Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / verif / env / common / verilog / tlb_sync / itlb_wr.v
// ========== Copyright Header Begin ==========================================
// OpenSPARC T2 Processor File: itlb_wr.v
// Copyright (C) 1995-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
// 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// For the avoidance of doubt, and except that if any non-GPL license
// choice is available it will apply instead, Sun elects to use only
// the General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) at this time for any
// software where a choice of GPL license versions is made
// available with the language indicating that GPLv2 or any later version
// may be used, or where a choice of which version of the GPL is applied is
// otherwise unspecified.
// Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
// CA 95054 USA or visit if you need additional information or
// have any questions.
// ========== Copyright Header End ============================================
`ifdef CORE_0
module itlb_wr_c0 ();
`ifndef GATESIM
`include "tlb_sync.vh"
`include "nas.vh"
parameter NUM_TLB=64;
wire [7:0] data_in;
wire [7:0] tlb_wr;
wire wr_en;
wire [7:0] entry;
wire [3:0] demap;
reg [3:0] demap_1;
wire demap_page;
wire demap_context;
wire demap_real;
wire demap_all;
wire skip_demap;
wire demap_active;
wire auto_demap;
wire [2:0] demap_tid;
reg [2:0] demap_tid_1;
reg [5:0] demap_tnum_1;
wire [7:0] asi_wr_itlb;
wire [7:0] asi_wr_itlb_demap;
wire [7:0] asi_wr_itlb_data_in;
wire [7:0] asi_wr_itlb_data_access;
reg [(`TS_WIDTH-1):0] tstamp;
reg [7:0] data_in_ready;
reg hwtw;
reg [(`TS_WIDTH-1):0] demap_tstamp;
reg [2:0] mytid;
reg [5:0] mytnum;
wire [2:0] mycid;
integer junk;
integer i;
reg [7:0] cnt;
wire ready;
assign mycid = 0;
// Instantiate fifo - 1 entry per thread
fifo fifo ();
// Define fifo parameters
defparam fifo.ENTRY_BITS = 4; // {hwtw,tid[2:0]}
defparam fifo.DEPTH = 9; // 1 extra entry for overflow detection
defparam fifo.PTR_BITS = 4;
// DUT probes
assign data_in = `SPC0.mmu.asi.htc_wr_itlb_data_in;
assign tlb_wr = `PROBES0.itlb_wr;
assign wr_en = `SPC0.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tlb_wr_1_in_dout;
assign entry = `SPC0.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.rw_index_1[5:0];
assign demap_page = `SPC0.ifu_ftu.ftu_itc_ctl.itc_demap_page;
assign demap_context = `SPC0.ifu_ftu.itc_demap_context;
assign demap_real = `SPC0.ifu_ftu.itc_demap_real;
assign demap_all = `SPC0.ifu_ftu.itc_demap_all;
assign demap = {demap_all,demap_page,demap_context,demap_real};
assign skip_demap = `SPC0.ifu_ftu.itc_wr_u_en;
assign demap_tid = `SPC0.ifu_ftu.ftu_itd_dp.tte1[37:35];
// if (|demap_1 && skip_demap ), then Implicit demap so don't send to NAS
assign demap_active = |demap_1 && !skip_demap;
assign auto_demap = |demap_1 && skip_demap;
// Signals that are early indication that TLBWRITE or TLBWRITE(demap) will happen.
// Once these signals assert, the write to the TLB cannot be cancelled.
// These signals assert before the MMU reorders the TLB writes.
// Use these to suppress SSTEP in nas_pipe.
// Best case, these signals assert 1 cycle after the previous SSTEP.
assign asi_wr_itlb_demap = `SPC0.mmu.asi_wr_immu_demap;
assign asi_wr_itlb_data_in = `SPC0.mmu.asi_wr_itlb_data_in;
assign asi_wr_itlb_data_access = {`SPC0.mmu.asd1.asi_wr_itlb_data_access,
assign asi_wr_itlb = asi_wr_itlb_demap | asi_wr_itlb_data_in | asi_wr_itlb_data_access;
// Probes for debugging
// defines copied from :/libs/n2sram/tlbs/tlbs/n2_tlb_tl_64x59_cust_l/n2_tlb_tl_64x59_cust/rtl
`define CNTX1_HI 65
`define CNTX1_LO 53
`define PID_HI 52
`define PID_LO 50
`define REAL_BIT 49
`define VA_47 48
`define VA_28 29
`define VA_27 28
`define VA_22 23
`define TTE_VALID 22
`define VA_21 21
`define VA_16 16
`define VA_15 15
`define VA_13 13
`define CNTX0_HI 12
`define CNTX0_LO 0
`define DATA_PARITY 36
`define DATA_PA_39_28_HI 35
`define DATA_PA_39_28_LO 24
`define DATA_PA_27_22_HI 23
`define DATA_PA_27_22_LO 18
`define DATA_VA_27_22_V 17
`define DATA_PA_21_16_HI 16
`define DATA_PA_21_16_LO 11
`define DATA_VA_21_16_V 10
`define DATA_PA_15_13_HI 9
`define DATA_PA_15_13_LO 7
`define DATA_VA_15_13_V 6
`define DATA_NFO 5
`define DATA_IE 4
`define DATA_CP 3
`define DATA_X 2
`define DATA_P 1
`define DATA_W 0
wire [(NUM_TLB-1):0] tlb_valid;
wire [(NUM_TLB-1):0] tlb_match;
wire tte_valid;
wire [47:0] tte_va;
wire [12:0] tte_context;
wire tte_real;
wire [2:0] tte_pid;
wire [2:0] tte_page_mask;
wire [39:0] tte_pa;
wire tte_nfo;
wire tte_ie;
wire tte_cp;
wire tte_e;
wire tte_p;
wire tte_w;
wire tte_ep;
assign tlb_valid = `;
assign tlb_match = `;
assign tte_va = {`SPC0.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`VA_47:`VA_28],
assign tte_context = `SPC0.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`CNTX1_HI:`CNTX1_LO];
assign tte_pid = `SPC0.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`PID_HI:`PID_LO];
assign tte_real = `SPC0.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`REAL_BIT];
assign tte_valid = `SPC0.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`TTE_VALID];
assign tte_page_mask = `SPC0.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_page_size_mask_1;
assign tte_pa = {`SPC0.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_PA_39_28_HI:`DATA_PA_39_28_LO],
assign tte_nfo = `SPC0.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_NFO];
assign tte_ie = `SPC0.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_IE];
assign tte_cp = `SPC0.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_CP];
assign tte_e = `SPC0.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_X];
assign tte_p = `SPC0.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_P];
assign tte_w = `SPC0.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_W];
assign tte_ep = 1'b1; // not stored in array, but implied as 1
assign ready = `PARGS.tlb_sync_on & !`SPC0.tcu_spc_mbist_start;
initial begin // {
hwtw = 1'b0;
data_in_ready = 8'b0;
@ (posedge `SPC0.l2clk);
end // }
// Must use negedge to avoid race condition
// tlb_replacement_index (aka entry) is created in always block using blocking assignments
always @ (negedge (`SPC0.l2clk & ready)) begin // {
tstamp = `TOP.core_cycle_cnt;
demap_tstamp = `TOP.core_cycle_cnt;
// Delay by 1 cycle to align with skip_demap
demap_tid_1 <= demap_tid; // demap_tid is active when demap is asserted
demap_tnum_1 <= (mycid * 8) + demap_tid;
demap_1 <= demap;
// Signal to nas_pipe to suppress SSTEP
if (asi_wr_itlb!=8'b0) begin //
for (i=0;i<=7;i=i+1) begin // {
if (asi_wr_itlb[i]) begin //
`PR_INFO ("pli_nas", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_SSTEP tid=%d ts=%0d (tlb_sync: suppress sstep. sstep_sent=1)",
mycid,i,((mycid * 6'h8) + i[2:0]),tstamp);
`NASTOP.sstep_sent[(mycid * 8) + i] <= 1'b1; // suppress SSTEP
end // }
end // }
end // }
// Send I/DTLBWRITE due to demap
if ((demap!=0) && (demap_1!=0)) begin // {
`PR_ERROR ("tlb_sync", `ERROR,
"C%0d T%0d Illegal Back to Back ITLB demap",
end // }
if (demap_active) begin // {
fifo.pop_fifo ({hwtw,mytid});
if (`PARGS.nas_check_on && `PARGS.tlb_sync_on) begin // {
`PR_INFO ("pli_tlb", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_ITLBWRITE tid=%d ts=%0d entry=%h (demap)",
`PR_INFO ("pli_nas", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_SSTEP tid=%d ts=%0d (tlb_sync: send SSTEP)",
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_ITLBWRITE, demap_tnum_1,demap_tstamp,8'hff);
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_SSTEP, demap_tnum_1);
// Check to see if sstep was sent early
if (`NASTOP.sstep_sent[demap_tnum_1]==1) begin // {
`NASTOP.sstep_early[demap_tnum_1] <= 1'b1; // SSTEP was sent before nas_pipe capture
end //}
end //}
end //}
if (`PARGS.show_tlb_on & (|demap_1)) begin // {
$write ("SHOW_TLB: ITLB_DEMAP C%0d T%0d ",mycid,demap_tid_1);
if (demap_active) begin
case (demap_1)
4'b0001: $write ("type=real ");
4'b0010: $write ("type=cntx ");
4'b0100: $write ("type=page ");
4'b1000: $write ("type=all ");
`PR_ERROR ("tlb_sync", `ERROR,
"Bench Problem - demap_1(%b) should be one-hot.",demap_1);
else begin
$write("type=autodemap ");
$display ("match=%h ts=%0d",
for (cnt=0; cnt<=NUM_TLB; cnt=cnt+1) begin // {
if (tlb_match[cnt]==1'b1) begin // {
$display ("SHOW_TLB: ITLB_DEMAP C%0d T%0d entry=%h V=0 ts=%0d",
end // }
end // }
end // }
// Send I/DHWTW due to HWTW
// Send I/DTLBWRITE due to ASI write
// There are 3 main signals to watch for TLBWRITE (data_in, tlb_wr, wr_en)
// These signals will be interleaved between the threads.
// Need to queue up the signals over time so they can be processed in order.
// Each thread will only be doing 1 thing at a time.
