fixed version number
[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.bin / sccs / sccs.c
# include <stdio.h>
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>
# include <sys/dir.h>
# include <errno.h>
# include <signal.h>
# include <sysexits.h>
# include <whoami.h>
** SCCS.C -- human-oriented front end to the SCCS system.
** Without trying to add any functionality to speak of, this
** program tries to make SCCS a little more accessible to human
** types. The main thing it does is automatically put the
** string "SCCS/s." on the front of names. Also, it has a
** couple of things that are designed to shorten frequent
** combinations, e.g., "delget" which expands to a "delta"
** and a "get".
** This program can also function as a setuid front end.
** To do this, you should copy the source, renaming it to
** whatever you want, e.g., "syssccs". Change any defaults
** in the program (e.g., syssccs might default -d to
** "/usr/src/sys"). Then recompile and put the result
** as setuid to whomever you want. In this mode, sccs
** knows to not run setuid for certain programs in order
** to preserve security, and so forth.
** Usage:
** sccs [flags] command [args]
** Flags:
** -d<dir> <dir> represents a directory to search
** out of. It should be a full pathname
** for general usage. E.g., if <dir> is
** "/usr/src/sys", then a reference to the
** file "dev/bio.c" becomes a reference to
** "/usr/src/sys/dev/bio.c".
** -p<path> prepends <path> to the final component
** of the pathname. By default, this is
** "SCCS". For example, in the -d example
** above, the path then gets modified to
** "/usr/src/sys/dev/SCCS/". In
** more common usage (without the -d flag),
** "prog.c" would get modified to
** "SCCS/s.prog.c". In both cases, the
** "s." gets automatically prepended.
** -r run as the real user.
** Commands:
** admin,
** get,
** delta,
** rmdel,
** chghist,
** etc. Straight out of SCCS; only difference
** is that pathnames get modified as
** described above.
** edit Macro for "get -e".
** unedit Removes a file being edited, knowing
** about p-files, etc.
** delget Macro for "delta" followed by "get".
** deledit Macro for "delta" followed by "get -e".
** info Tell what files being edited.
** clean Remove all files that can be
** regenerated from SCCS files.
** check Like info, but return exit status, for
** use in makefiles.
** fix Remove a top delta & reedit, but save
** the previous changes in that delta.
** Compilation Flags:
** UIDUSER -- determine who the user is by looking at the
** uid rather than the login name -- for machines
** where SCCS gets the user in this way.
** SCCSDIR -- if defined, forces the -d flag to take on
** this value. This is so that the setuid
** aspects of this program cannot be abused.
** This flag also disables the -p flag.
** SCCSPATH -- the default for the -p flag.
** MYNAME -- the title this program should print when it
** gives error messages.
** Compilation Instructions:
** cc -O -n -s sccs.c
** The flags listed above can be -D defined to simplify
** recompilation for variant versions.
** Author:
** Eric Allman, UCB/INGRES
** Copyright 1980 Regents of the University of California
static char SccsId[] = "@(#)sccs.c 1.42 %G%";
/******************* Configuration Information ********************/
/* special defines for local berkeley systems */
# include <whoami.h>
# ifdef CSVAX
# define UIDUSER
# define PROGPATH(name) "/usr/local/name"
# endif CSVAX
/* end of berkeley systems defines */
# ifndef SCCSPATH
# define SCCSPATH "SCCS" /* pathname in which to find s-files */
# ifndef MYNAME
# define MYNAME "sccs" /* name used for printing errors */
# endif NOT MYNAME
# ifndef PROGPATH
# define PROGPATH(name) "/usr/sccs/name" /* place to find binaries */
# endif PROGPATH
/**************** End of Configuration Information ****************/
typedef char bool;
