Added basic CPU and heap profiling to Chapter 1 "Breeding Numbers" program.
[surreal-numbers] / notes / config.tex
% Packages to include, options to set
\usepackage[top=3.3cm, bottom=2.8cm, left=2.8cm, right=2.8cm]{geometry} % for when I feel a burning need to change the margins
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\usepackage{graphicx} % to allow \includegraphics
\usepackage[margin=10pt,labelfont=bf,labelsep=period]{caption} % to match the thrice damned chem department document standards. why do they hate me so much?
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsthm} % for math stuff
\usepackage{setspace} % easily set spacing of entire document
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % customize the header/footer
\fancyhead[LO]{\bfseries Aaron Taylor - Surreal Numbers}
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\usepackage{indentfirst} %indent the first paragraph after a \section (or \subsection), contrary to standard LaTeX behaviour
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% My commands
\newcommand{\surreal}[2]{\ensuremath{\left\langle #1 \vert #2 \right\rangle}}
\newcommand{\horzline}[1][350]{\begin{center} \line(1,0){#1} \end{center}}
\begin{large} \textbf{Personal Notes Regarding Surreal Numbers} \end{large} \\[1em]
Aaron Taylor \\[1em]
\newcommand*{\norm}[1]{\ensuremath{\left\lVert#1 \right\rVert}}
\blindtext % replace blindtext with text of abstract