c == '"')
quotemode = !quotemode;
else if (c == '\\')
else if (quotemode)
c |= 0200;
else if (c == delim)
else if (c == '(')
else if (c == ')')
if (cmntcnt <= 0)
usrerr("Unbalanced ')'");
return (NULL);
if (cmntcnt > 0)
else if (c == '<')
if (brccnt == 1)
/* we prefer using machine readable name */
q = buf;
*q = '\0';
else if (c == '>')
if (brccnt <= 0)
usrerr("Unbalanced `>'");
return (NULL);
if (brccnt <= 0)
** Turn "at" into "@",
** but only if "at" is a word in and to itself.
** By the way, I violate the ARPANET RFC-733
** standard here, by assuming that 'space' delimits
** atoms. I assume that is just a mistake, since
** it violates the spirit of the semantics
** of the document.....
if (space && (c == 'a' || c == 'A') &&
(p[0] == 't' || p[0] == 'T') &&
(any(p[1], "()<>@,;:\\\"") || p[1] <= 040))
c = '@';
/* skip blanks */
if (((c & 0200) != 0 || !isspace(c)) && cmntcnt <= 0)
if (q >= buflim)
usrerr("Address too long");
return (NULL);
*q++ = c;
space = isspace(c);
*q = '\0';
if (c == '\0')
if (cmntcnt > 0)
usrerr("Unbalanced '('");
else if (quotemode)
usrerr("Unbalanced '\"'");
else if (brccnt > 0)
usrerr("Unbalanced '<'");
else if (buf[0] != '\0')
return (p);
return (NULL);