Start development on BSD 4
[unix-history] / .ref-5cb41021d721f4e0ac572d592613f963e495d1ff / .ref-BSD-3 / usr / src / cmd / reset.c
* reset - set the teletype mode bits to be sensible
* Kurt Shoens
* Very useful after crapping out in raw.
* Modified by Mark Horton to know about tchars
* and to not mess with peoples chars unless they are null.
#include <sgtty.h>
#define chk(val, dft) (val==0 ? dft : val)
struct sgttyb buf;
struct tchars tbuf;
gtty(2, &buf);
ioctl(2, TIOCGETC, &tbuf);
buf.sg_flags |= XTABS|ECHO|CRMOD|ANYP;
buf.sg_erase = chk(buf.sg_erase, '\08'); /* ^H */
buf.sg_kill = chk(buf.sg_kill, '\30'); /* ^X */
tbuf.t_intrc = chk(tbuf.t_intrc, '\177'); /* ^? */
tbuf.t_quitc = chk(tbuf.t_quitc, '\34'); /* ^\ */
tbuf.t_startc = chk(tbuf.t_startc, '\22'); /* ^Q */
tbuf.t_stopc = chk(tbuf.t_stopc, '\24'); /* ^S */
tbuf.t_eofc = chk(tbuf.t_eofc, '\4'); /* ^D */
/* brkc is left alone */
ioctl(2, TIOCSETN, &buf);
ioctl(2, TIOCSETC, &tbuf);