document distributed with 4.3BSD
[unix-history] / usr / src / lib / libcurses / PSD.doc / twinkle1.c
* Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
* specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
#ifndef lint
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)twinkle1.c 6.1 (Berkeley) %G%";
#endif not lint
# include <curses.h>
# include <signal.h>
* the idea for this program was a product of the imagination of
* Kurt Schoens. Not responsible for minds lost or stolen.
# define NCOLS 80
# define NLINES 24
# define MAXPATTERNS 4
typedef struct {
int y, x;
LOCS Layout[NCOLS * NLINES]; /* current board layout */
int Pattern, /* current pattern number */
Numstars; /* number of stars in pattern */
char *getenv();
int die();
srand(getpid()); /* initialize random sequence */
signal(SIGINT, die);
leaveok(stdscr, TRUE);
scrollok(stdscr, FALSE);
for (;;) {
makeboard(); /* make the board setup */
puton('*'); /* put on '*'s */
puton(' '); /* cover up with ' 's */
* On program exit, move the cursor to the lower left corner by
* direct addressing, since current location is not guaranteed.
* We lie and say we used to be at the upper right corner to guarantee
* absolute addressing.
signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
mvcur(0, COLS - 1, LINES - 1, 0);
* Make the current board setup. It picks a random pattern and
* calls ison() to determine if the character is on that pattern
* or not.
reg int y, x;
reg LOCS *lp;
Pattern = rand() % MAXPATTERNS;
lp = Layout;
for (y = 0; y < NLINES; y++)
for (x = 0; x < NCOLS; x++)
if (ison(y, x)) {
lp->y = y;
lp->x = x;
Numstars = lp - Layout;
* Return TRUE if (y, x) is on the current pattern.
ison(y, x)
reg int y, x; {
switch (Pattern) {
case 0: /* alternating lines */
return !(y & 01);
case 1: /* box */
if (x >= LINES && y >= NCOLS)
return FALSE;
if (y < 3 || y >= NLINES - 3)
return TRUE;
return (x < 3 || x >= NCOLS - 3);
case 2: /* holy pattern! */
return ((x + y) & 01);
case 3: /* bar across center */
return (y >= 9 && y <= 15);
reg char ch;
reg LOCS *lp;
reg int r;
reg LOCS *end;
LOCS temp;
end = &Layout[Numstars];
for (lp = Layout; lp < end; lp++) {
r = rand() % Numstars;
temp = *lp;
*lp = Layout[r];
Layout[r] = temp;
for (lp = Layout; lp < end; lp++) {
mvaddch(lp->y, lp->x, ch);