# define TRUE 1
# define FALSE 0
# define bitset(bit, word) ((bool) ((bit) & (word)))
# ifdef UIDUSER
# include <pwd.h>
# endif UIDUSER
struct sccsprog
char *sccsname; /* name of SCCS routine */
short sccsoper; /* opcode, see below */
short sccsflags; /* flags, see below */
char *sccsklets; /* valid key-letters on macros */
char *sccspath; /* pathname of binary implementing */
/* values for sccsoper */
# define PROG 0 /* call a program */
# define CMACRO 1 /* command substitution macro */
# define FIX 2 /* fix a delta */
# define CLEAN 3 /* clean out recreatable files */
# define UNEDIT 4 /* unedit a file */
# define SHELL 5 /* call a shell file (like PROG) */
# define DIFFS 6 /* diff between sccs & file out */
/* bits for sccsflags */
# define NO_SDOT 0001 /* no s. on front of args */
# define REALUSER 0002 /* protected (e.g., admin) */
/* modes for the "clean", "info", "check" ops */
# define CLEANC 0 /* clean command */
# define INFOC 1 /* info command */
# define CHECKC 2 /* check command */
** Description of commands known to this program.
** First argument puts the command into a class. Second arg is
** info regarding treatment of this command. Third arg is a
** list of flags this command accepts from macros, etc. Fourth
** arg is the pathname of the implementing program, or the
** macro definition, or the arg to a sub-algorithm.
struct sccsprog SccsProg[] =
"admin", PROG, REALUSER, "", PROGPATH(admin),
"chghist", PROG, 0, "", PROGPATH(rmdel),
"comb", PROG, 0, "", PROGPATH(comb),
"delta", PROG, 0, "mysrp", PROGPATH(delta),
"get", PROG, 0, "ixbeskcl", PROGPATH(get),
"help", PROG, NO_SDOT, "", PROGPATH(help),
"prt", PROG, 0, "", PROGPATH(prt),
"rmdel", PROG, REALUSER, "r", PROGPATH(rmdel),
"what", PROG, NO_SDOT, "", PROGPATH(what),
"sccsdiff", SHELL, REALUSER, "", PROGPATH(sccsdiff),
"edit", CMACRO, NO_SDOT, "ixbscl", "get -e",
"delget", CMACRO, NO_SDOT, "", "delta/get -t",
"deledit", CMACRO, NO_SDOT, "", "delta/get -e -t",
"fix", FIX, NO_SDOT, "", NULL,
"clean", CLEAN, REALUSER, "", (char *) CLEANC,
"info", CLEAN, REALUSER, "", (char *) INFOC,
"check", CLEAN, REALUSER, "", (char *) CHECKC,
"unedit", UNEDIT, NO_SDOT, "", NULL,
NULL, -1, 0, "", NULL
/* one line from a p-file */
struct pfile
char *p_osid; /* old SID */
char *p_nsid; /* new SID */
char *p_user; /* user who did edit */
char *p_date; /* date of get */
char *p_time; /* time of get */
char *SccsPath = SCCSPATH; /* pathname of SCCS files */
# ifdef SCCSDIR
char *SccsDir = SCCSDIR; /* directory to begin search from */
# else
char *SccsDir = "";
# endif
char MyName[] = MYNAME; /* name used in messages */
int OutFile = -1; /* override output file for commands */
bool RealUser; /* if set, running as real user */
# ifdef DEBUG
bool Debug; /* turn on tracing */
# endif
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
register char *p;
extern struct sccsprog *lookup();
register int i;
** Detect and decode flags intended for this program.
if (argc < 2)
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [flags] command [flags]\n", MyName);
argv[argc] = NULL;
if (lookup(argv[0]) == NULL)
while ((p = *++argv) != NULL)
if (*p != '-')
switch (*++p)
case 'r': /* run as real user */
# ifndef SCCSDIR
case 'p': /* path of sccs files */
SccsPath = ++p;
case 'd': /* directory to search from */
SccsDir = ++p;
# endif
# ifdef DEBUG
case 'T': /* trace */
# endif
usrerr("unknown option -%s", p);
if (SccsPath[0] == '\0')
SccsPath = ".";
i = command(argv, FALSE, FALSE, "");