if ((tlb_wr!=8'b0) || (data_in!=8'b0)) begin // {
for (i=0;i<=7;i=i+1) begin // {
if ((data_in[i])&&(tlb_wr[i])) begin // {
`PR_ERROR ("tlb_sync", `ERROR,
"Bad Inputs - iwr_data_in & iwr_tlb_wr should not be asserted at same time");
end // }
else begin // {
// data_in[tid] determines if the write is HWTW or TLBWRITE
if (data_in[i]) begin // {
data_in_ready[i] <= 1'b1;
end // }
// tlb_wr[tid] determines which thread will write next
// Use fifo to save the tids of the tlb_wr signals in order
if (tlb_wr[i]) begin // {
if (data_in_ready[i]) begin // {
fifo.push_fifo ({1'b1,i[2:0]}); // {hwtw,tid[2:0]}
data_in_ready[i] <= 1'b0;
end // }
else begin // {
fifo.push_fifo ({1'b0,i[2:0]}); // {!hwtw,tid[2:0]}
end // }
end // }
end // if}
end // for}
end // if}
// wr_en means that the write is occurring
if (wr_en) begin // {
fifo.pop_fifo ({hwtw,mytid});
mytnum = (mycid * 8) + mytid;
if (hwtw) begin // {
if (`PARGS.nas_check_on && `PARGS.tlb_sync_on) begin // {
`PR_INFO ("pli_tlb", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_IHWTW tid=%d ts=%0d va=%h entry=%h",
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_IHWTW, mytnum, tstamp,tte_va,entry);
end //}
end // }
else begin // {
if (`PARGS.nas_check_on && `PARGS.tlb_sync_on) begin // {
`PR_INFO ("pli_tlb", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_ITLBWRITE tid=%d ts=%0d entry=%h",
`PR_INFO ("pli_nas", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_SSTEP tid=%d ts=%0d (tlb_sync: send SSTEP)",
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_ITLBWRITE, mytnum,tstamp,entry);
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_SSTEP, mytnum);
// Check to see if sstep was sent early
if (`NASTOP.sstep_sent[mytnum]==1) begin // {
`NASTOP.sstep_early[mytnum] <= 1'b1; // SSTEP was sent before nas_pipe capture
end //}
end //}
end // }
if (`PARGS.show_tlb_on) begin // {
$write ("SHOW_TLB: ITLB_WRITE C%0d T%0d ",mycid,mytid);
if (tte_real==0) $write ("entry=%h V=%b VA=%h ",entry,tte_valid,tte_va);
else $write ("entry=%h V=%b RA=%h ",entry,tte_valid,tte_va);
case (tte_page_mask)
3'b000: $write("R=%b CNTX=%h PID=%h sz=8k ts=%0d",
3'b001: $write("R=%b CNTX=%h PID=%h sz=64k ts=%0d",
3'b011: $write("R=%b CNTX=%h PID=%h sz=4MB ts=%0d",
3'b111: $write("R=%b CNTX=%h PID=%h sz=256MB ts=%0d",
if (hwtw) $display (" (hwtw)");
else $display ("");
$write ("SHOW_TLB: ITLB_WRITE C%0d T%0d ",mycid,mytid);
$display (" PA=00%h P=%b IE=%b CP=%b NFO=%b E=%b EP=%b W=%b ts=%0d",
end // }
end // }
end // always}
`ifdef CORE_1
module itlb_wr_c1 ();
`ifndef GATESIM
`include "tlb_sync.vh"
`include "nas.vh"
parameter NUM_TLB=64;
wire [7:0] data_in;
wire [7:0] tlb_wr;
wire wr_en;
wire [7:0] entry;
wire [3:0] demap;
reg [3:0] demap_1;
wire demap_page;
wire demap_context;
wire demap_real;
wire demap_all;
wire skip_demap;
wire demap_active;
wire auto_demap;
wire [2:0] demap_tid;
reg [2:0] demap_tid_1;
reg [5:0] demap_tnum_1;
wire [7:0] asi_wr_itlb;
wire [7:0] asi_wr_itlb_demap;
wire [7:0] asi_wr_itlb_data_in;
wire [7:0] asi_wr_itlb_data_access;
reg [(`TS_WIDTH-1):0] tstamp;
reg [7:0] data_in_ready;
reg hwtw;
reg [(`TS_WIDTH-1):0] demap_tstamp;
reg [2:0] mytid;
reg [5:0] mytnum;
wire [2:0] mycid;
integer junk;
integer i;
reg [7:0] cnt;
wire ready;
assign mycid = 1;
// Instantiate fifo - 1 entry per thread
fifo fifo ();
// Define fifo parameters
defparam fifo.ENTRY_BITS = 4; // {hwtw,tid[2:0]}
defparam fifo.DEPTH = 9; // 1 extra entry for overflow detection
defparam fifo.PTR_BITS = 4;
// DUT probes
assign data_in = `SPC1.mmu.asi.htc_wr_itlb_data_in;
assign tlb_wr = `PROBES1.itlb_wr;
assign wr_en = `SPC1.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tlb_wr_1_in_dout;
assign entry = `SPC1.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.rw_index_1[5:0];
assign demap_page = `SPC1.ifu_ftu.ftu_itc_ctl.itc_demap_page;
assign demap_context = `SPC1.ifu_ftu.itc_demap_context;
assign demap_real = `SPC1.ifu_ftu.itc_demap_real;
assign demap_all = `SPC1.ifu_ftu.itc_demap_all;
assign demap = {demap_all,demap_page,demap_context,demap_real};
assign skip_demap = `SPC1.ifu_ftu.itc_wr_u_en;
assign demap_tid = `SPC1.ifu_ftu.ftu_itd_dp.tte1[37:35];
// if (|demap_1 && skip_demap ), then Implicit demap so don't send to NAS
assign demap_active = |demap_1 && !skip_demap;
assign auto_demap = |demap_1 && skip_demap;
// Signals that are early indication that TLBWRITE or TLBWRITE(demap) will happen.
// Once these signals assert, the write to the TLB cannot be cancelled.
// These signals assert before the MMU reorders the TLB writes.
// Use these to suppress SSTEP in nas_pipe.
// Best case, these signals assert 1 cycle after the previous SSTEP.
assign asi_wr_itlb_demap = `SPC1.mmu.asi_wr_immu_demap;
assign asi_wr_itlb_data_in = `SPC1.mmu.asi_wr_itlb_data_in;
assign asi_wr_itlb_data_access = {`SPC1.mmu.asd1.asi_wr_itlb_data_access,
assign asi_wr_itlb = asi_wr_itlb_demap | asi_wr_itlb_data_in | asi_wr_itlb_data_access;
// Probes for debugging
// defines copied from :/libs/n2sram/tlbs/tlbs/n2_tlb_tl_64x59_cust_l/n2_tlb_tl_64x59_cust/rtl
`define CNTX1_HI 65
`define CNTX1_LO 53
`define PID_HI 52
`define PID_LO 50
`define REAL_BIT 49
`define VA_47 48
`define VA_28 29
`define VA_27 28
`define VA_22 23
`define TTE_VALID 22
`define VA_21 21
`define VA_16 16
`define VA_15 15
`define VA_13 13
`define CNTX0_HI 12
`define CNTX0_LO 0
`define DATA_PARITY 36
`define DATA_PA_39_28_HI 35
`define DATA_PA_39_28_LO 24
`define DATA_PA_27_22_HI 23
`define DATA_PA_27_22_LO 18
`define DATA_VA_27_22_V 17
`define DATA_PA_21_16_HI 16
`define DATA_PA_21_16_LO 11
`define DATA_VA_21_16_V 10
`define DATA_PA_15_13_HI 9
`define DATA_PA_15_13_LO 7
`define DATA_VA_15_13_V 6
`define DATA_NFO 5
`define DATA_IE 4
`define DATA_CP 3
`define DATA_X 2
`define DATA_P 1
`define DATA_W 0
wire [(NUM_TLB-1):0] tlb_valid;
wire [(NUM_TLB-1):0] tlb_match;
wire tte_valid;
wire [47:0] tte_va;
wire [12:0] tte_context;
wire tte_real;
wire [2:0] tte_pid;
wire [2:0] tte_page_mask;
wire [39:0] tte_pa;
wire tte_nfo;
wire tte_ie;
wire tte_cp;
wire tte_e;
wire tte_p;
wire tte_w;
wire tte_ep;
assign tlb_valid = `;
assign tlb_match = `;
assign tte_va = {`SPC1.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`VA_47:`VA_28],
assign tte_context = `SPC1.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`CNTX1_HI:`CNTX1_LO];
assign tte_pid = `SPC1.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`PID_HI:`PID_LO];
assign tte_real = `SPC1.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`REAL_BIT];
assign tte_valid = `SPC1.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`TTE_VALID];
assign tte_page_mask = `SPC1.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_page_size_mask_1;
assign tte_pa = {`SPC1.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_PA_39_28_HI:`DATA_PA_39_28_LO],
assign tte_nfo = `SPC1.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_NFO];
assign tte_ie = `SPC1.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_IE];
assign tte_cp = `SPC1.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_CP];
assign tte_e = `SPC1.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_X];
assign tte_p = `SPC1.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_P];
assign tte_w = `SPC1.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_W];
assign tte_ep = 1'b1; // not stored in array, but implied as 1
assign ready = `PARGS.tlb_sync_on & !`SPC1.tcu_spc_mbist_start;
initial begin // {
hwtw = 1'b0;
data_in_ready = 8'b0;
@ (posedge `SPC1.l2clk);
end // }
// Must use negedge to avoid race condition
// tlb_replacement_index (aka entry) is created in always block using blocking assignments
always @ (negedge (`SPC1.l2clk & ready)) begin // {
tstamp = `TOP.core_cycle_cnt;
demap_tstamp = `TOP.core_cycle_cnt;
// Delay by 1 cycle to align with skip_demap
demap_tid_1 <= demap_tid; // demap_tid is active when demap is asserted
demap_tnum_1 <= (mycid * 8) + demap_tid;
demap_1 <= demap;
// Signal to nas_pipe to suppress SSTEP
if (asi_wr_itlb!=8'b0) begin //
for (i=0;i<=7;i=i+1) begin // {
if (asi_wr_itlb[i]) begin //
`PR_INFO ("pli_nas", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_SSTEP tid=%d ts=%0d (tlb_sync: suppress sstep. sstep_sent=1)",
mycid,i,((mycid * 6'h8) + i[2:0]),tstamp);
`NASTOP.sstep_sent[(mycid * 8) + i] <= 1'b1; // suppress SSTEP
end // }
end // }
end // }
// Send I/DTLBWRITE due to demap
if ((demap!=0) && (demap_1!=0)) begin // {
`PR_ERROR ("tlb_sync", `ERROR,
"C%0d T%0d Illegal Back to Back ITLB demap",
end // }
if (demap_active) begin // {
fifo.pop_fifo ({hwtw,mytid});
if (`PARGS.nas_check_on && `PARGS.tlb_sync_on) begin // {
`PR_INFO ("pli_tlb", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_ITLBWRITE tid=%d ts=%0d entry=%h (demap)",
`PR_INFO ("pli_nas", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_SSTEP tid=%d ts=%0d (tlb_sync: send SSTEP)",
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_ITLBWRITE, demap_tnum_1,demap_tstamp,8'hff);
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_SSTEP, demap_tnum_1);
// Check to see if sstep was sent early
if (`NASTOP.sstep_sent[demap_tnum_1]==1) begin // {
`NASTOP.sstep_early[demap_tnum_1] <= 1'b1; // SSTEP was sent before nas_pipe capture
end //}
end //}
end //}
if (`PARGS.show_tlb_on & (|demap_1)) begin // {
$write ("SHOW_TLB: ITLB_DEMAP C%0d T%0d ",mycid,demap_tid_1);
if (demap_active) begin
case (demap_1)
4'b0001: $write ("type=real ");
4'b0010: $write ("type=cntx ");
4'b0100: $write ("type=page ");
4'b1000: $write ("type=all ");
`PR_ERROR ("tlb_sync", `ERROR,
"Bench Problem - demap_1(%b) should be one-hot.",demap_1);
else begin
$write("type=autodemap ");
$display ("match=%h ts=%0d",
for (cnt=0; cnt<=NUM_TLB; cnt=cnt+1) begin // {
if (tlb_match[cnt]==1'b1) begin // {
$display ("SHOW_TLB: ITLB_DEMAP C%0d T%0d entry=%h V=0 ts=%0d",
end // }
end // }
end // }
// Send I/DHWTW due to HWTW
// Send I/DTLBWRITE due to ASI write
// There are 3 main signals to watch for TLBWRITE (data_in, tlb_wr, wr_en)
// These signals will be interleaved between the threads.
// Need to queue up the signals over time so they can be processed in order.
// Each thread will only be doing 1 thing at a time.
