fixed it to work on terminals with over 48 lines, and fixed bug
[unix-history] / .ref-BSD-3 / usr / src / libI77 / Makefile
.SUFFIXES: .o .x .c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
ar ru libI77.a $*.o
-rm $*.o
> $*.x
FILES=backspace.x dfe.x due.x iio.x inquire.x \
lib.x rewind.x rsfe.x \
rdfmt.x sue.x uio.x wsfe.x sfe.x fmt.x \
lio.x lread.x open.x close.x util.x \
endfile.x wrtfmt.x err.x fmtlib.x
SOURCE=rewind.c endfile.c uio.c due.c dfe.c \
Makefile backspace.c close.c err.c fio.h fmt.c fmt.h \
fmtlib.c ftest.c lib.c open.c rdfmt.c rsfe.c sfe.c \
sue.c util.c wrtfmt.c wsfe.c iio.c lio.h lio.c \
inquire.c lread.c
libI77.a: $(FILES)
lio.h: ../vaxvax/ftypes
chmod 0666 lio.h
lio.x lread.x: lio.h
fmt.x rdfmt.x rsfe.x testfmt.x wrtfmt.x wsfe.x: fmt.h
$(FILES): fio.h /usr/include/stdio.h/
45: $(SOURCE) Makefile
uucp $? res45!/v7/usr/src/libI77
touch 45
inter: $(SOURCE) Makefile
uucp $? inter!/usr/sif/fort/libI77
touch inter
real: $(SOURCE)
cp $? /usr/src/libI77
touch real
export: $(SOURCE)
cp $? /usr/sif/fort/11export/libI77
touch export
cp libI77.a /usr/lib/libI77.a
@pr -w72 *.h *.c Makefile
all: inter real export