** COMMAND -- look up and perform a command
** This routine is the guts of this program. Given an
** argument vector, it looks up the "command" (argv[0])
** in the configuration table and does the necessary stuff.
** Parameters:
** argv -- an argument vector to process.
** forkflag -- if set, fork before executing the command.
** editflag -- if set, only include flags listed in the
** sccsklets field of the command descriptor.
** arg0 -- a space-seperated list of arguments to insert
** before argv.
** Returns:
** zero -- command executed ok.
** else -- error status.
** Side Effects:
** none.
command(argv, forkflag, editflag, arg0)
char **argv;
bool forkflag;
bool editflag;
char *arg0;
register struct sccsprog *cmd;
register char *p;
char buf[40];
extern struct sccsprog *lookup();
char *nav[1000];
char **np;
register char **ap;
register int i;
register char *q;
extern bool unedit();
int rval = 0;
extern char *index();
extern char *makefile();
extern char *tail();
# ifdef DEBUG
if (Debug)
printf("command:\n\t\"%s\"\n", arg0);
for (np = argv; *np != NULL; np++)
printf("\t\"%s\"\n", *np);
# endif
** Copy arguments.
** Copy from arg0 & if necessary at most one arg
** from argv[0].
np = ap = &nav[1];
for (p = arg0, q = buf; *p != '\0' && *p != '/'; )
*np++ = q;
while (*p == ' ')
while (*p != ' ' && *p != '\0' && *p != '/')
*q++ = *p++;
*q++ = '\0';
*np = NULL;
if (*ap == NULL)
*np++ = *argv++;
** Look up command.
** At this point, *ap is the command name.
cmd = lookup(*ap);
if (cmd == NULL)
usrerr("Unknown command \"%s\"", *ap);
return (EX_USAGE);
** Copy remaining arguments doing editing as appropriate.
for (; *argv != NULL; argv++)
p = *argv;
if (*p == '-')
if (p[1] == '\0' || !editflag || cmd->sccsklets == NULL ||
index(cmd->sccsklets, p[1]) != NULL)
*np++ = p;
if (!bitset(NO_SDOT, cmd->sccsflags))
p = makefile(p);
if (p != NULL)
*np++ = p;
*np = NULL;
** Interpret operation associated with this command.
switch (cmd->sccsoper)
case SHELL: /* call a shell file */
*ap = cmd->sccspath;
*--ap = "sh";
rval = callprog("/bin/sh", cmd->sccsflags, ap, forkflag);
case PROG: /* call an sccs prog */
rval = callprog(cmd->sccspath, cmd->sccsflags, ap, forkflag);
case CMACRO: /* command macro */
/* step through & execute each part of the macro */
for (p = cmd->sccspath; *p != '\0'; p++)
q = p;
while (*p != '\0' && *p != '/')
rval = command(&ap[1], *p != '\0', TRUE, q);
if (rval != 0)
case FIX: /* fix a delta */
if (strncmp(ap[1], "-r", 2) != 0)
usrerr("-r flag needed for fix command");
rval = EX_USAGE;
/* get the version with all changes */
rval = command(&ap[1], TRUE, TRUE, "get -k");
/* now remove that version from the s-file */
if (rval == 0)
rval = command(&ap[1], TRUE, TRUE, "rmdel");
/* and edit the old version (but don't clobber new vers) */
if (rval == 0)
rval = command(&ap[2], FALSE, TRUE, "get -e -g");
case CLEAN:
rval = clean((int) cmd->sccspath);
case UNEDIT:
for (argv = np = &ap[1]; *argv != NULL; argv++)
if (unedit(*argv))
*np++ = *argv;
*np = NULL;
/* get all the files that we unedited successfully */
if (i > 0)
rval = command(&ap[1], FALSE, FALSE, "get");
case DIFFS: /* diff between s-file & edit file */
/* find the end of the flag arguments */
for (np = &ap[1]; *np != NULL && **np == '-'; np++)
argv = np;
/* for each file, do the diff */
p = argv[1];
while (*np != NULL)
/* messy, but we need a null terminated argv */
*argv = *np++;
argv[1] = NULL;
i = dodiff(ap, tail(*argv));
if (rval == 0)
rval = i;
argv[1] = p;
syserr("oper %d", cmd->sccsoper);
# ifdef DEBUG
if (Debug)
printf("command: rval=%d\n", rval);
# endif
return (rval);
** LOOKUP -- look up an SCCS command name.
** Parameters:
** name -- the name of the command to look up.
** Returns:
** ptr to command descriptor for this command.
** NULL if no such entry.
** Side Effects:
** none.
struct sccsprog *
char *name;
register struct sccsprog *cmd;
for (cmd = SccsProg; cmd->sccsname != NULL; cmd++)
if (strcmp(cmd->sccsname, name) == 0)
return (cmd);
return (NULL);