if ((tlb_wr!=8'b0) || (data_in!=8'b0)) begin // {
for (i=0;i<=7;i=i+1) begin // {
if ((data_in[i])&&(tlb_wr[i])) begin // {
`PR_ERROR ("tlb_sync", `ERROR,
"Bad Inputs - iwr_data_in & iwr_tlb_wr should not be asserted at same time");
end // }
else begin // {
// data_in[tid] determines if the write is HWTW or TLBWRITE
if (data_in[i]) begin // {
data_in_ready[i] <= 1'b1;
end // }
// tlb_wr[tid] determines which thread will write next
// Use fifo to save the tids of the tlb_wr signals in order
if (tlb_wr[i]) begin // {
if (data_in_ready[i]) begin // {
fifo.push_fifo ({1'b1,i[2:0]}); // {hwtw,tid[2:0]}
data_in_ready[i] <= 1'b0;
end // }
else begin // {
fifo.push_fifo ({1'b0,i[2:0]}); // {!hwtw,tid[2:0]}
end // }
end // }
end // if}
end // for}
end // if}
// wr_en means that the write is occurring
if (wr_en) begin // {
fifo.pop_fifo ({hwtw,mytid});
mytnum = (mycid * 8) + mytid;
if (hwtw) begin // {
if (`PARGS.nas_check_on && `PARGS.tlb_sync_on) begin // {
`PR_INFO ("pli_tlb", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_IHWTW tid=%d ts=%0d va=%h entry=%h",
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_IHWTW, mytnum, tstamp,tte_va,entry);
end //}
end // }
else begin // {
if (`PARGS.nas_check_on && `PARGS.tlb_sync_on) begin // {
`PR_INFO ("pli_tlb", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_ITLBWRITE tid=%d ts=%0d entry=%h",
`PR_INFO ("pli_nas", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_SSTEP tid=%d ts=%0d (tlb_sync: send SSTEP)",
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_ITLBWRITE, mytnum,tstamp,entry);
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_SSTEP, mytnum);
// Check to see if sstep was sent early
if (`NASTOP.sstep_sent[mytnum]==1) begin // {
`NASTOP.sstep_early[mytnum] <= 1'b1; // SSTEP was sent before nas_pipe capture
end //}
end //}
end // }
if (`PARGS.show_tlb_on) begin // {
$write ("SHOW_TLB: ITLB_WRITE C%0d T%0d ",mycid,mytid);
if (tte_real==0) $write ("entry=%h V=%b VA=%h ",entry,tte_valid,tte_va);
else $write ("entry=%h V=%b RA=%h ",entry,tte_valid,tte_va);
case (tte_page_mask)
3'b000: $write("R=%b CNTX=%h PID=%h sz=8k ts=%0d",
3'b001: $write("R=%b CNTX=%h PID=%h sz=64k ts=%0d",
3'b011: $write("R=%b CNTX=%h PID=%h sz=4MB ts=%0d",
3'b111: $write("R=%b CNTX=%h PID=%h sz=256MB ts=%0d",
if (hwtw) $display (" (hwtw)");
else $display ("");
$write ("SHOW_TLB: ITLB_WRITE C%0d T%0d ",mycid,mytid);
$display (" PA=00%h P=%b IE=%b CP=%b NFO=%b E=%b EP=%b W=%b ts=%0d",
end // }
end // }
end // always}
`ifdef CORE_2
module itlb_wr_c2 ();
`ifndef GATESIM
`include "tlb_sync.vh"
`include "nas.vh"
parameter NUM_TLB=64;
wire [7:0] data_in;
wire [7:0] tlb_wr;
wire wr_en;
wire [7:0] entry;
wire [3:0] demap;
reg [3:0] demap_1;
wire demap_page;
wire demap_context;
wire demap_real;
wire demap_all;
wire skip_demap;
wire demap_active;
wire auto_demap;
wire [2:0] demap_tid;
reg [2:0] demap_tid_1;
reg [5:0] demap_tnum_1;
wire [7:0] asi_wr_itlb;
wire [7:0] asi_wr_itlb_demap;
wire [7:0] asi_wr_itlb_data_in;
wire [7:0] asi_wr_itlb_data_access;
reg [(`TS_WIDTH-1):0] tstamp;
reg [7:0] data_in_ready;
reg hwtw;
reg [(`TS_WIDTH-1):0] demap_tstamp;
reg [2:0] mytid;
reg [5:0] mytnum;
wire [2:0] mycid;
integer junk;
integer i;
reg [7:0] cnt;
wire ready;
assign mycid = 2;
// Instantiate fifo - 1 entry per thread
fifo fifo ();
// Define fifo parameters
defparam fifo.ENTRY_BITS = 4; // {hwtw,tid[2:0]}
defparam fifo.DEPTH = 9; // 1 extra entry for overflow detection
defparam fifo.PTR_BITS = 4;
// DUT probes
assign data_in = `SPC2.mmu.asi.htc_wr_itlb_data_in;
assign tlb_wr = `PROBES2.itlb_wr;
assign wr_en = `SPC2.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tlb_wr_1_in_dout;
assign entry = `SPC2.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.rw_index_1[5:0];
assign demap_page = `SPC2.ifu_ftu.ftu_itc_ctl.itc_demap_page;
assign demap_context = `SPC2.ifu_ftu.itc_demap_context;
assign demap_real = `SPC2.ifu_ftu.itc_demap_real;
assign demap_all = `SPC2.ifu_ftu.itc_demap_all;
assign demap = {demap_all,demap_page,demap_context,demap_real};
assign skip_demap = `SPC2.ifu_ftu.itc_wr_u_en;
assign demap_tid = `SPC2.ifu_ftu.ftu_itd_dp.tte1[37:35];
// if (|demap_1 && skip_demap ), then Implicit demap so don't send to NAS
assign demap_active = |demap_1 && !skip_demap;
assign auto_demap = |demap_1 && skip_demap;
// Signals that are early indication that TLBWRITE or TLBWRITE(demap) will happen.
// Once these signals assert, the write to the TLB cannot be cancelled.
// These signals assert before the MMU reorders the TLB writes.
// Use these to suppress SSTEP in nas_pipe.
// Best case, these signals assert 1 cycle after the previous SSTEP.
assign asi_wr_itlb_demap = `SPC2.mmu.asi_wr_immu_demap;
assign asi_wr_itlb_data_in = `SPC2.mmu.asi_wr_itlb_data_in;
assign asi_wr_itlb_data_access = {`SPC2.mmu.asd1.asi_wr_itlb_data_access,
assign asi_wr_itlb = asi_wr_itlb_demap | asi_wr_itlb_data_in | asi_wr_itlb_data_access;
// Probes for debugging
// defines copied from :/libs/n2sram/tlbs/tlbs/n2_tlb_tl_64x59_cust_l/n2_tlb_tl_64x59_cust/rtl
`define CNTX1_HI 65
`define CNTX1_LO 53
`define PID_HI 52
`define PID_LO 50
`define REAL_BIT 49
`define VA_47 48
`define VA_28 29
`define VA_27 28
`define VA_22 23
`define TTE_VALID 22
`define VA_21 21
`define VA_16 16
`define VA_15 15
`define VA_13 13
`define CNTX0_HI 12
`define CNTX0_LO 0
`define DATA_PARITY 36
`define DATA_PA_39_28_HI 35
`define DATA_PA_39_28_LO 24
`define DATA_PA_27_22_HI 23
`define DATA_PA_27_22_LO 18
`define DATA_VA_27_22_V 17
`define DATA_PA_21_16_HI 16
`define DATA_PA_21_16_LO 11
`define DATA_VA_21_16_V 10
`define DATA_PA_15_13_HI 9
`define DATA_PA_15_13_LO 7
`define DATA_VA_15_13_V 6
`define DATA_NFO 5
`define DATA_IE 4
`define DATA_CP 3
`define DATA_X 2
`define DATA_P 1
`define DATA_W 0
wire [(NUM_TLB-1):0] tlb_valid;
wire [(NUM_TLB-1):0] tlb_match;
wire tte_valid;
wire [47:0] tte_va;
wire [12:0] tte_context;
wire tte_real;
wire [2:0] tte_pid;
wire [2:0] tte_page_mask;
wire [39:0] tte_pa;
wire tte_nfo;
wire tte_ie;
wire tte_cp;
wire tte_e;
wire tte_p;
wire tte_w;
wire tte_ep;
assign tlb_valid = `;
assign tlb_match = `;
assign tte_va = {`SPC2.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`VA_47:`VA_28],
assign tte_context = `SPC2.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`CNTX1_HI:`CNTX1_LO];
assign tte_pid = `SPC2.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`PID_HI:`PID_LO];
assign tte_real = `SPC2.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`REAL_BIT];
assign tte_valid = `SPC2.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`TTE_VALID];
assign tte_page_mask = `SPC2.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_page_size_mask_1;
assign tte_pa = {`SPC2.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_PA_39_28_HI:`DATA_PA_39_28_LO],
assign tte_nfo = `SPC2.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_NFO];
assign tte_ie = `SPC2.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_IE];
assign tte_cp = `SPC2.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_CP];
assign tte_e = `SPC2.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_X];
assign tte_p = `SPC2.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_P];
assign tte_w = `SPC2.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_W];
assign tte_ep = 1'b1; // not stored in array, but implied as 1
assign ready = `PARGS.tlb_sync_on & !`SPC2.tcu_spc_mbist_start;
initial begin // {
hwtw = 1'b0;
data_in_ready = 8'b0;
@ (posedge `SPC2.l2clk);
end // }
// Must use negedge to avoid race condition
// tlb_replacement_index (aka entry) is created in always block using blocking assignments
always @ (negedge (`SPC2.l2clk & ready)) begin // {
tstamp = `TOP.core_cycle_cnt;
demap_tstamp = `TOP.core_cycle_cnt;
// Delay by 1 cycle to align with skip_demap
demap_tid_1 <= demap_tid; // demap_tid is active when demap is asserted
demap_tnum_1 <= (mycid * 8) + demap_tid;
demap_1 <= demap;
// Signal to nas_pipe to suppress SSTEP
if (asi_wr_itlb!=8'b0) begin //
for (i=0;i<=7;i=i+1) begin // {
if (asi_wr_itlb[i]) begin //
`PR_INFO ("pli_nas", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_SSTEP tid=%d ts=%0d (tlb_sync: suppress sstep. sstep_sent=1)",
mycid,i,((mycid * 6'h8) + i[2:0]),tstamp);
`NASTOP.sstep_sent[(mycid * 8) + i] <= 1'b1; // suppress SSTEP
end // }
end // }
end // }
// Send I/DTLBWRITE due to demap
if ((demap!=0) && (demap_1!=0)) begin // {
`PR_ERROR ("tlb_sync", `ERROR,
"C%0d T%0d Illegal Back to Back ITLB demap",
end // }
if (demap_active) begin // {
fifo.pop_fifo ({hwtw,mytid});
if (`PARGS.nas_check_on && `PARGS.tlb_sync_on) begin // {
`PR_INFO ("pli_tlb", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_ITLBWRITE tid=%d ts=%0d entry=%h (demap)",
`PR_INFO ("pli_nas", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_SSTEP tid=%d ts=%0d (tlb_sync: send SSTEP)",
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_ITLBWRITE, demap_tnum_1,demap_tstamp,8'hff);
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_SSTEP, demap_tnum_1);
// Check to see if sstep was sent early
if (`NASTOP.sstep_sent[demap_tnum_1]==1) begin // {
`NASTOP.sstep_early[demap_tnum_1] <= 1'b1; // SSTEP was sent before nas_pipe capture
end //}
end //}
end //}
if (`PARGS.show_tlb_on & (|demap_1)) begin // {
$write ("SHOW_TLB: ITLB_DEMAP C%0d T%0d ",mycid,demap_tid_1);
if (demap_active) begin
case (demap_1)
4'b0001: $write ("type=real ");
4'b0010: $write ("type=cntx ");
4'b0100: $write ("type=page ");
4'b1000: $write ("type=all ");
`PR_ERROR ("tlb_sync", `ERROR,
"Bench Problem - demap_1(%b) should be one-hot.",demap_1);
else begin
$write("type=autodemap ");
$display ("match=%h ts=%0d",
for (cnt=0; cnt<=NUM_TLB; cnt=cnt+1) begin // {
if (tlb_match[cnt]==1'b1) begin // {
$display ("SHOW_TLB: ITLB_DEMAP C%0d T%0d entry=%h V=0 ts=%0d",
end // }
end // }
end // }
// Send I/DHWTW due to HWTW
// Send I/DTLBWRITE due to ASI write
// There are 3 main signals to watch for TLBWRITE (data_in, tlb_wr, wr_en)
// These signals will be interleaved between the threads.
// Need to queue up the signals over time so they can be processed in order.
// Each thread will only be doing 1 thing at a time.
