don't put anything after the #else or #endif's, unless it's a comment
[unix-history] / usr / src / bin / csh / init.c
* Copyright (c) 1980, 1991 The Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* %sccs.include.redist.c%
#ifndef lint
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)init.c 5.10 (Berkeley) %G%";
#endif /* not lint */
#include "csh.h"
#include "extern.h"
#define INF 1000
struct biltins bfunc[] =
"@", dolet, 0, INF,
"alias", doalias, 0, INF,
"alloc", showall, 0, 1,
"bg", dobg, 0, INF,
"break", dobreak, 0, 0,
"breaksw", doswbrk, 0, 0,
"case", dozip, 0, 1,
"cd", dochngd, 0, INF,
"chdir", dochngd, 0, INF,
"continue", docontin, 0, 0,
"default", dozip, 0, 0,
"dirs", dodirs, 0, INF,
"echo", doecho, 0, INF,
"else", doelse, 0, INF,
"end", doend, 0, 0,
"endif", dozip, 0, 0,
"endsw", dozip, 0, 0,
"eval", doeval, 0, INF,
"exec", execash, 1, INF,
"exit", doexit, 0, INF,
"fg", dofg, 0, INF,
"foreach", doforeach, 3, INF,
"glob", doglob, 0, INF,
"goto", dogoto, 1, 1,
"hashstat", hashstat, 0, 0,
"history", dohist, 0, 2,
"if", doif, 1, INF,
"jobs", dojobs, 0, 1,
"kill", dokill, 1, INF,
"limit", dolimit, 0, 3,
"linedit", doecho, 0, INF,
"login", dologin, 0, 1,
"logout", dologout, 0, 0,
"nice", donice, 0, INF,
"nohup", donohup, 0, INF,
"notify", donotify, 0, INF,
"onintr", doonintr, 0, 2,
"popd", dopopd, 0, INF,
"pushd", dopushd, 0, INF,
"rehash", dohash, 0, 0,
"repeat", dorepeat, 2, INF,
"set", doset, 0, INF,
"setenv", dosetenv, 0, 2,
"shift", shift, 0, 1,
"source", dosource, 1, 2,
"stop", dostop, 1, INF,
"suspend", dosuspend, 0, 0,
"switch", doswitch, 1, INF,
"time", dotime, 0, INF,
"umask", doumask, 0, 1,
"unalias", unalias, 1, INF,
"unhash", dounhash, 0, 0,
"unlimit", dounlimit, 0, INF,
"unset", unset, 1, INF,
"unsetenv", dounsetenv, 1, INF,
"wait", dowait, 0, 0,
"while", dowhile, 1, INF,
int nbfunc = sizeof bfunc / sizeof *bfunc;
struct srch srchn[] =
"@", T_LET,
"break", T_BREAK,
"breaksw", T_BRKSW,
"case", T_CASE,
"default", T_DEFAULT,
"else", T_ELSE,
"end", T_END,
"endif", T_ENDIF,
"endsw", T_ENDSW,
"exit", T_EXIT,
"foreach", T_FOREACH,
"goto", T_GOTO,
"if", T_IF,
"label", T_LABEL,
"set", T_SET,
"switch", T_SWITCH,
"while", T_WHILE,
int nsrchn = sizeof srchn / sizeof *srchn;
struct mesg mesg[] =
/* 0 */ 0, "",
/* 1 */ "HUP", "Hangup",
/* 2 */ "INT", "Interrupt",
/* 3 */ "QUIT", "Quit",
/* 4 */ "ILL", "Illegal instruction",
/* 5 */ "TRAP", "Trace/BPT trap",
/* 6 */ "IOT", "IOT trap",
/* 7 */ "EMT", "EMT trap",
/* 8 */ "FPE", "Floating exception",
/* 9 */ "KILL", "Killed",
/* 10 */ "BUS", "Bus error",
/* 11 */ "SEGV", "Segmentation fault",
/* 12 */ "SYS", "Bad system call",
/* 13 */ "PIPE", "Broken pipe",
/* 14 */ "ALRM", "Alarm clock",
/* 15 */ "TERM", "Terminated",
/* 16 */ "URG", "Urgent condition on IO channel",
/* 17 */ "STOP", "Suspended (signal)",
/* 18 */ "TSTP", "Suspended",
/* 19 */ "CONT", "Continued",
/* 20 */ "CHLD", "Child exited",
/* 21 */ "TTIN", "Suspended (tty input)",
/* 22 */ "TTOU", "Suspended (tty output)",
/* 23 */ "IO", "IO possible interrupt",
/* 24 */ "XCPU", "Cputime limit exceeded",
/* 25 */ "XFSZ", "Filesize limit exceeded",
/* 26 */ "VTALRM", "Virtual time alarm",
/* 27 */ "PROF", "Profiling time alarm",
/* 28 */ "WINCH", "Window changed",
/* 29 */ "INFO", "Information request",
/* 30 */ "USR1", "User signal 1",
/* 31 */ "USR2", "User signal 2",
/* 32 */ 0, "Signal 32",