** CALLPROG -- call a program
** Used to call the SCCS programs.
** Parameters:
** progpath -- pathname of the program to call.
** flags -- status flags from the command descriptors.
** argv -- an argument vector to pass to the program.
** forkflag -- if true, fork before calling, else just
** exec.
** Returns:
** The exit status of the program.
** Nothing if forkflag == FALSE.
** Side Effects:
** Can exit if forkflag == FALSE.
callprog(progpath, flags, argv, forkflag)
char *progpath;
short flags;
char **argv;
bool forkflag;
register int i;
auto int st;
# ifdef DEBUG
if (Debug)
for (i = 0; argv[i] != NULL; i++)
printf("\t\"%s\"\n", argv[i]);
# endif
if (*argv == NULL)
return (-1);
** Fork if appropriate.
if (forkflag)
# ifdef DEBUG
if (Debug)
# endif
i = fork();
if (i < 0)
syserr("cannot fork");
else if (i > 0)
if ((st & 0377) == 0)
st = (st >> 8) & 0377;
if (OutFile >= 0)
OutFile = -1;
return (st);
else if (OutFile >= 0)
syserr("callprog: setting stdout w/o forking");
/* set protection as appropriate */
if (bitset(REALUSER, flags))
/* change standard input & output if needed */
if (OutFile >= 0)
/* call real SCCS program */
execv(progpath, argv);
syserr("cannot execute %s", progpath);
** MAKEFILE -- make filename of SCCS file
** If the name passed is already the name of an SCCS file,
** just return it. Otherwise, munge the name into the name
** of the actual SCCS file.
** There are cases when it is not clear what you want to
** do. For example, if SccsPath is an absolute pathname
** and the name given is also an absolute pathname, we go
** for SccsPath (& only use the last component of the name
** passed) -- this is important for security reasons (if
** sccs is being used as a setuid front end), but not
** particularly intuitive.
** Parameters:
** name -- the file name to be munged.
** Returns:
** The pathname of the sccs file.
** NULL on error.
** Side Effects:
** none.
char *
char *name;
register char *p;
register char c;
char buf[512];
extern char *malloc();
extern char *rindex();
extern bool isdir();
register char *q;
p = rindex(name, '/');
if (p == NULL)
p = name;
** See if the name can be used as-is.
if (SccsPath[0] != '/' || name[0] == '/' || strncmp(name, "./", 2) == 0)
if (strncmp(p, "s.", 2) == 0)
return (name);
if (isdir(name))
return (name);
** Create the actual pathname.
/* first the directory part */
if (name[0] != '/')
strcpy(buf, SccsDir);
strcat(buf, "/");
strcpy(buf, "");
/* then the head of the pathname */
strncat(buf, name, p - name);
q = &buf[strlen(buf)];
strcpy(q, p);
if (strncmp(p, "s.", 2) != 0 && !isdir(buf))
/* sorry, no; copy the SCCS pathname & the "s." */
strcpy(q, SccsPath);
strcat(buf, "/s.");
/* and now the end of the name */
strcat(buf, p);
/* if i haven't changed it, why did I do all this? */
if (strcmp(buf, name) == 0)
p = name;
return (stat(name, &stbuf) >= 0 && (stbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR);
** ISDIR -- return true if the argument is a directory.
** Parameters:
** name -- the pathname of the file to check.
** Returns:
** TRUE if 'name' is a directory, FALSE otherwise.
** Side Effects:
** none.
char *name;
struct stat stbuf;
return (stat(name, &stbuf) >= 0 && (stbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR);
** SAFEPATH -- determine whether a pathname is "safe"
** "Safe" pathnames only allow you to get deeper into the
** directory structure, i.e., full pathnames and ".." are
** not allowed.
** Parameters:
** p -- the name to check.
** Returns:
** TRUE -- if the path is safe.
** FALSE -- if the path is not safe.
** Side Effects:
** Prints a message if the path is not safe.
register char *p;
extern char *index();
if (*p != '/')
while (strncmp(p, "../", 3) != 0 && strcmp(p, "..") != 0)
p = index(p, '/');
if (p == NULL)
return (TRUE);
printf("You may not use full pathnames or \"..\"\n");
return (FALSE);