if ((tlb_wr!=8'b0) || (data_in!=8'b0)) begin // {
for (i=0;i<=7;i=i+1) begin // {
if ((data_in[i])&&(tlb_wr[i])) begin // {
`PR_ERROR ("tlb_sync", `ERROR,
"Bad Inputs - iwr_data_in & iwr_tlb_wr should not be asserted at same time");
end // }
else begin // {
// data_in[tid] determines if the write is HWTW or TLBWRITE
if (data_in[i]) begin // {
data_in_ready[i] <= 1'b1;
end // }
// tlb_wr[tid] determines which thread will write next
// Use fifo to save the tids of the tlb_wr signals in order
if (tlb_wr[i]) begin // {
if (data_in_ready[i]) begin // {
fifo.push_fifo ({1'b1,i[2:0]}); // {hwtw,tid[2:0]}
data_in_ready[i] <= 1'b0;
end // }
else begin // {
fifo.push_fifo ({1'b0,i[2:0]}); // {!hwtw,tid[2:0]}
end // }
end // }
end // if}
end // for}
end // if}
// wr_en means that the write is occurring
if (wr_en) begin // {
fifo.pop_fifo ({hwtw,mytid});
mytnum = (mycid * 8) + mytid;
if (hwtw) begin // {
if (`PARGS.nas_check_on && `PARGS.tlb_sync_on) begin // {
`PR_INFO ("pli_tlb", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_IHWTW tid=%d ts=%0d va=%h entry=%h",
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_IHWTW, mytnum, tstamp,tte_va,entry);
end //}
end // }
else begin // {
if (`PARGS.nas_check_on && `PARGS.tlb_sync_on) begin // {
`PR_INFO ("pli_tlb", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_ITLBWRITE tid=%d ts=%0d entry=%h",
`PR_INFO ("pli_nas", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_SSTEP tid=%d ts=%0d (tlb_sync: send SSTEP)",
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_ITLBWRITE, mytnum,tstamp,entry);
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_SSTEP, mytnum);
// Check to see if sstep was sent early
if (`NASTOP.sstep_sent[mytnum]==1) begin // {
`NASTOP.sstep_early[mytnum] <= 1'b1; // SSTEP was sent before nas_pipe capture
end //}
end //}
end // }
if (`PARGS.show_tlb_on) begin // {
$write ("SHOW_TLB: ITLB_WRITE C%0d T%0d ",mycid,mytid);
if (tte_real==0) $write ("entry=%h V=%b VA=%h ",entry,tte_valid,tte_va);
else $write ("entry=%h V=%b RA=%h ",entry,tte_valid,tte_va);
case (tte_page_mask)
3'b000: $write("R=%b CNTX=%h PID=%h sz=8k ts=%0d",
3'b001: $write("R=%b CNTX=%h PID=%h sz=64k ts=%0d",
3'b011: $write("R=%b CNTX=%h PID=%h sz=4MB ts=%0d",
3'b111: $write("R=%b CNTX=%h PID=%h sz=256MB ts=%0d",
if (hwtw) $display (" (hwtw)");
else $display ("");
$write ("SHOW_TLB: ITLB_WRITE C%0d T%0d ",mycid,mytid);
$display (" PA=00%h P=%b IE=%b CP=%b NFO=%b E=%b EP=%b W=%b ts=%0d",
end // }
end // }
end // always}
`ifdef CORE_3
module itlb_wr_c3 ();
`ifndef GATESIM
`include "tlb_sync.vh"
`include "nas.vh"
parameter NUM_TLB=64;
wire [7:0] data_in;
wire [7:0] tlb_wr;
wire wr_en;
wire [7:0] entry;
wire [3:0] demap;
reg [3:0] demap_1;
wire demap_page;
wire demap_context;
wire demap_real;
wire demap_all;
wire skip_demap;
wire demap_active;
wire auto_demap;
wire [2:0] demap_tid;
reg [2:0] demap_tid_1;
reg [5:0] demap_tnum_1;
wire [7:0] asi_wr_itlb;
wire [7:0] asi_wr_itlb_demap;
wire [7:0] asi_wr_itlb_data_in;
wire [7:0] asi_wr_itlb_data_access;
reg [(`TS_WIDTH-1):0] tstamp;
reg [7:0] data_in_ready;
reg hwtw;
reg [(`TS_WIDTH-1):0] demap_tstamp;
reg [2:0] mytid;
reg [5:0] mytnum;
wire [2:0] mycid;
integer junk;
integer i;
reg [7:0] cnt;
wire ready;
assign mycid = 3;
// Instantiate fifo - 1 entry per thread
fifo fifo ();
// Define fifo parameters
defparam fifo.ENTRY_BITS = 4; // {hwtw,tid[2:0]}
defparam fifo.DEPTH = 9; // 1 extra entry for overflow detection
defparam fifo.PTR_BITS = 4;
// DUT probes
assign data_in = `SPC3.mmu.asi.htc_wr_itlb_data_in;
assign tlb_wr = `PROBES3.itlb_wr;
assign wr_en = `SPC3.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tlb_wr_1_in_dout;
assign entry = `SPC3.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.rw_index_1[5:0];
assign demap_page = `SPC3.ifu_ftu.ftu_itc_ctl.itc_demap_page;
assign demap_context = `SPC3.ifu_ftu.itc_demap_context;
assign demap_real = `SPC3.ifu_ftu.itc_demap_real;
assign demap_all = `SPC3.ifu_ftu.itc_demap_all;
assign demap = {demap_all,demap_page,demap_context,demap_real};
assign skip_demap = `SPC3.ifu_ftu.itc_wr_u_en;
assign demap_tid = `SPC3.ifu_ftu.ftu_itd_dp.tte1[37:35];
// if (|demap_1 && skip_demap ), then Implicit demap so don't send to NAS
assign demap_active = |demap_1 && !skip_demap;
assign auto_demap = |demap_1 && skip_demap;
// Signals that are early indication that TLBWRITE or TLBWRITE(demap) will happen.
// Once these signals assert, the write to the TLB cannot be cancelled.
// These signals assert before the MMU reorders the TLB writes.
// Use these to suppress SSTEP in nas_pipe.
// Best case, these signals assert 1 cycle after the previous SSTEP.
assign asi_wr_itlb_demap = `SPC3.mmu.asi_wr_immu_demap;
assign asi_wr_itlb_data_in = `SPC3.mmu.asi_wr_itlb_data_in;
assign asi_wr_itlb_data_access = {`SPC3.mmu.asd1.asi_wr_itlb_data_access,
assign asi_wr_itlb = asi_wr_itlb_demap | asi_wr_itlb_data_in | asi_wr_itlb_data_access;
// Probes for debugging
// defines copied from :/libs/n2sram/tlbs/tlbs/n2_tlb_tl_64x59_cust_l/n2_tlb_tl_64x59_cust/rtl
`define CNTX1_HI 65
`define CNTX1_LO 53
`define PID_HI 52
`define PID_LO 50
`define REAL_BIT 49
`define VA_47 48
`define VA_28 29
`define VA_27 28
`define VA_22 23
`define TTE_VALID 22
`define VA_21 21
`define VA_16 16
`define VA_15 15
`define VA_13 13
`define CNTX0_HI 12
`define CNTX0_LO 0
`define DATA_PARITY 36
`define DATA_PA_39_28_HI 35
`define DATA_PA_39_28_LO 24
`define DATA_PA_27_22_HI 23
`define DATA_PA_27_22_LO 18
`define DATA_VA_27_22_V 17
`define DATA_PA_21_16_HI 16
`define DATA_PA_21_16_LO 11
`define DATA_VA_21_16_V 10
`define DATA_PA_15_13_HI 9
`define DATA_PA_15_13_LO 7
`define DATA_VA_15_13_V 6
`define DATA_NFO 5
`define DATA_IE 4
`define DATA_CP 3
`define DATA_X 2
`define DATA_P 1
`define DATA_W 0
wire [(NUM_TLB-1):0] tlb_valid;
wire [(NUM_TLB-1):0] tlb_match;
wire tte_valid;
wire [47:0] tte_va;
wire [12:0] tte_context;
wire tte_real;
wire [2:0] tte_pid;
wire [2:0] tte_page_mask;
wire [39:0] tte_pa;
wire tte_nfo;
wire tte_ie;
wire tte_cp;
wire tte_e;
wire tte_p;
wire tte_w;
wire tte_ep;
assign tlb_valid = `;
assign tlb_match = `;
assign tte_va = {`SPC3.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`VA_47:`VA_28],
assign tte_context = `SPC3.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`CNTX1_HI:`CNTX1_LO];
assign tte_pid = `SPC3.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`PID_HI:`PID_LO];
assign tte_real = `SPC3.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`REAL_BIT];
assign tte_valid = `SPC3.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`TTE_VALID];
assign tte_page_mask = `SPC3.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_page_size_mask_1;
assign tte_pa = {`SPC3.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_PA_39_28_HI:`DATA_PA_39_28_LO],
assign tte_nfo = `SPC3.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_NFO];
assign tte_ie = `SPC3.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_IE];
assign tte_cp = `SPC3.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_CP];
assign tte_e = `SPC3.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_X];
assign tte_p = `SPC3.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_P];
assign tte_w = `SPC3.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_W];
assign tte_ep = 1'b1; // not stored in array, but implied as 1
assign ready = `PARGS.tlb_sync_on & !`SPC3.tcu_spc_mbist_start;
initial begin // {
hwtw = 1'b0;
data_in_ready = 8'b0;
@ (posedge `SPC3.l2clk);
end // }
// Must use negedge to avoid race condition
// tlb_replacement_index (aka entry) is created in always block using blocking assignments
always @ (negedge (`SPC3.l2clk & ready)) begin // {
tstamp = `TOP.core_cycle_cnt;
demap_tstamp = `TOP.core_cycle_cnt;
// Delay by 1 cycle to align with skip_demap
demap_tid_1 <= demap_tid; // demap_tid is active when demap is asserted
demap_tnum_1 <= (mycid * 8) + demap_tid;
demap_1 <= demap;
// Signal to nas_pipe to suppress SSTEP
if (asi_wr_itlb!=8'b0) begin //
for (i=0;i<=7;i=i+1) begin // {
if (asi_wr_itlb[i]) begin //
`PR_INFO ("pli_nas", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_SSTEP tid=%d ts=%0d (tlb_sync: suppress sstep. sstep_sent=1)",
mycid,i,((mycid * 6'h8) + i[2:0]),tstamp);
`NASTOP.sstep_sent[(mycid * 8) + i] <= 1'b1; // suppress SSTEP
end // }
end // }
end // }
// Send I/DTLBWRITE due to demap
if ((demap!=0) && (demap_1!=0)) begin // {
`PR_ERROR ("tlb_sync", `ERROR,
"C%0d T%0d Illegal Back to Back ITLB demap",
end // }
if (demap_active) begin // {
fifo.pop_fifo ({hwtw,mytid});
if (`PARGS.nas_check_on && `PARGS.tlb_sync_on) begin // {
`PR_INFO ("pli_tlb", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_ITLBWRITE tid=%d ts=%0d entry=%h (demap)",
`PR_INFO ("pli_nas", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_SSTEP tid=%d ts=%0d (tlb_sync: send SSTEP)",
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_ITLBWRITE, demap_tnum_1,demap_tstamp,8'hff);
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_SSTEP, demap_tnum_1);
// Check to see if sstep was sent early
if (`NASTOP.sstep_sent[demap_tnum_1]==1) begin // {
`NASTOP.sstep_early[demap_tnum_1] <= 1'b1; // SSTEP was sent before nas_pipe capture
end //}
end //}
end //}
if (`PARGS.show_tlb_on & (|demap_1)) begin // {
$write ("SHOW_TLB: ITLB_DEMAP C%0d T%0d ",mycid,demap_tid_1);
if (demap_active) begin
case (demap_1)
4'b0001: $write ("type=real ");
4'b0010: $write ("type=cntx ");
4'b0100: $write ("type=page ");
4'b1000: $write ("type=all ");
`PR_ERROR ("tlb_sync", `ERROR,
"Bench Problem - demap_1(%b) should be one-hot.",demap_1);
else begin
$write("type=autodemap ");
$display ("match=%h ts=%0d",
for (cnt=0; cnt<=NUM_TLB; cnt=cnt+1) begin // {
if (tlb_match[cnt]==1'b1) begin // {
$display ("SHOW_TLB: ITLB_DEMAP C%0d T%0d entry=%h V=0 ts=%0d",
end // }
end // }
end // }
// Send I/DHWTW due to HWTW
// Send I/DTLBWRITE due to ASI write
// There are 3 main signals to watch for TLBWRITE (data_in, tlb_wr, wr_en)
// These signals will be interleaved between the threads.
// Need to queue up the signals over time so they can be processed in order.
// Each thread will only be doing 1 thing at a time.
if ((tlb_wr!=8'b0) || (data_in!=8'b0)) begin // {
for (i=0;i<=7;i=i+1) begin // {
if ((data_in[i])&&(tlb_wr[i])) begin // {
`PR_ERROR ("tlb_sync", `ERROR,
"Bad Inputs - iwr_data_in & iwr_tlb_wr should not be asserted at same time");
end // }
else begin // {
// data_in[tid] determines if the write is HWTW or TLBWRITE
if (data_in[i]) begin // {
data_in_ready[i] <= 1'b1;
end // }
// tlb_wr[tid] determines which thread will write next
// Use fifo to save the tids of the tlb_wr signals in order
if (tlb_wr[i]) begin // {
if (data_in_ready[i]) begin // {
fifo.push_fifo ({1'b1,i[2:0]}); // {hwtw,tid[2:0]}
data_in_ready[i] <= 1'b0;
end // }
else begin // {
fifo.push_fifo ({1'b0,i[2:0]}); // {!hwtw,tid[2:0]}
end // }
end // }
end // if}
end // for}
end // if}
// wr_en means that the write is occurring
if (wr_en) begin // {
fifo.pop_fifo ({hwtw,mytid});
mytnum = (mycid * 8) + mytid;
if (hwtw) begin // {
if (`PARGS.nas_check_on && `PARGS.tlb_sync_on) begin // {
`PR_INFO ("pli_tlb", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_IHWTW tid=%d ts=%0d va=%h entry=%h",
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_IHWTW, mytnum, tstamp,tte_va,entry);
end //}
end // }
else begin // {
if (`PARGS.nas_check_on && `PARGS.tlb_sync_on) begin // {
`PR_INFO ("pli_tlb", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_ITLBWRITE tid=%d ts=%0d entry=%h",
`PR_INFO ("pli_nas", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_SSTEP tid=%d ts=%0d (tlb_sync: send SSTEP)",
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_ITLBWRITE, mytnum,tstamp,entry);
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_SSTEP, mytnum);
// Check to see if sstep was sent early
if (`NASTOP.sstep_sent[mytnum]==1) begin // {
`NASTOP.sstep_early[mytnum] <= 1'b1; // SSTEP was sent before nas_pipe capture
end //}
end //}
end // }
if (`PARGS.show_tlb_on) begin // {
$write ("SHOW_TLB: ITLB_WRITE C%0d T%0d ",mycid,mytid);
if (tte_real==0) $write ("entry=%h V=%b VA=%h ",entry,tte_valid,tte_va);
else $write ("entry=%h V=%b RA=%h ",entry,tte_valid,tte_va);
case (tte_page_mask)
3'b000: $write("R=%b CNTX=%h PID=%h sz=8k ts=%0d",
3'b001: $write("R=%b CNTX=%h PID=%h sz=64k ts=%0d",
3'b011: $write("R=%b CNTX=%h PID=%h sz=4MB ts=%0d",
3'b111: $write("R=%b CNTX=%h PID=%h sz=256MB ts=%0d",
if (hwtw) $display (" (hwtw)");
else $display ("");
$write ("SHOW_TLB: ITLB_WRITE C%0d T%0d ",mycid,mytid);
$display (" PA=00%h P=%b IE=%b CP=%b NFO=%b E=%b EP=%b W=%b ts=%0d",
end // }
end // }
end // always}
`ifdef CORE_4
module itlb_wr_c4 ();
`ifndef GATESIM
`include "tlb_sync.vh"
`include "nas.vh"
parameter NUM_TLB=64;
wire [7:0] data_in;
wire [7:0] tlb_wr;
wire wr_en;
wire [7:0] entry;
wire [3:0] demap;
reg [3:0] demap_1;
wire demap_page;
wire demap_context;
wire demap_real;
wire demap_all;
wire skip_demap;
wire demap_active;
wire auto_demap;
wire [2:0] demap_tid;
reg [2:0] demap_tid_1;
reg [5:0] demap_tnum_1;
wire [7:0] asi_wr_itlb;
wire [7:0] asi_wr_itlb_demap;
wire [7:0] asi_wr_itlb_data_in;
wire [7:0] asi_wr_itlb_data_access;
reg [(`TS_WIDTH-1):0] tstamp;
reg [7:0] data_in_ready;
reg hwtw;
reg [(`TS_WIDTH-1):0] demap_tstamp;
reg [2:0] mytid;
reg [5:0] mytnum;
wire [2:0] mycid;
integer junk;
integer i;
reg [7:0] cnt;
wire ready;
assign mycid = 4;
// Instantiate fifo - 1 entry per thread
fifo fifo ();
// Define fifo parameters
defparam fifo.ENTRY_BITS = 4; // {hwtw,tid[2:0]}
defparam fifo.DEPTH = 9; // 1 extra entry for overflow detection
defparam fifo.PTR_BITS = 4;
// DUT probes
assign data_in = `SPC4.mmu.asi.htc_wr_itlb_data_in;
assign tlb_wr = `PROBES4.itlb_wr;
assign wr_en = `SPC4.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tlb_wr_1_in_dout;
assign entry = `SPC4.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.rw_index_1[5:0];
assign demap_page = `SPC4.ifu_ftu.ftu_itc_ctl.itc_demap_page;
assign demap_context = `SPC4.ifu_ftu.itc_demap_context;
assign demap_real = `SPC4.ifu_ftu.itc_demap_real;
assign demap_all = `SPC4.ifu_ftu.itc_demap_all;
assign demap = {demap_all,demap_page,demap_context,demap_real};
assign skip_demap = `SPC4.ifu_ftu.itc_wr_u_en;
assign demap_tid = `SPC4.ifu_ftu.ftu_itd_dp.tte1[37:35];
// if (|demap_1 && skip_demap ), then Implicit demap so don't send to NAS
assign demap_active = |demap_1 && !skip_demap;
assign auto_demap = |demap_1 && skip_demap;
// Signals that are early indication that TLBWRITE or TLBWRITE(demap) will happen.
