Start development on BSD 4
[unix-history] / .ref-5cb41021d721f4e0ac572d592613f963e495d1ff / .ref-BSD-3 / usr / man / man1 / cc.1
.TH CC 1 "VAX/11"
cc \- C compiler
.B cc
[ option ] ... file ...
.I Cc
is the UNIX C compiler.
It accepts several types of arguments:
Arguments whose names end with `.c' are taken to be
C source programs; they are compiled, and
each object program is left on the file
whose name is that of the source with `.o' substituted
for `.c'.
The `.o' file is normally deleted, however, if a single
C program is compiled and loaded all at one go.
In the same way,
arguments whose names end with `.s' are taken to be assembly source programs
and are assembled, producing a `.o' file.
The following options are interpreted by
.IR cc .
.IR ld (1)
for load-time options.
.TP 8
.B \-c
Suppress the loading phase of the compilation, and force
an object file to be produced even if only one program is compiled.
.B \-g
Have the compiler produce additional symbol table information
.IR sdb (1).
Also pass the
.B \-lg
flag to
.IR ld (1).
.B \-w
Suppress warning diagnostics.
.B \-z
Create load-on-demand format output (an
.IR ld (1)
this is important to specify when loading certain very large programs.
.IR ld (1).
.B \-p
Arrange for the compiler to produce code
which counts the number of times each routine is called;
also, if loading takes place, replace the standard startup
routine by one which automatically calls
.IR monitor (3)
at the start and arranges to write out a
.I mon.out
file at normal termination of execution of the object program.
An execution profile can then be generated by
use of
.IR prof (1).
.B \-O
Invoke an
object-code improver.
.B \-S
Compile the named C programs, and leave the
assembler-language output on corresponding files suffixed `.s'.
.B \-E
Run only the macro preprocessor
on the named C programs, and send the result to the
standard output.
.BI \-o " output"
Name the final output file
.IR output .
If this option is used the file `a.out' will be left undisturbed.
.BI \-D name=def
.BI \-D \*Sname
Define the
.I name
to the preprocessor,
as if by
If no definition is given, the name is defined as "1".
.BI \-U \*Sname
Remove any initial definition of
.IR name .
.BI \-I \*Sdir
`#include' files
whose names do not begin with `/' are always
sought first in the directory
of the
.I file
then in directories named in
.B \-I
then in directories on a standard list.
.BI \-B \*Sstring
Find substitute compiler passes in the files named
.I string
with the suffixes cpp, ccom and c2.
.I string
is empty, use a standard backup version.
.BR \-t [ p012 ]
Find only the designated compiler passes in the
files whose names are constructed by a
.B \-B
In the absence of a
.B \-B
option, the
.I string
is taken to be `/usr/c/'.
Other arguments
are taken
to be either loader option arguments, or C-compatible
object programs, typically produced by an earlier
.I cc
or perhaps libraries of C-compatible routines.
These programs, together with the results of any
compilations specified, are loaded (in the order
given) to produce an executable program with name
.B a.out.
.ta \w'/usr/c/occom 'u
file.c input file
file.o object file
a.out loaded output
/tmp/ctm? temporary
/lib/cpp preprocessor
/lib/ccom compiler
/usr/c/occom backup compiler
/usr/c/ocpp backup preprocessor
/lib/c2 optional optimizer
/lib/crt0.o runtime startoff
/lib/mcrt0.o startoff for profiling
/lib/lib[ac].a standard libraries, see (3)
/usr/include standard directory for `#include' files
B. W. Kernighan and D. M. Ritchie,
.I The C Programming Language,
B. W. Kernighan,
Programming in C\(ema tutorial
D. M. Ritchie,
C Reference Manual
monitor(3), prof(1), adb(1), ld(1), sdb(1)
The diagnostics produced by C itself are intended to be
Occasional messages may be produced by the assembler
or loader.