BSD 4_3_Tahoe development
[unix-history] / usr / man / cat1 / neqn.0
EQN(1) UNIX Programmer's Manual EQN(1)
eqn, neqn, checkeq - typeset mathematics
e\beq\bqn\bn [ -\b-d\bdxy ] [ -\b-p\bpn ] [ -\b-s\bsn ] [ -\b-f\bfn ] [ file ] ...
c\bch\bhe\bec\bck\bke\beq\bq [ file ] ...
_\bE_\bq_\bn is a troff(1) preprocessor for typesetting mathematics
on a Graphic Systems phototypesetter, _\bn_\be_\bq_\bn on terminals.
Usage is almost always
eqn file ... | troff
neqn file ... | nroff
If no files are specified, these programs reads from the
standard input. A line beginning with `.EQ' marks the start
of an equation; the end of an equation is marked by a line
beginning with `.EN'. Neither of these lines is altered, so
they may be defined in macro packages to get centering,
numbering, etc. It is also possible to set two characters
as `delimiters'; subsequent text between delimiters is also
treated as _\be_\bq_\bn input. Delimiters may be set to characters _\bx
and _\by with the command-line argument -\b-d\bd_\bx_\by or (more commonly)
with `delim _\bx_\by' between .EQ and .EN. The left and right
delimiters may be identical. Delimiters are turned off by
`delim off'. All text that is neither between delimiters
nor between .EQ and .EN is passed through untouched.
The program _\bc_\bh_\be_\bc_\bk_\be_\bq reports missing or unbalanced delimiters
and .EQ/.EN pairs.
Tokens within _\be_\bq_\bn are separated by spaces, tabs, newlines,
braces, double quotes, tildes or circumflexes. Braces {}
are used for grouping; generally speaking, anywhere a single
character like _\bx could appear, a complicated construction
enclosed in braces may be used instead. Tilde ~ represents
a full space in the output, circumflex ^ half as much.
Subscripts and superscripts are produced with the keywords
s\bsu\bub\bb and s\bsu\bup\bp.\b. Thus _\bx _\bs_\bu_\bb _\bi makes _\bx_\bi, _\ba _\bs_\bu_\bb _\bi _\bs_\bu_\bp _\b2 produces
, and _\be _\bs_\bu_\bp {_\bx _\bs_\bu_\bp _\b2 + _\by _\bs_\bu_\bp _\b2} gives _\be
Fractions are made with o\bov\bve\ber\br: _\ba _\bo_\bv_\be_\br _\bb yields
s\bsq\bqr\brt\bt makes square roots: _\b1 _\bo_\bv_\be_\br _\bs_\bq_\br_\bt {_\ba_\bx _\bs_\bu_\bp _\b2 +_\bb_\bx+_\bc}
results in
1\b\b\b\b\b_________ .
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EQN(1) UNIX Programmer's Manual EQN(1)
The keywords f\bfr\bro\bom\bm and t\bto\bo introduce lower and upper limits on
arbitrary things:
_\bx_\bi is made with _\bl_\bi_\bm _\bf_\br_\bo_\bm {_\bn-> _\bi_\bn_\bf }
_\bs_\bu_\bm _\bf_\br_\bo_\bm _\b0 _\bt_\bo _\bn _\bx _\bs_\bu_\bb _\bi.
Left and right brackets, braces, etc., of the right height
are made with l\ble\bef\bft\bt and r\bri\big\bgh\bht\bt:\b: _\bl_\be_\bf_\bt [ _\bx _\bs_\bu_\bp _\b2 + _\by _\bs_\bu_\bp _\b2 _\bo_\bv_\be_\br
_\ba_\bl_\bp_\bh_\ba _\br_\bi_\bg_\bh_\bt ] ~=~_\b1 produces
= 1. The r\bri\big\bgh\bht\bt clause
is optional. Legal characters after l\ble\bef\bft\bt and r\bri\big\bgh\bht\bt are
braces, brackets, bars, c\bc and f\bf for ceiling and floor, and
"" for nothing at all (useful for a right-side-only
Vertical piles of things are made with p\bpi\bil\ble\be, l\blp\bpi\bil\ble\be, c\bcp\bpi\bil\ble\be,
and r\brp\bpi\bil\ble\be: _\bp_\bi_\bl_\be {_\ba _\ba_\bb_\bo_\bv_\be _\bb _\ba_\bb_\bo_\bv_\be _\bc} produces
. There can
be an arbitrary number of elements in a pile. l\blp\bpi\bil\ble\be left-
justifies, p\bpi\bil\ble\be and c\bcp\bpi\bil\ble\be center, with different vertical
spacing, and r\brp\bpi\bil\ble\be right justifies.