// Once these signals assert, the write to the TLB cannot be cancelled.
// These signals assert before the MMU reorders the TLB writes.
// Use these to suppress SSTEP in nas_pipe.
// Best case, these signals assert 1 cycle after the previous SSTEP.
assign asi_wr_itlb_demap = `SPC4.mmu.asi_wr_immu_demap;
assign asi_wr_itlb_data_in = `SPC4.mmu.asi_wr_itlb_data_in;
assign asi_wr_itlb_data_access = {`SPC4.mmu.asd1.asi_wr_itlb_data_access,
assign asi_wr_itlb = asi_wr_itlb_demap | asi_wr_itlb_data_in | asi_wr_itlb_data_access;
// Probes for debugging
// defines copied from :/libs/n2sram/tlbs/tlbs/n2_tlb_tl_64x59_cust_l/n2_tlb_tl_64x59_cust/rtl
`define CNTX1_HI 65
`define CNTX1_LO 53
`define PID_HI 52
`define PID_LO 50
`define REAL_BIT 49
`define VA_47 48
`define VA_28 29
`define VA_27 28
`define VA_22 23
`define TTE_VALID 22
`define VA_21 21
`define VA_16 16
`define VA_15 15
`define VA_13 13
`define CNTX0_HI 12
`define CNTX0_LO 0
`define DATA_PARITY 36
`define DATA_PA_39_28_HI 35
`define DATA_PA_39_28_LO 24
`define DATA_PA_27_22_HI 23
`define DATA_PA_27_22_LO 18
`define DATA_VA_27_22_V 17
`define DATA_PA_21_16_HI 16
`define DATA_PA_21_16_LO 11
`define DATA_VA_21_16_V 10
`define DATA_PA_15_13_HI 9
`define DATA_PA_15_13_LO 7
`define DATA_VA_15_13_V 6
`define DATA_NFO 5
`define DATA_IE 4
`define DATA_CP 3
`define DATA_X 2
`define DATA_P 1
`define DATA_W 0
wire [(NUM_TLB-1):0] tlb_valid;
wire [(NUM_TLB-1):0] tlb_match;
wire tte_valid;
wire [47:0] tte_va;
wire [12:0] tte_context;
wire tte_real;
wire [2:0] tte_pid;
wire [2:0] tte_page_mask;
wire [39:0] tte_pa;
wire tte_nfo;
wire tte_ie;
wire tte_cp;
wire tte_e;
wire tte_p;
wire tte_w;
wire tte_ep;
assign tlb_valid = `;
assign tlb_match = `;
assign tte_va = {`SPC4.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`VA_47:`VA_28],
assign tte_context = `SPC4.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`CNTX1_HI:`CNTX1_LO];
assign tte_pid = `SPC4.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`PID_HI:`PID_LO];
assign tte_real = `SPC4.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`REAL_BIT];
assign tte_valid = `SPC4.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`TTE_VALID];
assign tte_page_mask = `SPC4.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_page_size_mask_1;
assign tte_pa = {`SPC4.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_PA_39_28_HI:`DATA_PA_39_28_LO],
assign tte_nfo = `SPC4.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_NFO];
assign tte_ie = `SPC4.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_IE];
assign tte_cp = `SPC4.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_CP];
assign tte_e = `SPC4.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_X];
assign tte_p = `SPC4.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_P];
assign tte_w = `SPC4.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_W];
assign tte_ep = 1'b1; // not stored in array, but implied as 1
assign ready = `PARGS.tlb_sync_on & !`SPC4.tcu_spc_mbist_start;
initial begin // {
hwtw = 1'b0;
data_in_ready = 8'b0;
@ (posedge `SPC4.l2clk);
end // }
// Must use negedge to avoid race condition
// tlb_replacement_index (aka entry) is created in always block using blocking assignments
always @ (negedge (`SPC4.l2clk & ready)) begin // {
tstamp = `TOP.core_cycle_cnt;
demap_tstamp = `TOP.core_cycle_cnt;
// Delay by 1 cycle to align with skip_demap
demap_tid_1 <= demap_tid; // demap_tid is active when demap is asserted
demap_tnum_1 <= (mycid * 8) + demap_tid;
demap_1 <= demap;
// Signal to nas_pipe to suppress SSTEP
if (asi_wr_itlb!=8'b0) begin //
for (i=0;i<=7;i=i+1) begin // {
if (asi_wr_itlb[i]) begin //
`PR_INFO ("pli_nas", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_SSTEP tid=%d ts=%0d (tlb_sync: suppress sstep. sstep_sent=1)",
mycid,i,((mycid * 6'h8) + i[2:0]),tstamp);
`NASTOP.sstep_sent[(mycid * 8) + i] <= 1'b1; // suppress SSTEP
end // }
end // }
end // }
// Send I/DTLBWRITE due to demap
if ((demap!=0) && (demap_1!=0)) begin // {
`PR_ERROR ("tlb_sync", `ERROR,
"C%0d T%0d Illegal Back to Back ITLB demap",
end // }
if (demap_active) begin // {
fifo.pop_fifo ({hwtw,mytid});
if (`PARGS.nas_check_on && `PARGS.tlb_sync_on) begin // {
`PR_INFO ("pli_tlb", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_ITLBWRITE tid=%d ts=%0d entry=%h (demap)",
`PR_INFO ("pli_nas", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_SSTEP tid=%d ts=%0d (tlb_sync: send SSTEP)",
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_ITLBWRITE, demap_tnum_1,demap_tstamp,8'hff);
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_SSTEP, demap_tnum_1);
// Check to see if sstep was sent early
if (`NASTOP.sstep_sent[demap_tnum_1]==1) begin // {
`NASTOP.sstep_early[demap_tnum_1] <= 1'b1; // SSTEP was sent before nas_pipe capture
end //}
end //}
end //}
if (`PARGS.show_tlb_on & (|demap_1)) begin // {
$write ("SHOW_TLB: ITLB_DEMAP C%0d T%0d ",mycid,demap_tid_1);
if (demap_active) begin
case (demap_1)
4'b0001: $write ("type=real ");
4'b0010: $write ("type=cntx ");
4'b0100: $write ("type=page ");
4'b1000: $write ("type=all ");
`PR_ERROR ("tlb_sync", `ERROR,
"Bench Problem - demap_1(%b) should be one-hot.",demap_1);
else begin
$write("type=autodemap ");
$display ("match=%h ts=%0d",
for (cnt=0; cnt<=NUM_TLB; cnt=cnt+1) begin // {
if (tlb_match[cnt]==1'b1) begin // {
$display ("SHOW_TLB: ITLB_DEMAP C%0d T%0d entry=%h V=0 ts=%0d",
end // }
end // }
end // }
// Send I/DHWTW due to HWTW
// Send I/DTLBWRITE due to ASI write
// There are 3 main signals to watch for TLBWRITE (data_in, tlb_wr, wr_en)
// These signals will be interleaved between the threads.
// Need to queue up the signals over time so they can be processed in order.
// Each thread will only be doing 1 thing at a time.
if ((tlb_wr!=8'b0) || (data_in!=8'b0)) begin // {
for (i=0;i<=7;i=i+1) begin // {
if ((data_in[i])&&(tlb_wr[i])) begin // {
`PR_ERROR ("tlb_sync", `ERROR,
"Bad Inputs - iwr_data_in & iwr_tlb_wr should not be asserted at same time");
end // }
else begin // {
// data_in[tid] determines if the write is HWTW or TLBWRITE
if (data_in[i]) begin // {
data_in_ready[i] <= 1'b1;
end // }
// tlb_wr[tid] determines which thread will write next
// Use fifo to save the tids of the tlb_wr signals in order
if (tlb_wr[i]) begin // {
if (data_in_ready[i]) begin // {
fifo.push_fifo ({1'b1,i[2:0]}); // {hwtw,tid[2:0]}
data_in_ready[i] <= 1'b0;
end // }
else begin // {
fifo.push_fifo ({1'b0,i[2:0]}); // {!hwtw,tid[2:0]}
end // }
end // }
end // if}
end // for}
end // if}
// wr_en means that the write is occurring
if (wr_en) begin // {
fifo.pop_fifo ({hwtw,mytid});
mytnum = (mycid * 8) + mytid;
if (hwtw) begin // {
if (`PARGS.nas_check_on && `PARGS.tlb_sync_on) begin // {
`PR_INFO ("pli_tlb", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_IHWTW tid=%d ts=%0d va=%h entry=%h",
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_IHWTW, mytnum, tstamp,tte_va,entry);
end //}
end // }
else begin // {
if (`PARGS.nas_check_on && `PARGS.tlb_sync_on) begin // {
`PR_INFO ("pli_tlb", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_ITLBWRITE tid=%d ts=%0d entry=%h",
`PR_INFO ("pli_nas", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_SSTEP tid=%d ts=%0d (tlb_sync: send SSTEP)",
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_ITLBWRITE, mytnum,tstamp,entry);
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_SSTEP, mytnum);
// Check to see if sstep was sent early
if (`NASTOP.sstep_sent[mytnum]==1) begin // {
`NASTOP.sstep_early[mytnum] <= 1'b1; // SSTEP was sent before nas_pipe capture
end //}
end //}
end // }
if (`PARGS.show_tlb_on) begin // {
$write ("SHOW_TLB: ITLB_WRITE C%0d T%0d ",mycid,mytid);
if (tte_real==0) $write ("entry=%h V=%b VA=%h ",entry,tte_valid,tte_va);
else $write ("entry=%h V=%b RA=%h ",entry,tte_valid,tte_va);
case (tte_page_mask)
3'b000: $write("R=%b CNTX=%h PID=%h sz=8k ts=%0d",
3'b001: $write("R=%b CNTX=%h PID=%h sz=64k ts=%0d",
3'b011: $write("R=%b CNTX=%h PID=%h sz=4MB ts=%0d",
3'b111: $write("R=%b CNTX=%h PID=%h sz=256MB ts=%0d",
if (hwtw) $display (" (hwtw)");
else $display ("");
$write ("SHOW_TLB: ITLB_WRITE C%0d T%0d ",mycid,mytid);
$display (" PA=00%h P=%b IE=%b CP=%b NFO=%b E=%b EP=%b W=%b ts=%0d",
end // }
end // }
end // always}
`ifdef CORE_5
module itlb_wr_c5 ();
`ifndef GATESIM
`include "tlb_sync.vh"
`include "nas.vh"
parameter NUM_TLB=64;
wire [7:0] data_in;
wire [7:0] tlb_wr;
wire wr_en;
wire [7:0] entry;
wire [3:0] demap;
reg [3:0] demap_1;
wire demap_page;
wire demap_context;
wire demap_real;
wire demap_all;
wire skip_demap;
wire demap_active;
wire auto_demap;
wire [2:0] demap_tid;
reg [2:0] demap_tid_1;
reg [5:0] demap_tnum_1;
wire [7:0] asi_wr_itlb;
wire [7:0] asi_wr_itlb_demap;
wire [7:0] asi_wr_itlb_data_in;
wire [7:0] asi_wr_itlb_data_access;
reg [(`TS_WIDTH-1):0] tstamp;
reg [7:0] data_in_ready;
reg hwtw;
reg [(`TS_WIDTH-1):0] demap_tstamp;
reg [2:0] mytid;
reg [5:0] mytnum;
wire [2:0] mycid;
integer junk;
integer i;
reg [7:0] cnt;
wire ready;
assign mycid = 5;
// Instantiate fifo - 1 entry per thread
fifo fifo ();
// Define fifo parameters
defparam fifo.ENTRY_BITS = 4; // {hwtw,tid[2:0]}
defparam fifo.DEPTH = 9; // 1 extra entry for overflow detection
defparam fifo.PTR_BITS = 4;
// DUT probes
assign data_in = `SPC5.mmu.asi.htc_wr_itlb_data_in;
assign tlb_wr = `PROBES5.itlb_wr;
assign wr_en = `SPC5.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tlb_wr_1_in_dout;
assign entry = `SPC5.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.rw_index_1[5:0];
assign demap_page = `SPC5.ifu_ftu.ftu_itc_ctl.itc_demap_page;
assign demap_context = `SPC5.ifu_ftu.itc_demap_context;
assign demap_real = `SPC5.ifu_ftu.itc_demap_real;
assign demap_all = `SPC5.ifu_ftu.itc_demap_all;
assign demap = {demap_all,demap_page,demap_context,demap_real};
assign skip_demap = `SPC5.ifu_ftu.itc_wr_u_en;
assign demap_tid = `SPC5.ifu_ftu.ftu_itd_dp.tte1[37:35];
// if (|demap_1 && skip_demap ), then Implicit demap so don't send to NAS
assign demap_active = |demap_1 && !skip_demap;
assign auto_demap = |demap_1 && skip_demap;
// Signals that are early indication that TLBWRITE or TLBWRITE(demap) will happen.