** CLEAN -- clean out recreatable files
** Any file for which an "s." file exists but no "p." file
** exists in the current directory is purged.
** Parameters:
** tells whether this came from a "clean", "info", or
** "check" command.
** Returns:
** none.
** Side Effects:
** Removes files in the current directory.
** Prints information regarding files being edited.
** Exits if a "check" command.
int mode;
struct direct dir;
struct stat stbuf;
char buf[100];
char pline[120];
register FILE *dirfd;
register char *basefile;
bool gotedit;
FILE *pfp;
** Find and open the SCCS directory.
strcpy(buf, SccsDir);
if (buf[0] != '\0')
strcat(buf, "/");
strcat(buf, SccsPath);
dirfd = fopen(buf, "r");
if (dirfd == NULL)
usrerr("cannot open %s", buf);
return (EX_NOINPUT);
** Scan the SCCS directory looking for s. files.
** gotedit tells whether we have tried to clean any
** files that are being edited.
gotedit = FALSE;
while (fread(&dir, sizeof dir, 1, dirfd) != NULL)
if (dir.d_ino == 0 || strncmp(dir.d_name, "s.", 2) != 0)
/* got an s. file -- see if the p. file exists */
strcpy(buf, SccsDir);
if (buf[0] != '\0')
strcat(buf, "/");
strcat(buf, SccsPath);
strcat(buf, "/p.");
basefile = &buf[strlen(buf)];
strncpy(basefile, &dir.d_name[2], sizeof dir.d_name - 2);
basefile[sizeof dir.d_name - 2] = '\0';
pfp = fopen(buf, "r");
if (pfp != NULL)
/* the file exists -- report it's contents */
while (fgets(pline, sizeof pline, pfp) != NULL)
printf("%12s: being edited: %s", basefile, pline);
gotedit = TRUE;
/* the s. file exists and no p. file exists -- unlink the g-file */
if (mode == CLEANC)
strncpy(buf, &dir.d_name[2], sizeof dir.d_name - 2);
buf[sizeof dir.d_name - 2] = '\0';
/* cleanup & report results */
if (!gotedit && mode == INFOC)
printf("Nothing being edited\n");
if (mode == CHECKC)
return (EX_OK);
** UNEDIT -- unedit a file
** Checks to see that the current user is actually editting
** the file and arranges that s/he is not editting it.
** Parameters:
** fn -- the name of the file to be unedited.
** Returns:
** TRUE -- if the file was successfully unedited.
** FALSE -- if the file was not unedited for some
** reason.
** Side Effects:
** fn is removed
** entries are removed from pfile.
char *fn;
register FILE *pfp;
char *pfn;
static char tfn[] = "/tmp/sccsXXXXX";
FILE *tfp;
register char *p;
register char *q;
bool delete = FALSE;
bool others = FALSE;
char *myname;
extern char *getlogin();
struct pfile *pent;
extern struct pfile *getpfile();
char buf[120];
extern char *makefile();
# ifdef UIDUSER
struct passwd *pw;
extern struct passwd *getpwuid();
# endif UIDUSER
/* make "s." filename & find the trailing component */
pfn = makefile(fn);
if (pfn == NULL)
return (FALSE);
q = rindex(pfn, '/');
if (q == NULL)
q = &pfn[-1];
if (q[1] != 's' || q[2] != '.')
usrerr("bad file name \"%s\"", fn);
return (FALSE);
/* turn "s." into "p." & try to open it */
*++q = 'p';
pfp = fopen(pfn, "r");
if (pfp == NULL)
printf("%12s: not being edited\n", fn);
return (FALSE);
/* create temp file for editing p-file */
tfp = fopen(tfn, "w");
if (tfp == NULL)
usrerr("cannot create \"%s\"", tfn);
/* figure out who I am */
# ifdef UIDUSER
pw = getpwuid(getuid());
if (pw == NULL)
syserr("who are you? (uid=%d)", getuid());
myname = pw->pw_name;
# else
myname = getlogin();