Matrices are made with m\bma\bat\btr\bri\bix\bx: _\bm_\ba_\bt_\br_\bi_\bx { _\bl_\bc_\bo_\bl { _\bx _\bs_\bu_\bb _\bi _\ba_\bb_\bo_\bv_\be
_\by _\bs_\bu_\bb _\b2 } _\bc_\bc_\bo_\bl { _\b1 _\ba_\bb_\bo_\bv_\be _\b2 } } produces
. In addition,
there is r\brc\bco\bol\bl for a right-justified column.
Diacritical marks are made with d\bdo\bot\bt, d\bdo\bot\btd\bdo\bot\bt, h\bha\bat\bt, t\bti\bil\bld\bde\be,
b\bba\bar\br, v\bve\bec\bc, d\bdy\bya\bad\bd, and u\bun\bnd\bde\ber\br: _\bx _\bd_\bo_\bt = _\bf(_\bt) _\bb_\ba_\br is _\bx\b.=_\bf(_\bt)\b\b\b\b~~~~, _\by
_\bd_\bo_\bt_\bd_\bo_\bt _\bb_\ba_\br ~=~ _\bn _\bu_\bn_\bd_\be_\br is _\by\b..\b\b~ = _\bn\b_, and _\bx _\bv_\be_\bc ~=~ _\by _\bd_\by_\ba_\bd is
_\bx\b->= _\by\b<-\b\b->\b.
Sizes and font can be changed with s\bsi\biz\bze\be _\bn or s\bsi\biz\bze\be +\b+\b\b\b_\b__\bn, r\bro\bom\bma\ban\bn,
i\bit\bta\bal\bli\bic\bc, b\bbo\bol\bld\bd, and f\bfo\bon\bnt\bt _\bn. Size and fonts can be changed glo-
bally in a document by g\bgs\bsi\biz\bze\be _\bn and g\bgf\bfo\bon\bnt\bt _\bn, or by the
command-line arguments -\b-s\bs_\bn and -\b-f\bf_\bn.
Normally subscripts and superscripts are reduced by 3 point
sizes from the previous size; this may be changed by the
command-line argument -\b-p\bp_\bn.
Successive display arguments can be lined up. Place m\bma\bar\brk\bk
before the desired lineup point in the first equation; place
l\bli\bin\bne\beu\bup\bp at the place that is to line up vertically in subse-
quent equations.
Shorthands may be defined or existing keywords redefined
with d\bde\bef\bfi\bin\bne\be: _\bd_\be_\bf_\bi_\bn_\be _\bt_\bh_\bi_\bn_\bg % _\br_\be_\bp_\bl_\ba_\bc_\be_\bm_\be_\bn_\bt % defines a new
token called _\bt_\bh_\bi_\bn_\bg which will be replaced by _\br_\be_\bp_\bl_\ba_\bc_\be_\bm_\be_\bn_\bt
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EQN(1) UNIX Programmer's Manual EQN(1)
whenever it appears thereafter. The % may be any character
that does not occur in _\br_\be_\bp_\bl_\ba_\bc_\be_\bm_\be_\bn_\bt.
Keywords like _\bs_\bu_\bm (_\b>\b_\b~) _\bi_\bn_\bt () _\bi_\bn_\bf (oo) and shorthands like >=
(>\b_) -> (->), and != (=\b/) are recognized. Greek letters are
spelled out in the desired case, as in _\ba_\bl_\bp_\bh_\ba or _\bG_\bA_\bM_\bM_\bA.
Mathematical words like sin, cos, log are made Roman
automatically. _\bT_\br_\bo_\bf_\bf(1) four-character escapes like \(bs ()
can be used anywhere. Strings enclosed in double quotes
"..." are passed through untouched; this permits keywords to
be entered as text, and can be used to communicate with
_\bt_\br_\bo_\bf_\bf when all else fails.
S\bSE\bEE\bE A\bAL\bLS\bSO\bO
troff(1), tbl(1), ms(7), eqnchar(7)
B. W. Kernighan and L. L. Cherry, _\bT_\by_\bp_\be_\bs_\be_\bt_\bt_\bi_\bn_\bg _\bM_\ba_\bt_\bh_\be_\bm_\ba_\bt_\bi_\bc_\bs-
_\bU_\bs_\be_\br'_\bs _\bG_\bu_\bi_\bd_\be
J. F. Ossanna, _\bN_\bR_\bO_\bF_\bF/_\bT_\bR_\bO_\bF_\bF _\bU_\bs_\be_\br'_\bs _\bM_\ba_\bn_\bu_\ba_\bl
To embolden digits, parens, etc., it is necessary to quote
them, as in `bold "12.3"'.
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