// Once these signals assert, the write to the TLB cannot be cancelled.
// These signals assert before the MMU reorders the TLB writes.
// Use these to suppress SSTEP in nas_pipe.
// Best case, these signals assert 1 cycle after the previous SSTEP.
assign asi_wr_itlb_demap = `SPC5.mmu.asi_wr_immu_demap;
assign asi_wr_itlb_data_in = `SPC5.mmu.asi_wr_itlb_data_in;
assign asi_wr_itlb_data_access = {`SPC5.mmu.asd1.asi_wr_itlb_data_access,
assign asi_wr_itlb = asi_wr_itlb_demap | asi_wr_itlb_data_in | asi_wr_itlb_data_access;
// Probes for debugging
// defines copied from :/libs/n2sram/tlbs/tlbs/n2_tlb_tl_64x59_cust_l/n2_tlb_tl_64x59_cust/rtl
`define CNTX1_HI 65
`define CNTX1_LO 53
`define PID_HI 52
`define PID_LO 50
`define REAL_BIT 49
`define VA_47 48
`define VA_28 29
`define VA_27 28
`define VA_22 23
`define TTE_VALID 22
`define VA_21 21
`define VA_16 16
`define VA_15 15
`define VA_13 13
`define CNTX0_HI 12
`define CNTX0_LO 0
`define DATA_PARITY 36
`define DATA_PA_39_28_HI 35
`define DATA_PA_39_28_LO 24
`define DATA_PA_27_22_HI 23
`define DATA_PA_27_22_LO 18
`define DATA_VA_27_22_V 17
`define DATA_PA_21_16_HI 16
`define DATA_PA_21_16_LO 11
`define DATA_VA_21_16_V 10
`define DATA_PA_15_13_HI 9
`define DATA_PA_15_13_LO 7
`define DATA_VA_15_13_V 6
`define DATA_NFO 5
`define DATA_IE 4
`define DATA_CP 3
`define DATA_X 2
`define DATA_P 1
`define DATA_W 0
wire [(NUM_TLB-1):0] tlb_valid;
wire [(NUM_TLB-1):0] tlb_match;
wire tte_valid;
wire [47:0] tte_va;
wire [12:0] tte_context;
wire tte_real;
wire [2:0] tte_pid;
wire [2:0] tte_page_mask;
wire [39:0] tte_pa;
wire tte_nfo;
wire tte_ie;
wire tte_cp;
wire tte_e;
wire tte_p;
wire tte_w;
wire tte_ep;
assign tlb_valid = `;
assign tlb_match = `;
assign tte_va = {`SPC5.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`VA_47:`VA_28],
assign tte_context = `SPC5.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`CNTX1_HI:`CNTX1_LO];
assign tte_pid = `SPC5.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`PID_HI:`PID_LO];
assign tte_real = `SPC5.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`REAL_BIT];
assign tte_valid = `SPC5.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`TTE_VALID];
assign tte_page_mask = `SPC5.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_page_size_mask_1;
assign tte_pa = {`SPC5.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_PA_39_28_HI:`DATA_PA_39_28_LO],
assign tte_nfo = `SPC5.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_NFO];
assign tte_ie = `SPC5.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_IE];
assign tte_cp = `SPC5.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_CP];
assign tte_e = `SPC5.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_X];
assign tte_p = `SPC5.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_P];
assign tte_w = `SPC5.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_W];
assign tte_ep = 1'b1; // not stored in array, but implied as 1
assign ready = `PARGS.tlb_sync_on & !`SPC5.tcu_spc_mbist_start;
initial begin // {
hwtw = 1'b0;
data_in_ready = 8'b0;
@ (posedge `SPC5.l2clk);
end // }
// Must use negedge to avoid race condition
// tlb_replacement_index (aka entry) is created in always block using blocking assignments
always @ (negedge (`SPC5.l2clk & ready)) begin // {
tstamp = `TOP.core_cycle_cnt;
demap_tstamp = `TOP.core_cycle_cnt;
// Delay by 1 cycle to align with skip_demap
demap_tid_1 <= demap_tid; // demap_tid is active when demap is asserted
demap_tnum_1 <= (mycid * 8) + demap_tid;
demap_1 <= demap;
// Signal to nas_pipe to suppress SSTEP
if (asi_wr_itlb!=8'b0) begin //
for (i=0;i<=7;i=i+1) begin // {
if (asi_wr_itlb[i]) begin //
`PR_INFO ("pli_nas", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_SSTEP tid=%d ts=%0d (tlb_sync: suppress sstep. sstep_sent=1)",
mycid,i,((mycid * 6'h8) + i[2:0]),tstamp);
`NASTOP.sstep_sent[(mycid * 8) + i] <= 1'b1; // suppress SSTEP
end // }
end // }
end // }
// Send I/DTLBWRITE due to demap
if ((demap!=0) && (demap_1!=0)) begin // {
`PR_ERROR ("tlb_sync", `ERROR,
"C%0d T%0d Illegal Back to Back ITLB demap",
end // }
if (demap_active) begin // {
fifo.pop_fifo ({hwtw,mytid});
if (`PARGS.nas_check_on && `PARGS.tlb_sync_on) begin // {
`PR_INFO ("pli_tlb", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_ITLBWRITE tid=%d ts=%0d entry=%h (demap)",
`PR_INFO ("pli_nas", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_SSTEP tid=%d ts=%0d (tlb_sync: send SSTEP)",
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_ITLBWRITE, demap_tnum_1,demap_tstamp,8'hff);
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_SSTEP, demap_tnum_1);
// Check to see if sstep was sent early
if (`NASTOP.sstep_sent[demap_tnum_1]==1) begin // {
`NASTOP.sstep_early[demap_tnum_1] <= 1'b1; // SSTEP was sent before nas_pipe capture
end //}
end //}
end //}
if (`PARGS.show_tlb_on & (|demap_1)) begin // {
$write ("SHOW_TLB: ITLB_DEMAP C%0d T%0d ",mycid,demap_tid_1);
if (demap_active) begin
case (demap_1)
4'b0001: $write ("type=real ");
4'b0010: $write ("type=cntx ");
4'b0100: $write ("type=page ");
4'b1000: $write ("type=all ");
`PR_ERROR ("tlb_sync", `ERROR,
"Bench Problem - demap_1(%b) should be one-hot.",demap_1);
else begin
$write("type=autodemap ");
$display ("match=%h ts=%0d",
for (cnt=0; cnt<=NUM_TLB; cnt=cnt+1) begin // {
if (tlb_match[cnt]==1'b1) begin // {
$display ("SHOW_TLB: ITLB_DEMAP C%0d T%0d entry=%h V=0 ts=%0d",
end // }
end // }
end // }
// Send I/DHWTW due to HWTW
// Send I/DTLBWRITE due to ASI write
// There are 3 main signals to watch for TLBWRITE (data_in, tlb_wr, wr_en)
// These signals will be interleaved between the threads.
// Need to queue up the signals over time so they can be processed in order.
// Each thread will only be doing 1 thing at a time.
if ((tlb_wr!=8'b0) || (data_in!=8'b0)) begin // {
for (i=0;i<=7;i=i+1) begin // {
if ((data_in[i])&&(tlb_wr[i])) begin // {
`PR_ERROR ("tlb_sync", `ERROR,
"Bad Inputs - iwr_data_in & iwr_tlb_wr should not be asserted at same time");
end // }
else begin // {
// data_in[tid] determines if the write is HWTW or TLBWRITE
if (data_in[i]) begin // {
data_in_ready[i] <= 1'b1;
end // }
// tlb_wr[tid] determines which thread will write next
// Use fifo to save the tids of the tlb_wr signals in order
if (tlb_wr[i]) begin // {
if (data_in_ready[i]) begin // {
fifo.push_fifo ({1'b1,i[2:0]}); // {hwtw,tid[2:0]}
data_in_ready[i] <= 1'b0;
end // }
else begin // {
fifo.push_fifo ({1'b0,i[2:0]}); // {!hwtw,tid[2:0]}
end // }
end // }
end // if}
end // for}
end // if}
// wr_en means that the write is occurring
if (wr_en) begin // {
fifo.pop_fifo ({hwtw,mytid});
mytnum = (mycid * 8) + mytid;
if (hwtw) begin // {
if (`PARGS.nas_check_on && `PARGS.tlb_sync_on) begin // {
`PR_INFO ("pli_tlb", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_IHWTW tid=%d ts=%0d va=%h entry=%h",
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_IHWTW, mytnum, tstamp,tte_va,entry);
end //}
end // }
else begin // {
if (`PARGS.nas_check_on && `PARGS.tlb_sync_on) begin // {
`PR_INFO ("pli_tlb", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_ITLBWRITE tid=%d ts=%0d entry=%h",
`PR_INFO ("pli_nas", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_SSTEP tid=%d ts=%0d (tlb_sync: send SSTEP)",
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_ITLBWRITE, mytnum,tstamp,entry);
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_SSTEP, mytnum);
// Check to see if sstep was sent early
if (`NASTOP.sstep_sent[mytnum]==1) begin // {
`NASTOP.sstep_early[mytnum] <= 1'b1; // SSTEP was sent before nas_pipe capture
end //}
end //}
end // }
if (`PARGS.show_tlb_on) begin // {
$write ("SHOW_TLB: ITLB_WRITE C%0d T%0d ",mycid,mytid);
if (tte_real==0) $write ("entry=%h V=%b VA=%h ",entry,tte_valid,tte_va);
else $write ("entry=%h V=%b RA=%h ",entry,tte_valid,tte_va);
case (tte_page_mask)
3'b000: $write("R=%b CNTX=%h PID=%h sz=8k ts=%0d",
3'b001: $write("R=%b CNTX=%h PID=%h sz=64k ts=%0d",
3'b011: $write("R=%b CNTX=%h PID=%h sz=4MB ts=%0d",
3'b111: $write("R=%b CNTX=%h PID=%h sz=256MB ts=%0d",
if (hwtw) $display (" (hwtw)");
else $display ("");
$write ("SHOW_TLB: ITLB_WRITE C%0d T%0d ",mycid,mytid);
$display (" PA=00%h P=%b IE=%b CP=%b NFO=%b E=%b EP=%b W=%b ts=%0d",
end // }
end // }
end // always}
`ifdef CORE_6
module itlb_wr_c6 ();
`ifndef GATESIM
`include "tlb_sync.vh"
`include "nas.vh"
parameter NUM_TLB=64;
wire [7:0] data_in;
wire [7:0] tlb_wr;
wire wr_en;
wire [7:0] entry;
wire [3:0] demap;
reg [3:0] demap_1;
wire demap_page;
wire demap_context;
wire demap_real;
wire demap_all;
wire skip_demap;
wire demap_active;
wire auto_demap;
wire [2:0] demap_tid;
reg [2:0] demap_tid_1;
reg [5:0] demap_tnum_1;
wire [7:0] asi_wr_itlb;
wire [7:0] asi_wr_itlb_demap;
wire [7:0] asi_wr_itlb_data_in;
wire [7:0] asi_wr_itlb_data_access;
reg [(`TS_WIDTH-1):0] tstamp;
reg [7:0] data_in_ready;
reg hwtw;
reg [(`TS_WIDTH-1):0] demap_tstamp;
reg [2:0] mytid;
reg [5:0] mytnum;
wire [2:0] mycid;
integer junk;
integer i;
reg [7:0] cnt;
wire ready;
assign mycid = 6;
// Instantiate fifo - 1 entry per thread
fifo fifo ();
// Define fifo parameters
defparam fifo.ENTRY_BITS = 4; // {hwtw,tid[2:0]}
defparam fifo.DEPTH = 9; // 1 extra entry for overflow detection
defparam fifo.PTR_BITS = 4;
// DUT probes
assign data_in = `SPC6.mmu.asi.htc_wr_itlb_data_in;
assign tlb_wr = `PROBES6.itlb_wr;
assign wr_en = `SPC6.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tlb_wr_1_in_dout;
assign entry = `SPC6.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.rw_index_1[5:0];
assign demap_page = `SPC6.ifu_ftu.ftu_itc_ctl.itc_demap_page;
assign demap_context = `SPC6.ifu_ftu.itc_demap_context;
assign demap_real = `SPC6.ifu_ftu.itc_demap_real;
assign demap_all = `SPC6.ifu_ftu.itc_demap_all;
assign demap = {demap_all,demap_page,demap_context,demap_real};
assign skip_demap = `SPC6.ifu_ftu.itc_wr_u_en;
assign demap_tid = `SPC6.ifu_ftu.ftu_itd_dp.tte1[37:35];
// if (|demap_1 && skip_demap ), then Implicit demap so don't send to NAS
assign demap_active = |demap_1 && !skip_demap;
assign auto_demap = |demap_1 && skip_demap;
// Signals that are early indication that TLBWRITE or TLBWRITE(demap) will happen.
// Once these signals assert, the write to the TLB cannot be cancelled.
// These signals assert before the MMU reorders the TLB writes.
// Use these to suppress SSTEP in nas_pipe.
// Best case, these signals assert 1 cycle after the previous SSTEP.
assign asi_wr_itlb_demap = `SPC6.mmu.asi_wr_immu_demap;
assign asi_wr_itlb_data_in = `SPC6.mmu.asi_wr_itlb_data_in;
assign asi_wr_itlb_data_access = {`SPC6.mmu.asd1.asi_wr_itlb_data_access,
assign asi_wr_itlb = asi_wr_itlb_demap | asi_wr_itlb_data_in | asi_wr_itlb_data_access;
// Probes for debugging
// defines copied from :/libs/n2sram/tlbs/tlbs/n2_tlb_tl_64x59_cust_l/n2_tlb_tl_64x59_cust/rtl
`define CNTX1_HI 65
`define CNTX1_LO 53
`define PID_HI 52
`define PID_LO 50
`define REAL_BIT 49
`define VA_47 48
`define VA_28 29
`define VA_27 28
`define VA_22 23
`define TTE_VALID 22
`define VA_21 21
`define VA_16 16
`define VA_15 15
`define VA_13 13
`define CNTX0_HI 12
`define CNTX0_LO 0
`define DATA_PARITY 36
`define DATA_PA_39_28_HI 35
`define DATA_PA_39_28_LO 24
`define DATA_PA_27_22_HI 23
`define DATA_PA_27_22_LO 18
`define DATA_VA_27_22_V 17
`define DATA_PA_21_16_HI 16
`define DATA_PA_21_16_LO 11
`define DATA_VA_21_16_V 10
`define DATA_PA_15_13_HI 9
`define DATA_PA_15_13_LO 7
`define DATA_VA_15_13_V 6
`define DATA_NFO 5
`define DATA_IE 4
`define DATA_CP 3
`define DATA_X 2
`define DATA_P 1
`define DATA_W 0
wire [(NUM_TLB-1):0] tlb_valid;
wire [(NUM_TLB-1):0] tlb_match;
wire tte_valid;
wire [47:0] tte_va;
wire [12:0] tte_context;
wire tte_real;
wire [2:0] tte_pid;
wire [2:0] tte_page_mask;
wire [39:0] tte_pa;
wire tte_nfo;
wire tte_ie;
wire tte_cp;
wire tte_e;
wire tte_p;
wire tte_w;
wire tte_ep;
assign tlb_valid = `;
assign tlb_match = `;
assign tte_va = {`SPC6.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`VA_47:`VA_28],
assign tte_context = `SPC6.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`CNTX1_HI:`CNTX1_LO];
assign tte_pid = `SPC6.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`PID_HI:`PID_LO];
assign tte_real = `SPC6.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`REAL_BIT];
assign tte_valid = `SPC6.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`TTE_VALID];
assign tte_page_mask = `SPC6.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_page_size_mask_1;
assign tte_pa = {`SPC6.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_PA_39_28_HI:`DATA_PA_39_28_LO],
assign tte_nfo = `SPC6.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_NFO];
assign tte_ie = `SPC6.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_IE];
assign tte_cp = `SPC6.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_CP];
assign tte_e = `SPC6.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_X];
assign tte_p = `SPC6.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_P];
assign tte_w = `SPC6.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_W];
assign tte_ep = 1'b1; // not stored in array, but implied as 1
assign ready = `PARGS.tlb_sync_on & !`SPC6.tcu_spc_mbist_start;
initial begin // {
hwtw = 1'b0;
data_in_ready = 8'b0;
@ (posedge `SPC6.l2clk);
end // }
// Must use negedge to avoid race condition
// tlb_replacement_index (aka entry) is created in always block using blocking assignments
always @ (negedge (`SPC6.l2clk & ready)) begin // {
tstamp = `TOP.core_cycle_cnt;
demap_tstamp = `TOP.core_cycle_cnt;
// Delay by 1 cycle to align with skip_demap
demap_tid_1 <= demap_tid; // demap_tid is active when demap is asserted
demap_tnum_1 <= (mycid * 8) + demap_tid;
demap_1 <= demap;
// Signal to nas_pipe to suppress SSTEP
if (asi_wr_itlb!=8'b0) begin //
for (i=0;i<=7;i=i+1) begin // {
if (asi_wr_itlb[i]) begin //
`PR_INFO ("pli_nas", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_SSTEP tid=%d ts=%0d (tlb_sync: suppress sstep. sstep_sent=1)",
mycid,i,((mycid * 6'h8) + i[2:0]),tstamp);
`NASTOP.sstep_sent[(mycid * 8) + i] <= 1'b1; // suppress SSTEP
end // }
end // }
end // }
// Send I/DTLBWRITE due to demap
if ((demap!=0) && (demap_1!=0)) begin // {
`PR_ERROR ("tlb_sync", `ERROR,
"C%0d T%0d Illegal Back to Back ITLB demap",
end // }
if (demap_active) begin // {
fifo.pop_fifo ({hwtw,mytid});
if (`PARGS.nas_check_on && `PARGS.tlb_sync_on) begin // {
`PR_INFO ("pli_tlb", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_ITLBWRITE tid=%d ts=%0d entry=%h (demap)",
`PR_INFO ("pli_nas", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_SSTEP tid=%d ts=%0d (tlb_sync: send SSTEP)",
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_ITLBWRITE, demap_tnum_1,demap_tstamp,8'hff);
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_SSTEP, demap_tnum_1);
// Check to see if sstep was sent early
if (`NASTOP.sstep_sent[demap_tnum_1]==1) begin // {
`NASTOP.sstep_early[demap_tnum_1] <= 1'b1; // SSTEP was sent before nas_pipe capture
end //}
end //}
end //}
if (`PARGS.show_tlb_on & (|demap_1)) begin // {
$write ("SHOW_TLB: ITLB_DEMAP C%0d T%0d ",mycid,demap_tid_1);
if (demap_active) begin
case (demap_1)
4'b0001: $write ("type=real ");
4'b0010: $write ("type=cntx ");
4'b0100: $write ("type=page ");
4'b1000: $write ("type=all ");
`PR_ERROR ("tlb_sync", `ERROR,
"Bench Problem - demap_1(%b) should be one-hot.",demap_1);
else begin
$write("type=autodemap ");
$display ("match=%h ts=%0d",
for (cnt=0; cnt<=NUM_TLB; cnt=cnt+1) begin // {
if (tlb_match[cnt]==1'b1) begin // {
$display ("SHOW_TLB: ITLB_DEMAP C%0d T%0d entry=%h V=0 ts=%0d",
end // }
end // }
end // }
// Send I/DHWTW due to HWTW
// Send I/DTLBWRITE due to ASI write
// There are 3 main signals to watch for TLBWRITE (data_in, tlb_wr, wr_en)
// These signals will be interleaved between the threads.
// Need to queue up the signals over time so they can be processed in order.
// Each thread will only be doing 1 thing at a time.
if ((tlb_wr!=8'b0) || (data_in!=8'b0)) begin // {
for (i=0;i<=7;i=i+1) begin // {
if ((data_in[i])&&(tlb_wr[i])) begin // {
`PR_ERROR ("tlb_sync", `ERROR,
"Bad Inputs - iwr_data_in & iwr_tlb_wr should not be asserted at same time");
end // }
else begin // {
// data_in[tid] determines if the write is HWTW or TLBWRITE
if (data_in[i]) begin // {
data_in_ready[i] <= 1'b1;
end // }
// tlb_wr[tid] determines which thread will write next
// Use fifo to save the tids of the tlb_wr signals in order
if (tlb_wr[i]) begin // {
if (data_in_ready[i]) begin // {
fifo.push_fifo ({1'b1,i[2:0]}); // {hwtw,tid[2:0]}
data_in_ready[i] <= 1'b0;
end // }
else begin // {
fifo.push_fifo ({1'b0,i[2:0]}); // {!hwtw,tid[2:0]}
end // }
end // }
end // if}
end // for}
end // if}
// wr_en means that the write is occurring
if (wr_en) begin // {
fifo.pop_fifo ({hwtw,mytid});
mytnum = (mycid * 8) + mytid;
if (hwtw) begin // {
if (`PARGS.nas_check_on && `PARGS.tlb_sync_on) begin // {
`PR_INFO ("pli_tlb", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_IHWTW tid=%d ts=%0d va=%h entry=%h",
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_IHWTW, mytnum, tstamp,tte_va,entry);
end //}
end // }
else begin // {
if (`PARGS.nas_check_on && `PARGS.tlb_sync_on) begin // {
`PR_INFO ("pli_tlb", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_ITLBWRITE tid=%d ts=%0d entry=%h",
`PR_INFO ("pli_nas", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_SSTEP tid=%d ts=%0d (tlb_sync: send SSTEP)",
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_ITLBWRITE, mytnum,tstamp,entry);
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_SSTEP, mytnum);
// Check to see if sstep was sent early
if (`NASTOP.sstep_sent[mytnum]==1) begin // {
`NASTOP.sstep_early[mytnum] <= 1'b1; // SSTEP was sent before nas_pipe capture
end //}
end //}
end // }
if (`PARGS.show_tlb_on) begin // {
$write ("SHOW_TLB: ITLB_WRITE C%0d T%0d ",mycid,mytid);
if (tte_real==0) $write ("entry=%h V=%b VA=%h ",entry,tte_valid,tte_va);
else $write ("entry=%h V=%b RA=%h ",entry,tte_valid,tte_va);
case (tte_page_mask)
3'b000: $write("R=%b CNTX=%h PID=%h sz=8k ts=%0d",
3'b001: $write("R=%b CNTX=%h PID=%h sz=64k ts=%0d",
3'b011: $write("R=%b CNTX=%h PID=%h sz=4MB ts=%0d",
3'b111: $write("R=%b CNTX=%h PID=%h sz=256MB ts=%0d",
if (hwtw) $display (" (hwtw)");
else $display ("");
$write ("SHOW_TLB: ITLB_WRITE C%0d T%0d ",mycid,mytid);
$display (" PA=00%h P=%b IE=%b CP=%b NFO=%b E=%b EP=%b W=%b ts=%0d",
end // }
end // }
end // always}
`ifdef CORE_7
module itlb_wr_c7 ();
`ifndef GATESIM
`include "tlb_sync.vh"
`include "nas.vh"
parameter NUM_TLB=64;
wire [7:0] data_in;
wire [7:0] tlb_wr;
wire wr_en;
wire [7:0] entry;
wire [3:0] demap;
reg [3:0] demap_1;
wire demap_page;
wire demap_context;
wire demap_real;
wire demap_all;
wire skip_demap;
wire demap_active;
wire auto_demap;
wire [2:0] demap_tid;
reg [2:0] demap_tid_1;
reg [5:0] demap_tnum_1;
wire [7:0] asi_wr_itlb;
wire [7:0] asi_wr_itlb_demap;
wire [7:0] asi_wr_itlb_data_in;
wire [7:0] asi_wr_itlb_data_access;
reg [(`TS_WIDTH-1):0] tstamp;
reg [7:0] data_in_ready;
reg hwtw;
reg [(`TS_WIDTH-1):0] demap_tstamp;
reg [2:0] mytid;
reg [5:0] mytnum;
wire [2:0] mycid;
integer junk;
integer i;
reg [7:0] cnt;
wire ready;
assign mycid = 7;
// Instantiate fifo - 1 entry per thread
fifo fifo ();
// Define fifo parameters
defparam fifo.ENTRY_BITS = 4; // {hwtw,tid[2:0]}
defparam fifo.DEPTH = 9; // 1 extra entry for overflow detection
defparam fifo.PTR_BITS = 4;
// DUT probes
assign data_in = `SPC7.mmu.asi.htc_wr_itlb_data_in;
assign tlb_wr = `PROBES7.itlb_wr;
assign wr_en = `SPC7.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tlb_wr_1_in_dout;
assign entry = `SPC7.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.rw_index_1[5:0];
assign demap_page = `SPC7.ifu_ftu.ftu_itc_ctl.itc_demap_page;
assign demap_context = `SPC7.ifu_ftu.itc_demap_context;
assign demap_real = `SPC7.ifu_ftu.itc_demap_real;
assign demap_all = `SPC7.ifu_ftu.itc_demap_all;
assign demap = {demap_all,demap_page,demap_context,demap_real};
assign skip_demap = `SPC7.ifu_ftu.itc_wr_u_en;
assign demap_tid = `SPC7.ifu_ftu.ftu_itd_dp.tte1[37:35];
// if (|demap_1 && skip_demap ), then Implicit demap so don't send to NAS
assign demap_active = |demap_1 && !skip_demap;
assign auto_demap = |demap_1 && skip_demap;
// Signals that are early indication that TLBWRITE or TLBWRITE(demap) will happen.
// Once these signals assert, the write to the TLB cannot be cancelled.
// These signals assert before the MMU reorders the TLB writes.
// Use these to suppress SSTEP in nas_pipe.
// Best case, these signals assert 1 cycle after the previous SSTEP.
assign asi_wr_itlb_demap = `SPC7.mmu.asi_wr_immu_demap;
assign asi_wr_itlb_data_in = `SPC7.mmu.asi_wr_itlb_data_in;
assign asi_wr_itlb_data_access = {`SPC7.mmu.asd1.asi_wr_itlb_data_access,
assign asi_wr_itlb = asi_wr_itlb_demap | asi_wr_itlb_data_in | asi_wr_itlb_data_access;
// Probes for debugging
// defines copied from :/libs/n2sram/tlbs/tlbs/n2_tlb_tl_64x59_cust_l/n2_tlb_tl_64x59_cust/rtl
`define CNTX1_HI 65
`define CNTX1_LO 53
`define PID_HI 52
`define PID_LO 50
`define REAL_BIT 49
`define VA_47 48
`define VA_28 29
`define VA_27 28
`define VA_22 23
`define TTE_VALID 22
`define VA_21 21
`define VA_16 16
`define VA_15 15
`define VA_13 13
`define CNTX0_HI 12
`define CNTX0_LO 0
`define DATA_PARITY 36
`define DATA_PA_39_28_HI 35
`define DATA_PA_39_28_LO 24
`define DATA_PA_27_22_HI 23
`define DATA_PA_27_22_LO 18
`define DATA_VA_27_22_V 17
`define DATA_PA_21_16_HI 16
`define DATA_PA_21_16_LO 11
`define DATA_VA_21_16_V 10
`define DATA_PA_15_13_HI 9
`define DATA_PA_15_13_LO 7
`define DATA_VA_15_13_V 6
`define DATA_NFO 5
`define DATA_IE 4
`define DATA_CP 3
`define DATA_X 2
`define DATA_P 1
`define DATA_W 0
wire [(NUM_TLB-1):0] tlb_valid;
wire [(NUM_TLB-1):0] tlb_match;
wire tte_valid;
wire [47:0] tte_va;
wire [12:0] tte_context;
wire tte_real;
wire [2:0] tte_pid;
wire [2:0] tte_page_mask;
wire [39:0] tte_pa;
wire tte_nfo;
wire tte_ie;
wire tte_cp;
wire tte_e;
wire tte_p;
wire tte_w;
wire tte_ep;
assign tlb_valid = `;
assign tlb_match = `;
assign tte_va = {`SPC7.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`VA_47:`VA_28],
assign tte_context = `SPC7.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`CNTX1_HI:`CNTX1_LO];
assign tte_pid = `SPC7.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`PID_HI:`PID_LO];
assign tte_real = `SPC7.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`REAL_BIT];
assign tte_valid = `SPC7.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_tag_1_dout[`TTE_VALID];
assign tte_page_mask = `SPC7.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_page_size_mask_1;
assign tte_pa = {`SPC7.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_PA_39_28_HI:`DATA_PA_39_28_LO],
assign tte_nfo = `SPC7.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_NFO];
assign tte_ie = `SPC7.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_IE];
assign tte_cp = `SPC7.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_CP];
assign tte_e = `SPC7.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_X];
assign tte_p = `SPC7.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_P];
assign tte_w = `SPC7.ifu_ftu.ftu_itb_cust.tte_data_1[`DATA_W];
assign tte_ep = 1'b1; // not stored in array, but implied as 1
assign ready = `PARGS.tlb_sync_on & !`SPC7.tcu_spc_mbist_start;
initial begin // {
hwtw = 1'b0;
data_in_ready = 8'b0;
@ (posedge `SPC7.l2clk);
end // }
// Must use negedge to avoid race condition
// tlb_replacement_index (aka entry) is created in always block using blocking assignments
always @ (negedge (`SPC7.l2clk & ready)) begin // {
tstamp = `TOP.core_cycle_cnt;
demap_tstamp = `TOP.core_cycle_cnt;
// Delay by 1 cycle to align with skip_demap
demap_tid_1 <= demap_tid; // demap_tid is active when demap is asserted
demap_tnum_1 <= (mycid * 8) + demap_tid;
demap_1 <= demap;
// Signal to nas_pipe to suppress SSTEP
if (asi_wr_itlb!=8'b0) begin //
for (i=0;i<=7;i=i+1) begin // {
if (asi_wr_itlb[i]) begin //
`PR_INFO ("pli_nas", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_SSTEP tid=%d ts=%0d (tlb_sync: suppress sstep. sstep_sent=1)",
mycid,i,((mycid * 6'h8) + i[2:0]),tstamp);
`NASTOP.sstep_sent[(mycid * 8) + i] <= 1'b1; // suppress SSTEP
end // }
end // }
end // }
// Send I/DTLBWRITE due to demap
if ((demap!=0) && (demap_1!=0)) begin // {
`PR_ERROR ("tlb_sync", `ERROR,
"C%0d T%0d Illegal Back to Back ITLB demap",
end // }
if (demap_active) begin // {
fifo.pop_fifo ({hwtw,mytid});
if (`PARGS.nas_check_on && `PARGS.tlb_sync_on) begin // {
`PR_INFO ("pli_tlb", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_ITLBWRITE tid=%d ts=%0d entry=%h (demap)",
`PR_INFO ("pli_nas", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_SSTEP tid=%d ts=%0d (tlb_sync: send SSTEP)",
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_ITLBWRITE, demap_tnum_1,demap_tstamp,8'hff);
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_SSTEP, demap_tnum_1);
// Check to see if sstep was sent early
if (`NASTOP.sstep_sent[demap_tnum_1]==1) begin // {
`NASTOP.sstep_early[demap_tnum_1] <= 1'b1; // SSTEP was sent before nas_pipe capture
end //}
end //}
end //}
if (`PARGS.show_tlb_on & (|demap_1)) begin // {
$write ("SHOW_TLB: ITLB_DEMAP C%0d T%0d ",mycid,demap_tid_1);
if (demap_active) begin
case (demap_1)
4'b0001: $write ("type=real ");
4'b0010: $write ("type=cntx ");
4'b0100: $write ("type=page ");
4'b1000: $write ("type=all ");
`PR_ERROR ("tlb_sync", `ERROR,
"Bench Problem - demap_1(%b) should be one-hot.",demap_1);
else begin
$write("type=autodemap ");
$display ("match=%h ts=%0d",
for (cnt=0; cnt<=NUM_TLB; cnt=cnt+1) begin // {
if (tlb_match[cnt]==1'b1) begin // {
$display ("SHOW_TLB: ITLB_DEMAP C%0d T%0d entry=%h V=0 ts=%0d",
end // }
end // }
end // }
// Send I/DHWTW due to HWTW
// Send I/DTLBWRITE due to ASI write
// There are 3 main signals to watch for TLBWRITE (data_in, tlb_wr, wr_en)
// These signals will be interleaved between the threads.
// Need to queue up the signals over time so they can be processed in order.
// Each thread will only be doing 1 thing at a time.
if ((tlb_wr!=8'b0) || (data_in!=8'b0)) begin // {
for (i=0;i<=7;i=i+1) begin // {
if ((data_in[i])&&(tlb_wr[i])) begin // {
`PR_ERROR ("tlb_sync", `ERROR,
"Bad Inputs - iwr_data_in & iwr_tlb_wr should not be asserted at same time");
end // }
else begin // {
// data_in[tid] determines if the write is HWTW or TLBWRITE
if (data_in[i]) begin // {
data_in_ready[i] <= 1'b1;
end // }
// tlb_wr[tid] determines which thread will write next
// Use fifo to save the tids of the tlb_wr signals in order
if (tlb_wr[i]) begin // {
if (data_in_ready[i]) begin // {
fifo.push_fifo ({1'b1,i[2:0]}); // {hwtw,tid[2:0]}
data_in_ready[i] <= 1'b0;
end // }
else begin // {
fifo.push_fifo ({1'b0,i[2:0]}); // {!hwtw,tid[2:0]}
end // }
end // }
end // if}
end // for}
end // if}
// wr_en means that the write is occurring
if (wr_en) begin // {
fifo.pop_fifo ({hwtw,mytid});
mytnum = (mycid * 8) + mytid;
if (hwtw) begin // {
if (`PARGS.nas_check_on && `PARGS.tlb_sync_on) begin // {
`PR_INFO ("pli_tlb", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_IHWTW tid=%d ts=%0d va=%h entry=%h",
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_IHWTW, mytnum, tstamp,tte_va,entry);
end //}
end // }
else begin // {
if (`PARGS.nas_check_on && `PARGS.tlb_sync_on) begin // {
`PR_INFO ("pli_tlb", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_ITLBWRITE tid=%d ts=%0d entry=%h",
`PR_INFO ("pli_nas", `INFO, " C%0d T%0d PLI_SSTEP tid=%d ts=%0d (tlb_sync: send SSTEP)",
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_ITLBWRITE, mytnum,tstamp,entry);
junk = $sim_send(`PLI_SSTEP, mytnum);
// Check to see if sstep was sent early
if (`NASTOP.sstep_sent[mytnum]==1) begin // {
`NASTOP.sstep_early[mytnum] <= 1'b1; // SSTEP was sent before nas_pipe capture
end //}
end //}
end // }
if (`PARGS.show_tlb_on) begin // {
$write ("SHOW_TLB: ITLB_WRITE C%0d T%0d ",mycid,mytid);
if (tte_real==0) $write ("entry=%h V=%b VA=%h ",entry,tte_valid,tte_va);
else $write ("entry=%h V=%b RA=%h ",entry,tte_valid,tte_va);
case (tte_page_mask)
3'b000: $write("R=%b CNTX=%h PID=%h sz=8k ts=%0d",
3'b001: $write("R=%b CNTX=%h PID=%h sz=64k ts=%0d",
3'b011: $write("R=%b CNTX=%h PID=%h sz=4MB ts=%0d",
3'b111: $write("R=%b CNTX=%h PID=%h sz=256MB ts=%0d",
if (hwtw) $display (" (hwtw)");
else $display ("");
$write ("SHOW_TLB: ITLB_WRITE C%0d T%0d ",mycid,mytid);
$display (" PA=00%h P=%b IE=%b CP=%b NFO=%b E=%b EP=%b W=%b ts=%0d",
end // }
end // }
end // always}