# endif UIDUSER
** Copy p-file to temp file, doing deletions as needed.
while ((pent = getpfile(pfp)) != NULL)
if (strcmp(pent->p_user, myname) == 0)
/* a match */
/* output it again */
fprintf(tfp, "%s %s %s %s %s\n", pent->p_osid,
pent->p_nsid, pent->p_user, pent->p_date,
/* do final cleanup */
if (others)
/* copy it back (perhaps it should be linked?) */
if (freopen(tfn, "r", tfp) == NULL)
syserr("cannot reopen \"%s\"", tfn);
if (freopen(pfn, "w", pfp) == NULL)
usrerr("cannot create \"%s\"", pfn);
return (FALSE);
while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, tfp) != NULL)
fputs(buf, pfp);
/* it's empty -- remove it */
/* actually remove the g-file */
if (delete)
printf("%12s: removed\n", tail(fn));
return (TRUE);
printf("%12s: not being edited by you\n", fn);
return (FALSE);
** DODIFF -- diff an s-file against a g-file
** Parameters:
** getv -- argv for the 'get' command.
** gfile -- name of the g-file to diff against.
** Returns:
** Result of get.
** Side Effects:
** none.
dodiff(getv, gfile)
char **getv;
char *gfile;
int pipev[2];
int rval;
register int i;
register int pid;
auto int st;
extern int errno;
int (*osig)();
printf("\n------- %s -------\n", gfile);
/* create context for diff to run in */
if (pipe(pipev) < 0)
syserr("dodiff: pipe failed");
if ((pid = fork()) < 0)
syserr("dodiff: fork failed");
else if (pid > 0)
/* in parent; run get */
OutFile = pipev[1];
rval = command(&getv[1], TRUE, FALSE, "get -s -k -p");
osig = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
while (((i = wait(&st)) >= 0 && i != pid) || errno == EINTR)
errno = 0;
signal(SIGINT, osig);
/* ignore result of diff */
/* in child, run diff */
if (close(pipev[1]) < 0 || close(0) < 0 ||
dup(pipev[0]) != 0 || close(pipev[0]) < 0)
syserr("dodiff: magic failed");
execl(PROGPATH(bdiff), "bdiff", "-", gfile, NULL);
# ifndef V6
execlp("bdiff", "bdiff", "-", gfile, NULL);
execlp("diff", "diff", "-", gfile, NULL);
# endif NOT V6
syserr("bdiff: cannot execute");
return (rval);
** TAIL -- return tail of filename.
** Parameters:
** fn -- the filename.
** Returns:
** a pointer to the tail of the filename; e.g., given
** "cmd/ls.c", "ls.c" is returned.
** Side Effects:
** none.
char *
register char *fn;
register char *p;
for (p = fn; *p != 0; p++)
if (*p == '/' && p[1] != '\0' && p[1] != '/')
fn = &p[1];
return (fn);
** GETPFILE -- get an entry from the p-file
** Parameters:
** pfp -- p-file file pointer
** Returns:
** pointer to p-file struct for next entry
** NULL on EOF or error
** Side Effects:
** Each call wipes out results of previous call.
struct pfile *
FILE *pfp;
static struct pfile ent;
static char buf[120];
register char *p;
extern char *nextfield();
if (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, pfp) == NULL)
return (NULL);
ent.p_osid = p = buf;
ent.p_nsid = p = nextfield(p);
ent.p_user = p = nextfield(p);
ent.p_date = p = nextfield(p);
ent.p_time = p = nextfield(p);
if (p == NULL || nextfield(p) != NULL)
return (NULL);
return (&ent);
char *
register char *p;
if (p == NULL || *p == '\0')
return (NULL);
while (*p != ' ' && *p != '\n' && *p != '\0')
if (*p == '\n' || *p == '\0')
*p = '\0';
return (NULL);
*p++ = '\0';
return (p);
** USRERR -- issue user-level error
** Parameters:
** f -- format string.
** p1-p3 -- parameters to a printf.
** Returns:
** -1
** Side Effects:
** none.
usrerr(f, p1, p2, p3)
char *f;
fprintf(stderr, "\n%s: ", MyName);
fprintf(stderr, f, p1, p2, p3);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
return (-1);
** SYSERR -- print system-generated error.
** Parameters:
** f -- format string to a printf.
** p1, p2, p3 -- parameters to f.
** Returns:
** never.
** Side Effects:
** none.
syserr(f, p1, p2, p3)
char *f;
extern int errno;
fprintf(stderr, "\n%s SYSERR: ", MyName);
fprintf(stderr, f, p1, p2, p3);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
if (errno == 0)