BSD 4_4 development
[unix-history] / usr / src / old / lisp / pearl / pearlbulk.l
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; pearlbulk.l ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; This file is the second half of PEARL for compiling in two pieces.
; It loads "pearlbase.o" and then "includes" the rest of PEARL.
; Copyright (c) 1983 , The Regents of the University of California.
; All rights reserved.
; Authors: Joseph Faletti and Michael Deering.
(eval-when (compile)
; To cut down on the number of garbage collects during compilation.
(allocate 'list 800)
(allocate 'symbol 200)
(allocate 'fixnum 10)
(fasl 'pearlbase)
(load 'franz.l)
(declare (special defmacro-for-compiling))
(setq defmacro-for-compiling t))
(declare (macros t))
(declare (localf enforcetype buildvalue
insidescopy insidepatternize insidevarreplace
followpath convertpreds revassq
recursetoinsidestandardfetch gethashvalue insertbyfocus
prefix addhistory read-in-startprl-file read-in-initprl-file))
(include create.l)
(include scopy.l)
(include path.l)
(include print.l)
(include hash.l)
(include match.l)
(include history.l)
(include toplevel.l)
; This is a version of the usual library file fix.l
; with "print"s changed to "pearlfixprintfn".
; It should only be left out after changing the toplevel stuff to
; not call the fixit debugger.
(include fix.l)
(include alias.l)
(include inits.l)
; vi: set lisp: