no flipping of sport/dport
[unix-history] / usr / src / sys / netinet / tcp_var.h
/* tcp_var.h 4.5 81/11/18 */
* Kernel variables for tcp.
* Tcp+ip header, after ip options removed.
struct tcpiphdr {
struct ipovly ti_i; /* overlaid ip structure */
struct tcphdr ti_t; /* tcp header */
#define ti_next ti_i.ih_next
#define ti_prev ti_i.ih_prev
#define ti_x1 ti_i.ih_x1
#define ti_pr ti_i.ih_pr
#define ti_len ti_i.ih_len
#define ti_src ti_i.ih_src
#define ti_dst ti_i.ih_dst
#define ti_sport ti_t.th_sport
#define ti_dport ti_t.th_dport
#define ti_seq ti_t.th_seq
#define ti_ackno ti_t.th_ackno
#define ti_x2 ti_t.th_x2
#define ti_off ti_t.th_off
#define ti_flags ti_t.th_flags
#define ti_win ti_t.th_win
#define ti_sum ti_t.th_sum
#define ti_urp ti_t.th_urp
* Tcp control block.
struct tcpcb {
struct tcpiphdr *seg_next,*seg_prev; /* seq queue */
struct tcpiphdr *t_template; /* skeletal packet for transmit */
struct inpcb *t_inpcb;
seq_t iss; /* initial send seq # */
seq_t irs; /* initial recv seq # */
seq_t rcv_urp; /* rcv urgent pointer */
seq_t rcv_nxt; /* next seq # to rcv */
seq_t rcv_end; /* rcv eol pointer */
seq_t snd_off; /* seq # of first datum in send buf */
seq_t seq_fin; /* seq # of FIN sent */
seq_t snd_end; /* send eol pointer */
seq_t snd_urp; /* snd urgent pointer */
seq_t snd_lst; /* seq # of last sent datum */
seq_t snd_nxt; /* seq # of next datum to send */
seq_t snd_una; /* seq # of first unacked datum */
seq_t snd_wl; /* seq # of last sent window */
seq_t snd_hi; /* highest seq # sent */
seq_t snd_wnd; /* send window max */
seq_t t_rexmt_val; /* val saved in rexmt timer */
seq_t t_rtl_val; /* val saved in rexmt too long timer */
seq_t t_xmt_val; /* seq # sent when xmt timer started */
seq_t rcv_adv; /* advertised window */
struct mbuf *seg_unack; /* unacked message queue */
short seqcnt;
u_short tc_flags; /* flags and state; see below */
u_short t_options;
#define TO_EOL 0x01 /* eol mode */
#define TO_URG 0x02 /* urgent mode */
u_char t_state; /* state of this connection */
u_char t_xmtime; /* current rexmt time */
/* timers... must be in order */
short t_init; /* init */
short t_rexmt; /* retransmission */
short t_rexmttl; /* retransmit too long */
short t_persist; /* retransmit persistance */
short t_finack; /* fin acknowledged */
short t_xmt; /* round trip transmission time */
/* end timers */
/* tc_flags values */
#define TC_ACK_DUE 0x0001 /* must we send ACK */
#define TC_CANCELLED 0x0002 /* retransmit timer cancelled */
/* ... */
#define TC_FIN_RCVD 0x0008 /* FIN received */
#define TC_FORCE_ONE 0x0010 /* force sending of one byte */
#define TC_NEW_WINDOW 0x0020 /* received new window size */
#define TC_REXMT 0x0040 /* this msg is a retransmission */
#define TC_SND_FIN 0x0080 /* FIN should be sent */
#define TC_SND_RST 0x0100 /* RST should be sent */
#define TC_SND_URG 0x0200 /* urgent data to send */
#define TC_SYN_ACKED 0x0400 /* SYN has been ACKed */
#define TC_SYN_RCVD 0x0800 /* SYN has been received */
#define TC_USR_CLOSED 0x1000 /* user has closed connection */
#define TC_WAITED_2_ML 0x2000 /* wait time for FIN ACK is up */
#define TC_NET_KEEP 0x4000 /* don't free this net input */
#define TC_USR_ABORT 0x8000 /* user has closed and does not expect
to receive any more data */
* TCP timers.
#define TINIT 0
#define TREXMT 1
#define TREXMTTL 2
#define TPERSIST 3
#define TFINACK 4
#define TNTIMERS 5
#define intotcpcb(ip) ((struct tcpcb *)(ip)->inp_ppcb)
#define sototcpcb(so) (intotcpcb(sotoinpcb(so)))
* Tcp machine predicates
#define ack_ok(x, y) \
(((y)->ti_flags&TH_ACK)==0 || \
((x)->iss < (y)->ti_ackno && (y)->ti_ackno <= (x)->snd_hi))
#define syn_ok(x, y) \
#define ack_fin(x, y) \
((x)->seq_fin > (x)->iss && (y)->ti_ackno > (x)->seq_fin)
#define rcv_empty(x) \
(((x)->tc_flags&TC_USR_ABORT) || \
((x)->t_inpcb->inp_socket->so_rcv.sb_mb == NULL && \
(x)->seg_next == (x)->seg_prev))
#define ISSINCR 128 /* increment for iss each second */
#define TCPSIZE 20 /* size of TCP leader (bytes) */
* *2 here is because slow timeout routine called every 1/2 second.
#define T_INIT (30*2)
#define T_2ML (10*2) /* 2*maximum packet lifetime */
#define T_PERS (5*2) /* persist time */
#define T_REXMT (1*2) /* base for retransmission time */
#define T_REXMTTL (30*2) /* retransmit too long timeout */
#define T_REMAX (30*2) /* maximum retransmission time */
struct tcpstat {
int tcps_badsum;
int tcps_badoff;
int tcps_hdrops;
int tcps_badsegs;
int tcps_unack;
#define TDBSIZE 50
* Tcp debugging record.
struct tcp_debug {
long td_tod; /* time of day */
struct tcbcb *td_tcb; /* -> tcb */
char td_old; /* old state */
char td_inp; /* input */
char td_tim; /* timer id */
char td_new; /* new state */
seq_t td_sno; /* seq_t number */
seq_t td_ano; /* acknowledgement */
u_short td_wno; /* window */
u_short td_lno; /* length */
u_char td_flg; /* message flags */
#ifdef KERNEL
seq_t tcp_iss; /* tcp initial send seq # */
struct inpcb tcb;
struct tcpstat tcpstat;
int tcpconsdebug; /* set to 1 traces on console */
struct tcp_debug tcp_debug[TDBSIZE];
int tdbx; /* rotating index into tcp_debug */
struct tcpiphdr *tcp_template();
#define SEQ_LT(a,b) ((int)((a)-(b)) < 0)
#define SEQ_LEQ(a,b) ((int)((a)-(b)) <= 0)
#define SEQ_GT(a,b) ((int)((a)-(b)) > 0)
#define SEQ_GEQ(a,b) ((int)((a)-(b)) >= 0)